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Do dreamweaver CC sites still work without dreamweaver?

New Here ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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I'm a student making a website with an insanely low budget of  $20.00 and I am planning on using Adobe Dreamweaver and the rest of the Creative Cloud suite on the free trial for a week(yes I am going to make a website in a week) and I am planning on not buying or taking any payment plan-I am just gonna use the software for free then remove it when the trial ends. My question is will the website I make in dreamweaver still work after I remove Dreamweaver from my PC? Because once I finish the site then I am use Microsoft Azure DNS and Microsoft Azure CDN to host it so will I still need Dreamweaver for to keep the site running?

If you see this post after December 1st of 2019, then don't reply because by then my deadline will be over.

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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

There is no such thing as a DW site.  You don't need DW to keep native HTML, CSS and JavaScript files running.  Site maintenance can be performed in any code editor. Adobe Brackets is a free code editor but it lacks the site management features of DW.  You'll need some way of uploading files to your server.  I recommend Filezilla S/FTP client which is also free.


Good luck with your project. 






LEGEND , Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

You dont need crazy idiotic suggestions like what are being mentioned, Docker for instance. That is for team environments where everyone needs to be working with the same versions of what is being used, php, mysql etc. Please avoid taking advice such as this as it will take you a week to deploy Docker, even if you use the darn program that is being mentioned, Wappler. Wappler is a massive bloated bit of software, with many features, which will take you far longer to understand than the 7  day fr




Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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There is no such thing as a DW site.  You don't need DW to keep native HTML, CSS and JavaScript files running.  Site maintenance can be performed in any code editor. Adobe Brackets is a free code editor but it lacks the site management features of DW.  You'll need some way of uploading files to your server.  I recommend Filezilla S/FTP client which is also free.


Good luck with your project. 




Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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I should also mention that DW's proprietary features like Library Items and DWT Templates won't work in other code editors.   So if you won't be using DW beyond the trial, you should avoid using proprietary features in your site.



Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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Thanks but here's the thing: I am planning on using it only once meaning I make the site and then no more changing it. The only proprietary features that I think I'm using are the Forms you insert but I don't know. But thanks for the advice and help!





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Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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Why not go one step further and containerise the project. This will enhance development time and make deployment so much easier. For more, see https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-azure/why/


Want an IDE to speed up development, see https://wappler.io/. This is a video showing how to create a droplet in Digital Ocean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDszFHnQ0ic

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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Here is the thing though: It is only me, 1 person, 1 human being, making a website, not a webpage in a week. As for Docker and Wapple.... I am making this website for FBLA competitive events competition Website Design(look it up) and I have to make the website by myself, using NO visual code editors like wix.com(where you drag stuff and it seems like coding but its not), but I can use things like Dreamweaver, or I can go basic and use NotePad. Like I said before, I have an insanely low budget and as I am typing right now, I am making the site; the week of November 24th is when I am making the site, and it's too far for me to go back. For deployment, I am planning on just uploading the site(with files) to Azure DNS and connect static assets to Azure CDN. I don't see how that might be difficult or confusing, but if you see something wrong with the idea please let me know.





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Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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Nothing wrong, merely making suggestions in case you want to move into the future.


Incidently, Wappler is no more than Dreamweaver, just a bit more tech savvy.

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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You dont need crazy idiotic suggestions like what are being mentioned, Docker for instance. That is for team environments where everyone needs to be working with the same versions of what is being used, php, mysql etc. Please avoid taking advice such as this as it will take you a week to deploy Docker, even if you use the darn program that is being mentioned, Wappler. Wappler is a massive bloated bit of software, with many features, which will take you far longer to understand than the 7  day free trial they provide.


Just use pure html, css, javascript and a server language if required. Quite honestly l despair at the mis-information being spouted in this forum at times by some people who are on a high just because something is available to use which brings absolutely nothing to the party but more problems and more issues.


Pure html, css, javascript will work in any web editor out there. If you dont require any visual help and are prepared to write some code there are many freely available to use.





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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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Thanks for the help, and the heads up about things like Docker. Docker and Wapple seem nice and helpful, but yeah, as you said, I don't think I'd be able to get used to those in time to meet my deadline.





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Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2019 Nov 23, 2019

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Thank you @osgood_, for being your nice and cordial self again.


People like you are being left behind in thinking that the web is for websites only. Remove your blinkers and notice the huge advancements in web technology. Whole homes are being transformed using web technologies, driverless vehicles using web technology, hand held devices that monitor health conditions using web technology and so the list goes on. Yet there are these people that are stuck with petty websites. A technology nerd should be given the opportunity to see that coding is the mundane part and that creating applications is the way forward.


Talk about mis-information! Have a good day.

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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Nov 24, 2019 Nov 24, 2019

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I never said the web was for websites only, that's just something you are believing I said yourself. What I said was and listen carefully, you might just learn something, even at your grand age. A sensible approach is to initially analyse what it is you are producing/creating and if you are doing this in a stand-alone environment or one which requires you to work in a group.


If you work in a group Docker is the perfect option/solution, why wouldnt it be, everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet, you may even have access to a dedicated IT department which can help with set-up issues. Git is the perfect option, why wouldnt it be if you are sharing files with a group of others developers etc


What provokes me to post is when people like yourself just use something because its available and use it without much apparent fore-thought. These more advanced technical approaches are consistently derived from website developers that push out websites and applications that cost multi-thousands of pounds to produce and generally by teams of developers, the servers are getting hit thousands of times a minute i.e., facebook, google, instagram etc. A number of tech orientated developers, who are only producing half a dozen 10 page websites a year then gravitate towards deploying such over the top workflows for their 'small' situation, effectively using a sledgehammer approach to crack a nut.


The OP said themselves, they only have a $20.00 budget, is a student, probably knows just enough html, css to be dangerous, has only a week to produce a website and you're suggesting they hop onto a workflow such as Docker, which without a progam such as Wappler, which professes to make it easy to deploy, would probably mean they would have to resort to using the command line /terminal to create a Docker environment and containers.


Im just being realistic in my approach and what I think would be suitable approach for others in a similar situation to that of my own. I don't produce apps, or though some developers refer to websites as apps these days to further obsure what the hell is happening. I produce simple websites as an independent, stand-alone developer, which for the most part sell products and for anyone who does the same they don't need all the extra shite and baggage.


Its not  a rant at you or about you its a rant at the mis-conception which is being sold these days by anyone and everyone who just wants to make money out of the gullible. Have you read about how many web-developers are become depressed, burnt-out, dis-illusioned and dis-orientated purely as a result of having  no idea what they should be learning and what approach they should be taking, go take a look, so much for modern technology!


Its ok for you and me, we are just 'playing' at this for the most part these days, for something to do. I feel for those that are in a different situation and are on a daily basis being bombarded with yet another workflow that they should consider using. Its insane and in a lot of cases its overkill.


Incidentally how many applications have you created to date? A big fat zero is my thought because most clients do not have the budget to produce applications which are beyond a website, unless you work in an environment that expressively targets a  much higher quality of client. For that you would need a sales force and a team of developers who specialise. For the majority of companies that isnt going to be the situation, they do just want the 'petty' website you cite, which granted I agree with you, doesnt do much, other than act as a bit of  PR, yet they feel compelled for it to be there. 










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