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[Locked] No perpetual licenses are you serious?

Explorer ,
May 06, 2013 May 06, 2013

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I just head that Adobe was planning to abandon its perpetual license in favor of an on line only rental program. At first I thought that this must be a joke. I have been using adobe products for 18 years. Primarily Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. I am currently an owner of CS 6 Master collection and obviously do upgrade my products and have consistently done so over the years. I am not connected to the internet full time and in fact my work computer is never directly connected to the internet. So how does this work? Is adobe now forcing me to connect to the internet - it seems that this is the case.

In regards to upgrade cycles, I dont want to rent my software and be tied to a rental agreement. I want to upgrade when I choose, not rent my software like some kind of loaner program!

I want to purchase the software then not worry about it. For instance when I travel, I dont want to be bogged down with downloads and upgrades chewing up my bandwidth. I have traveled to many places where internet access is very limited. Downloading from a wireless card in China is painful, I dont want to be bogged down with no software or large megabyte downloads costing me a fortune on the other side of the planet.

Adobe I know that I am just one person and you will probably not listen to me but did someone ask? No one asked me about this. How simple could this be - I want to buy the software then use it when I want where I want, is this too much to ask?

Please let me continue to use this software in the way that I have used it for so long. If others wish to have the creative cloud then great! More power to them, don't alienate your other users. Please provide both alternatives.

Best regards - Matt

Creative Cloud




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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I don't like the fact that you'd be infinitely paying for it whereas before you'd pay the price and get to keep using it. It's very hard to justify the price for ALL the tools monthly, especially when most users probably use no more than 5 applications.

And of course, the college student argument that it's nearly impossible to justify such a high month-to-month infinite cost starting out.

I got my Design Premium Suite for $320. If I had been subscribed at $30 a month, I'd have payed $540, which means I would have lost the subscription months ago.




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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I had tears streaming down my face when I watched this. - Very creative! Hitlers reaction to Creative Cloud http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=67Iw9q2X9cU




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Participant ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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Hilarious!  Near genius. Thanks!




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Participant ,
May 10, 2013 May 10, 2013

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"Wouldn't Photoshop Elements be a better solution? $50 bucks or so and it yours."

Photoshop Elements is for beginners who like doing scrapbooks and is not very powerful.  I have used Photoshop professionally and personally for years since Version 3 (not CS3) and will not go back to an amateur program like Elements when I'm used to power tools that get the job done especially with Premiere Pro and Photoshop.

I began purchasing Adobe products in 2000 and my first purchase of Photoshop was at Version 7.  On the job, I've worked with PS and other software since the 1990's.  Why would I want to go backwards to Elements?  Fortunately all my Adobe software is at CS6 and I will stay with it until it no longer works.  I also use Premiere Pro, Encore, Dreamweaver, Audition, Acrobat, Illustrator, and InDesign.  Elements doesn't cover many of these.




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Participant ,
May 11, 2013 May 11, 2013

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Depends on what you are using Photoshop for.  Elements has a lot of functions the same as Photoshop for photo enhancement, e.g. layers, levels, modified curves.  There are plugins avaiable to get Elements closer to Photoshop for fixing your photos.




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Participant ,
May 11, 2013 May 11, 2013

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I use Photoshop mostly with Premiere Pro and the latter I am more proficient with for editing videos.  Elements would be a giant step backwards for both programs.  If when the time comes that my CS6 programs are no longer useful, I will switch to another program that Adobe doesn't own.  It won't be Elements.  Why would I want plugins for Elements to get it to do what PS CS6 can already do and more.  Not a viable option for professional work.




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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Go to the Facebook and click "Like" to join the list of people against the the mandatory "Creative Cloud" subscription model.


The go sign the petition:


Go to the Facebook and click "Like" to join the list of people against the the mandatory "Creative Cloud" subscription model.


The go sign the petition:


Development of Adobe Creative Suite 7, and all plans of future creative suites have been discontinued. The only option going forward will be the Creative Cloud (CC) subscription model.

You should support this petition because Adobe is making their already expensive products even more expensive in the long run. Adobe is robbing small business, freelancers, and the average consumer. They do not seem to understand that every company is a not multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporation that has an infinite amount of resources.

In the end it comes down to this: all of Adobe's consumers will not be able to make such a large payment every month on the CC subscription model. In the short term, the subscription model looks to be okay, but over time the only entity that is benefiting from this is Adobe. The (no longer) current model: paying a one time fee for infinite access is a much better business model and is better for the consumer.

Let's make a difference and stand up to Adobe and let them know our stance. We want our voices heard.

For more information:






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Engaged ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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Yes Yes Yes

It is absolut BS what they have done - a Money makers experiment.

I hope their stock price will fall rapidly!

Don´t subscribe - sign the petitions!

Keep CS6 alive as lon as possible!




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Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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I'm not a fan of the policy change either..    and..  lets be realistic about what affect we can have on the policy here.

Economics..   Supply and Demand...   

Adobe has too many customers to support effectively and with good reputation..  and one way to manage the supply balance is to cause a decrease in demand.   

So, people leaving may be exactly what they want.   It might be a solution to their problem.

Additionally, so far, the anti-Forced-Creative-Cloud movement has been pretty luke warm in comparison the total number of customers. 

Furthermore, the stock price may be on a slight decline over the last few days, howver, it's also on a multi-month trend of increasing value that, even with the slight decline over the past few days, isn't broken.   It's still right on that trend. 

I'm not a fan of it, however, the 'public outcry' has, so far, been a mouse squeak in the scheme of things.  If you really want to protest..    start making things that get the word out..    like..   catchy limericks, anti-adobe CC songs and pictures.  Write blog posts about it often.   Get featured on mashable.     Post on Reddit.     Generate a new Adobe viral meme.       

If that's too much work..    the movement will not succed.  Lets be realistic.




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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If you think the anti-CC movement is luke warm then you have not put your feet in that water.

Supply & Demand? Its software... That means limitless downloads. Keyword: limitless




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Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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Downloads Limitless, yes.   Support resources limitless, no. 

I /have/ put my feet in the water.   Almost all of my posts on these forums are related to this particular issue.    I've viewed countless external websites also. 

Luke warm.

Course, instead of killing the messenger, you could do something in the 'if you really want to protest' section of the above post.   That would be more productive.




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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Mr Luke Warm... Here's a clue... The pool is bigger then Adobe forums. All the AIGA meetings I've been to consisted of very angry words directed at this very subject. Many are still just hearing about it. There's a petition online, Facebook is heating up and yes websites are already talking alternatives. I've had many one on one discussions with others in the industry that are just plain fed up but what you don't understand is that not everyone spends their time in the forums. Forums are usually frequented by beginners. The only reason I'm on adding to this forum is because I saw the discussion in a web search.




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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Mr Gepkes, I would have to agree with you. I went to tech crunches site and looked at the comments on their coverage of the MAX announcement and it was overwhelmingly outraged, literally 100's of comments.




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Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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Ok, if you're talking about it within your groups, here's something important.  Be less insular.   Talking amongst yourselves and the like minded is far less effective at getting results.    A random petition is not enough..    Comments on a board.    Not enough.   We're creative people here.    Lets do something new and creative.




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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I would not consider going to an AIGA event in a big city "my group" but rather a smattering of ages, talent levels, specialties from different arenas. My group consists of long time professionals who don't spend all their time on forums looking for support. Their talent goes beyond what Adobe has to offer and rather then wasting time with another Adobe snafu would just prefer to hand code or pass their design off in a standard PDf format in what ever program and not worry so much about compatibility.




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Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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There's an ad on the AIGA website that is advertising Creative Cloud..     Might be worth looking into that.




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Explorer ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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The AIGA website will run any ad for money as its memebers don't vote on what ads to run and not to run. Many times organizations will have a running annual retainer for running ads. It makes sense that Adobe would run an ad relationship with AIGA but I wouldnt expect its office members to vote on wether or not they agree on an ad from Adobe unless it contained insensative content.

Many times you could also be viewing a Smart Ad wich only you see because the Adobe website dropped a smart cookie on your browser.




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Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2013 May 09, 2013

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For those  earlier in the thread asking 'why don't hobbyists just use Elements?' (paraphrased) -  just because a person doesn't make their living doing photography/design/whatever, doesn't mean they're not producing high-level work. Perhaps they need the features offered by Photoshop or other full-featured programs, and the cut-down versions simply don't do the job. 'Hobbyist' doesn't necessarily equate to 'low skill level'.

I also disagree with this decision by Adobe. I see the advantages of the cloud for many, but we should have a choice.




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Contributor ,
May 09, 2013 May 09, 2013

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Nearly 3000 people have signed one change dot org petition against the elimination of the perpetural licence in just a couple of days! Pretty clear  many, many users are extreamly unhappy about having no choice but to pay Adobe now and forever to open files. The perpetual license model must be reinstated.




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Explorer ,
May 09, 2013 May 09, 2013

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Since several years I use Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator.

I readed several book about the programms.

And I was a really Fan of Adobe and it products.

But now, I cannot follow Adobe.

I really don't want to pay  monthly taxes to use the programs.

If Adobe has success with this marketing-strategy, in some time you have to pay monthly for using operation-system, office-program ans so on.

I hope, that adobe will strike outh with the new business-model and go back to the old model.





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Engaged ,
May 09, 2013 May 09, 2013

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Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2013 May 09, 2013

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It 's hard to say based on just a few days..  but maybe..   just maybe the outcry is having an effect on the stock price.   http://www.google.com/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=136....

I can picture that hitler video re-texted saying something like, "Muin Furor, our worst fears have been realized, the people affected by the forced change to Creative Cloud are selling their stock and the drop in price caused a chain reaction that forced Wall Street to take notice.  Not only is this bad for us, but it's bad for the renting software business model as a whole."   Then Hitler goes on a tirade about how companies shouldn't have to fear their customer's reaction and in the quiet moment at the end, he whispers 'abort'.   Course, that all depends on continued reaction.




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Community Beginner ,
May 08, 2013 May 08, 2013

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What will happen when we want to re-install the software (CS5 or CS6) that we own onto our own computers? Will we still have access to the upgrade service which kept our current versions up to date with patches?

Shame on you Adobe for taking this stance. It's very agressive and is a huge let down to those who have legally used your product for years. We all upgrade when we can afford to.




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Explorer ,
May 14, 2013 May 14, 2013

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May 14, 2013 May 14, 2013

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Interesting survey, Shawn4G.  C/Net must be smelling blood in the water.

At the end, where the independent survey company asked if there were questions they should have asked, I suggested two:

1.  Do you believe Adobe is a virtual, if not real, monopoly?

2.  Do you trust or believe anything Adobe says?




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