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Tengo un sistema 10.12.6 MAC OS Sierra de Mac y quiero instalar versiones anteriores

New Here ,
Mar 15, 2023 Mar 15, 2023

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Hola a todos, tengo un iMac que no admite actualizaciones superiores a 10.12.6 Sierra del Mac Os, y he contratado en Adobe Creative Cloud.
En ayuda me comentan que pida aqui consejos para instalar versiones anteriores que sean compatibles con mi version del Mac OS
Las que suelo usar son Photosho, Ilustrator, Indesign y Acrobat PRO.

Podriais ayudarme?
Muchas gracias de antemano.


Hi everyone, I have an iMac that doesn't support upgrades above 10.12.6 Sierra from Mac Os, and I've signed up for Adobe Creative Cloud.
In help they tell me to ask here for advice to install previous versions that are compatible with my version of Mac OS
The ones I usually use are Photosho, Illustrator, Indesign and Acrobat PRO.
Could you help me?
Thank you very much in advance.

Creative Cloud , Installation






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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 15, 2023 Mar 15, 2023

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Hi there,


Happy to help!


Firstly, if you're trying to install cc versions compatible with your OS start by checking the specifications of the apps you want and finding the last version supported by your OS


 Then once you know that you can access the versions needed using you can install the latest and 1 version prior versions using the cc desktop app.

Other versions are revealed after clicking file preferences>apps>tick show older apps (at panel bottom).


Also, we would recommend you to upgrade your OS which will help you to use the latest versions. 


Hope the information was helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Rashmi Swain





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Community Expert ,
Mar 15, 2023 Mar 15, 2023

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1. you can install the latest and 1 version prior versions using the cc desktop app. you must have a subscription because previous versions are not available with trials. other versions are revealed after clicking file preferences>apps>tick show older apps (at panel bottom).

2. for versions cc 2019 and older, use prodesign tools.com*.

3. for versions newer than cc 2019 but older than one previous version, contact adobe support for links.**

* most (but not all) adobe download links are available from prodesigntools.com. https://prodesigntools.com/adobe-direct-download-links.html

follow the directions (esp, step 1)

save the install file. it may not remain online.

thank jim @ prodesigntools.com

** there are 3 ways to contact adobe; chat, phone and twitter:

use a browser that allows popups and cookies, and click here, https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.


tweet @AdobeCare

p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative. ie, double check for an employee badge if contacted in the forums and look for an adobe.com domain in the email address if you click reply to an email. then check again and be very suspicious. any other method of contacting (or offering to contact you) is almost certainly a scam,






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