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I'm from South Korea.
South Korea has a certificate of web design technician.
In this certification test, there is a part where the image slide is completed using JavaScript and css.
If you don't complete the image slide, you're disqualified.
Image slides without JavaScript and css are disqualified.
Example) Image slides using Adobe Flash are disqualified.
In August, I took a practical test for web design technicians at Polytechnic University in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do.
The test result was disqualified.
The reason for disqualification was "JavaScript and css were not used."
And the code for the image slide was automatically created by Dream Weaver, which was a foul.
Of course, I think Dream Weaver is the best editor.
I coded with Bracketts and didn't get help from Dream Weaver.
I can't agree, so I leave a message on this forum for help.
This link is a simple version of the code I submitted on the test.
It's a question.
1) In your opinion, did Dream Weaver automatically create the code for the link?
2) Is there an automatic image slide function on Dream Weaver?
3) If Dream Weaver automatically created an image slide (including the behaviers function), is there a feature that can distinguish it from hardcoding?
I want fairness.
I will appreciate any of your answers.
Thank you.
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There are any number of ways to create an image slider or carousel. Which one you choose depends on your skills as a coder.
Dreamweaver 2021 contains the built-in Bootstrap Carousel which relies on Bootstrap CSS, jQuery JS and Bootstrap JS files. Start with a Bootstrap starter page.
Go to Insert > Bootstrap Components > Carousel. See screenshot and demo below.
Alternatively you can code manually with plain vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS code. See below for code and demo.
Hope that helps.
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I really didn't know that Dreamweaver had a built-in bootstrap.
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Your example on CodePen uses the jQuery plugin which is a JavaScript library and JavaScript shortcut. JQuery is technically NOT pure JavaScript but some people seem to think it is. 😉
I guess the testers don't want you to use jQuery shortcuts.
They would probably say the same about Node.js, Vue.js, Bootstrap.js or React.js.
Moral of the story, don't use shortcuts on the test.
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Nancy I really agree with your comment, thought, Wikipedia saiy it's Javascript... so the testers should have precise in the test statement, only vanilla Javascript is accepted... then it's playing on words... at least, it's how I see the bottom line
it's like if we do a test on a cabin builder, and we reproach him for not having cut his own boards from a tree trunk, and that he uses boards delivered by a wholesaler
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If the reason was for using jQuery then l personally think the exam board is 100% correct for failing the project. There's far too much dependency these days on external resources, especially by those developers just entering the profession, who generally get ripped by coding bootcamps teaching rubbish workflows or poor youtube channels who are only in it for the money. That just creates an increasing number who are totally dependent on someone else or something else, rather than being able to stand on their own 2 feet. Every developer should have acquired an extremely good knowledge of vanilla workflows before they start cutting corners.
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"jQuery" is allowed in this test,
I agree with your opinion.
I want to improve my skills, too.
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If you think it will help and you wish to dispute the testing board's opinion that jQuery is not JavaScript, go ahead and send them the links below. Also remind them that jQuery core is an open source JS library that's freely available from various content delivery networks. Dreamweaver does not create jQuery code but it supports the syntax, as do most code editors.
Hope that helps.
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@Nancy OShea wrote:
They would probably say the same about Node.js, Vue.js, Bootstrap.js or React.js.
Moral of the story, don't use shortcuts on the test.
NodeJS does not belong here. It is not a framework but a runtime environment running on Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine. NodeJS accepts only vanilla JavaScript. The only differnce between client side and server side JavaScript is the environment in which it operates. As an example, server side JavaScript does not have access to the document object model. Similarly, client side JavaScript does not have access to the file system.
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You may be interested in a YouTube playlist that I have started on NodeJS
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well done, very nice, interesting
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NodeJS does not belong here. It is not a framework but a runtime environment...
Understood. My point was that if the testing board doesn't allow jQuery, they might also frown on all other dependencies.
NPM Simple-Slider:
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NodeJS does not belong here. It is not a framework but a runtime environment...
Understood. My point was that if the testing board doesn't allow jQuery, they might also frown on all other dependencies.
By @Nancy OShea
Yeah, but node.js is not strictly a dependency, it's a neccesity if you use that workflow stack, whilst stuff like the other workflows you mentioned vue.js, bootstrap, react etc are dependencies and can be avoided, if that's what the exam board is looking for, pure coding. Using ones own knowledge and skill to built a component provides a greater insight into how much you know of what you should be learning as a new developer (assuming you havent just coppied it) before following some kind of framework/library parrot fashion.......... repeat after me, repeat after me, repeat after me, repeat after me.
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We'll probably never know what they want. The OP never came back.
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We'll probably never know what they want. The OP never came back.
By @Nancy OShea
Yes, that's what I've been thinking.........seems to happen quite regularly around here.
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It's late, but I'm back.
And I read everything.
I'm touched by your kindness.
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Hello, thank you for answering my article.
I add an explanation to the article I wrote above.
The use of jQuery is also permitted in this test, and jquery.min.js is also provided as a file.
Of course, you're right. Shortcuts are dangerous.
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Nancy has answered on the Dreamweaver aspect,
to answer your questions..;
1) I don't think DW create the code
2) yes, as Nancy demonstrate it to you
3) generally yes, except if you change the class name, and tag the HTML differently
now in your pencode exemple purely, if I was involved in the test or evaluation jury (as I did here in France), these would have been my comments, but in no way disqualifying, on the contrary, the criticism would have been constructive
I don't know your degree, nor how long you've been coding, but it's a nice piece of code, and on this aspect there's nothing to say, except that the values are hard coded directly in the algorithm, think of using third party variables.
I would make three remarks that you should make this code evolve for various reasons:
- the carousel is not responsive
- at this stage, it can only contain 3 slides, no more, no less
- it can't be controlled from the outside (for example with navigation arrows)
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Thank you for your good answer.
Also, thank you for your additional advice.
I'll keep trying.
I went to Paris a few years ago.
I look forward to going there again.
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thanks for your feedback,
yes Paris remains the central place internationally known, but I guarantee you that the south is also unparalleled. the Mediterranean abounds in creeks and beaches which are as many places where it is pleasant to dive, to make grills, and to be carried by a softness of life rather remarkable... not to mention Provence and its fields of lavender, vines, and olives... and what about the back country?
if you come back to France, don't hesitate to contact us
and you from where are you ?
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This link is a simple version of the code I submitted on the test.
It's a question.
1) In your opinion, did Dream Weaver automatically create the code for the link?
2) Is there an automatic image slide function on Dream Weaver?
3) If Dream Weaver automatically created an image slide (including the behaviers function), is there a feature that can distinguish it from hardcoding?
I want fairness.
I will appreciate any of your answers.
Thank you.
By @sa2b
1. Dreameweaver did not automatically create the code shown in the link.
2. There is an automatic image slider function when using Bootstrap with Drwamweaver
3.. If Bootstrap had been used to create the slideshow, then the CSS would be included in bootstrap.css and the JavaScript would be included in bootstrap.js. The code that was shown in the link is definately handcoded if indeed Dreamweaver was used. In fact, I will go as far as to say that there is no IDE that I know of that would have created said code automatically.
Others have stated that jQuery is not JavaScript. I see jQuery purely as a JavaScript dialect.
I hope this helps.
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Thank you so much.
My curiosity has been solved a lot.
I'm touched by many other answers, including you.
Have a good day.