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Not able to activate Lightroom and Photoshop - Photo Subscription

Community Beginner ,
Jul 25, 2018 Jul 25, 2018

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Since the last update, my both products (Lightroom Classic and Photoshop) are not longer activated, In my Adobe account I can see, that not one installation is activated anymore.

I'm logged in with my Adobe user.

I already followed all the fancy descriptions:

- Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Creative Cloud-Applikationen aktivieren und deaktivieren.

- Finden Sie Lösungen zu Verbindungsfehlern bei Adobe Creative Cloud- und Creative Suite-Anwendungen

- Fehlerbehebung, wenn die Creative Cloud-App nach einer Seriennummer fragt

I've also uninstalled all Creative Cloud software and reinstalled it. But I'm still not able to activate it.

I've also seen a lot of other people with problem like that. Most of them end up with a reinstall of the OS. This is not an option! I don't pay money each month, to just spend hours to reinstall everything, only because some people do something wrong. Could not be so hard work, to get a working activation system in place (otherwise the current system is to complex, and Adobe should think about a replacement).

Kind regards,


Creative Cloud






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Jul 26, 2018 Jul 26, 2018

Jeff, last night I contacted the Customer Care. The support guy fixed the problem during a screen sharing session.

But as mentioned, there was no connection problem, between my computer and Adobe!

From todays perspective it looked like, that the update on 6th June corrupted somehow my Adobe installation.

Now the solution was to really uninstall everything of Adobe Creative Cloud, and reinstall everything from scratch.

Following this description to uninstall:

Beheben von Installationsproblemen mit dem Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool




Adobe Employee ,
Jul 25, 2018 Jul 25, 2018

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Michael, I am showing a steady stream of activation requests until June 6, 2018.  There was a final request sent on June 19, 2018, but no requests have been received by our servers since then.

I would recommend looking at any changes that may have been implemented to the computer on either of those dates.  You can also find details on how to resolve connection errors at Resolve connection errors with Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite applications .





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 25, 2018 Jul 25, 2018

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Hi Jeff,

I followed all steps, described on the connection error page. Still no change.

Also I've looked into system console to check, if there was a significant change in the time period.

First can you provide the exact time, when the steady stream ended on 6. of June? My log shows a lot of errors at 7:31 (my time), and I am sure, at that time, nobody was at my computer. But after these errors, everything went back to "normal".

At 13:11, the same errors again, but back again to normal.

At 17:41, more error messages, failing CREATE TABLE statement, and finishing with a "Failed to close opm database with sqliteCloseStatus as 21", but again it looks like everything is fine after some more errors.

At 21.31, it looks like I've triggered an update. In the beginning it looks ok, but after a while "Unable to fetch enigma data" followed by "Product not running under subscription"

Between 6. and 19. the log contains more errors, but still some messages, everything right.

The only new software, which was installed on 9. of June was Epic Fortnite (within an other account).

On the 19. of June I've installed an other update, and tried to fix Adobe Activation, with the uninstall of Adobe Desktop. I've performed the Cloud Cleaner on 20. of June, Limited Access Repair on 2. of July (and today again).

The log messages in PDApp look still the same as before the 6.

Only change was "CreativeCloud_v4_5" now it is "CreativeCloud_v4_6"

So still no change.

Kind regards,






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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 25, 2018 Jul 25, 2018

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Michael, I can confirm that the computer has still not been successful in sending an activation request.

I would recommend you start taking more drastic actions to resolve the connection error.  Utilize an alternate Internet connection and temporarily disable any installed security or firewall software.  If there are any applications installed on the computer, that you are not personally familiar with, then I would recommend you remove them.

The connection error will likely prevent a successful chat session being created at Contact Customer Care if you need direct assistance, Michael.  I would recommend using a different computer or mobile device if you need assistance with resolving the connection failure on the current computer.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 26, 2018 Jul 26, 2018

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Jeff, last night I contacted the Customer Care. The support guy fixed the problem during a screen sharing session.

But as mentioned, there was no connection problem, between my computer and Adobe!

From todays perspective it looked like, that the update on 6th June corrupted somehow my Adobe installation.

Now the solution was to really uninstall everything of Adobe Creative Cloud, and reinstall everything from scratch.

Following this description to uninstall:

Beheben von Installationsproblemen mit dem Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool

Then all running Adobe processes were killed.

After that the supporter deleted folders AAMUpdated, AAMUpdaterInventory and OOBE under "/library/Application Support/Adobe".  AAMUpdated and OOBE under "~/library/Application Support/Adobe".

Next step was to install Photoshop and Lightroom via Download Creative Cloud apps site. This was the main difference to my previous test. I installed everything via the Adobe Application Manager.

Then finally the apps were activated again. So many thanks to the Adobe Customer Care!

Kind regards,






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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 30, 2018 Jul 30, 2018

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Thanks for the update, Michael.  I am now showing that you have had several successful activation requests since July 25, 2018.  I am glad the errors you were facing are now sorted and you are able to take advantage of your Creative Cloud membership.





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Sep 13, 2022 Sep 13, 2022

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hope you can help me too as i have NO ACCESS to my paid account at all ! and it gets paid monthly so annoyed i will cancel it this week if it is not sorted 





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 13, 2022 Sep 13, 2022

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Savage, I am very sorry, but this public forum discussion is from 2018.  If the solutions discussed do not resolve your current difficulties in 2022, then please begin a new post with the specific error you are encountering and what you have done to resolve it in the Download and Install forum at https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install/ct-p/ct-download-and-install?page=1&sort=latest_repl...


Alternatively, you are welcome to contact our support team at https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen  If the chat window does not automatically open up, then please use a different device to contact us.





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