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Hi there,
I am wondering if it is possible to colour code files or tabs when open in Dreamweaver? For example, I sometimes have 2 or 3 projects open and have sever inde.html pages and style.css files open so wondered if there is a way to seperate them?
Any ideas would be great!
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Each project should have it's own site definition and folder.
Site 1
Site 2
There is no way to color code them.
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I don't think you can do this in DW or any program I am aware of in the same window. I know with Nova, when I open multiple sites they stay in their own windows, but I would think if you have a lot of tabs open that even color coding may not be enough to have all the sites mixed together.
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I am wondering if it is possible to colour code files or tabs when open in Dreamweaver?
By @toolman123
How useful this feature would be. We always encounter this same problem, but not only when working on various projects at the same time, even within the same project where the application is deployed through various folders, and use the same named index, scripts... files all open at the same time... not to mention their dependencies.
Fortunately, Dw FTP is able to adapt and change projects on the fly, as soon as a file is saved or explicitely placed (Ctrl Shift U)... so no worries there.
So, to get around the problem of missing coloring tabs, here we use an old trick that was very practical, back in the day, for Director's SCRIPTS.
In each Dw project, we create a folder called __SEPARATORS__ which we cloak (so as not to place them on the server by accident), and in this folder we save files without extensions, whose name (generally short), is written in capital letters.
Now, all you have to do is open these specifics files (right-click, then open with Dw), and insert them between each project or uses’s needs. All in all, it's quite practical.
Below, you'll find an app's project where we work on different modules, MATCHS, CLUBS, PLAYERS, TEAMS, COACHS, STATS, GAMES, CHRONOS... and so on... Hoping that could help you to get the idea