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Adobe Dreamweaver not picking up stylesheet attributes.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Right, is there any valid reason whatsoever as to WHY Dreamweaver is choosing to ignore the stylesheet that is attached to my HTML document? It is completely ignoring any css attribute I place in my stylesheet and quite frankly it;s really starting to piss me off. 


Below is the code that is the stylesheet which is  the HTML document, between the <head> tags - which, shockingly, is the way I have always dont this and (also shockingly) is the way it is supposed to be done.


<link href="css/master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


 However, tonight, your product as decied to behave like an "intelligently-challenged"  disobdient child and completely ignore ANY CSS atribute I make: color, positioning, font-size, nothing. 


So, tell me, why am I once again having my time wasted by some idioticly-designed software which is still quite happy to charge us?  Anyone else have this issue?








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Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Do you mean the css styles are being ignored within the Dreamweaver environment or when you view the page in a browser?


I know its a stupid suggestion but your stylesheet is located within the 'css' folder?


Also if you are using an html5 doctype there is no need to include the below in the link:


but I doubt that has anything to do with the styles being ignored.






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Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Without seeing your code, all we can do is guess what might be going on.  For quicker answers, upload your work to a remote server space you control and post the URL here.  You can always delete from server after your question is answered.


Meanwhile, some things to check:

  • Validate code and fix reported errors.
    HTML  - https://validator.w3.org/
    CSS  - https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
  • Refresh your browser.  Clear your browser's cache memory or use another browser.
  • Check that the selector name is exactly the same in your CSS and your HTML.
  • Check that the selector name is not being used by other style rules elsewhere in your stylesheet.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Are you maybe working in Design View instead of Live View?

Design View hs all kinds of problems with CSS, especially anything remotely "advanced", and with DW having two editing interfaces (Design and Live) it's not unheard of to accidentally switch from one to the other and run into issues.

Another possibility...

Really more of an addition to osgood's point, only pages that are located within the same folder as the "css" folder would be able to use the link posted above. If you are working on a page that's not sitting directly within that same folder, say within a "pages" folder, the link would need ../ added to the beginning, to get it to see the .css file.





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New Here ,
Nov 28, 2024 Nov 28, 2024

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Nancy's comment helped me solving my problem which I think is same as you had experienced. (Old post I know)


Every time I do edits in the .css code view window, even after saving, it is like when refreshing and clicking on the property in code view window, it is not picked up at the "property's panel" on the right as to display the specifics. When doing it manually by selecting "new rule" it suddenly works, BUT the next css rule in line is then cancelled out in return and result to the same issue.  I was suspecting conflicts with this behaviour.

Turns out that I had selector combinations that was irrelevant and a lot of comments copied from sample tutorials. I temporiraly moved it to a seperate non-linked stylesheet.

and VIOLA, the property's panel displayed each property perfectly!





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