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Possible to Download CC App on One PC and Install on Another?

New Here ,
Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2013

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I think I know the answer to this and it isn't want I want to hear.

I live in a Typhoon Haiyan affected area. I still do not have a reliable internet connection. Its almost useless. What I need to do is download to a USB drive and then install on my PC once I'm back home. I can almost always connect, the problem is I can't download. I'm getting speeds of 0.05 most of the time.

Right now its good, but I am not counting on it staying good until I have DSL back and even then its probably going to be iffy for a while longer. Right now I'm using a Wireless connection and their "Unlimited Internet" is limited to 1Gb a day or 3Gb a month then they slow me down again. Great huh?

Creative Cloud






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2013

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RustyF if you do not have reliable high speed Internet access then we would recommend you utilize Creative Suite 6.  You can purchase or upgrade to CS6 at http://www.adobe.com/products/catalog/cs6._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_catalog_sl_software_sl_creativesui....

If you do want to proceed with a Creative Cloud membership then I would recommend moving the computer to a location with a stable high speed access to download and install the software.  It is likely many of the updates could then be fetched without difficulties under less stable conditions.

As an alternative you can download the installation files by following the directions listed at http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cc-direct-download-links.html.  Please make sure to complete the Very Important Instructions section prior to clicking on the download.  This will also only get you the base installers.  You will still need to download the remaining updates on the installed computer.  This is why I would recommend the first option if you wish to proceed with a Creative Cloud Membership without having stable high speed Internet access.

Finally you can find more information on this topic in our Creative Cloud FAQ at http://www.adobe.com/products/creativecloud/faq.html.





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