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It's driving me insane as to why, but my chrome preview will not update when I change my CSS. Firefox and Safari update, but not chrome. I've restarted my Mac, but nothing happened.
What can I do within Chrome to clear the cache (or whatever) for a specific site rather than have to clear for all sites?
Chrome's cache is ridiculously sticky now and likely a sign of things to come with other browsers as well.
One of the better ways to deal with it, during development, is to turn on Chrome's Development Tools by hitting F12. You can then click on the "Network" heading and check the box for "Disable cache". While the Dev Tools are open, Chrome will essentially have no cache. When you turn the dev tools off, it goes back to the latest and greatest sticky cache.
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Chrome's cache is ridiculously sticky now and likely a sign of things to come with other browsers as well.
One of the better ways to deal with it, during development, is to turn on Chrome's Development Tools by hitting F12. You can then click on the "Network" heading and check the box for "Disable cache". While the Dev Tools are open, Chrome will essentially have no cache. When you turn the dev tools off, it goes back to the latest and greatest sticky cache.
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Thanks Jon, That was driving me mad. Even locating the 'Disable Cache' button was painful because the developer pane wasn't wide enough, and it doesn't scroll sideways to reveal content displayed off the page. I just had to widen the pane to display that and other buttons!
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I usually just refresh using CTRL-F5. On a Mac, it's Apple+R or command+R. This forces the browser to refresh with grabbing all content from the webserver instead of using cached data.
^ _ ^
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Perhaps one need to verify on modern version of browser, but usually Force refresh just reload the main document but some peripherical document (as Json file, Json-ld, XML, CSS...) don't reload...
I had a lot of trouble with this context...
so usually I use the don't use cache network developer tool's feature... (as pointed at Jon)... or I also often use a clear cache mecanism (browser add ons)
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I have set Internet Explorer to never use cache, so I know that every page refresh is grabbing content from the webserver. However, in FireFox I just use CTRL-F5. I have never experienced any peripheral documents (XML, CSS, JSON) not reloading by using CTRL-F5.
I try to keep as few plugins / extensions as possible for all my browsers that I test with (IE, FF, Ch, Edge). Less bloat, less likely to be spied upon.
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thanks WolfShade for this confirmation,
Firefox was precisely the browser that caused me the most problems with not reloading peripheral files including external data loaded on the fly by apps (json, json-ld, xml... and also CSS...). which led me to use add ons
so it's cool to see that Firefox doesn't cause this kind of trouble anymore.
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Amazing! Thanks for the disable cache tip! Cmd/Ctrl+F5 was not working at all, and it was retreiving content from days ago, without any way to update.... With cache disabled, it works perfectly!