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Dreamweaver Library items have "Library/" added before each link ... so none of them work! I've used Dreamweaver for many years and this is new. The whole idea of using the Library is to make site updates easy. the code should be palced in each .html file exaxctly as it is writen. With Library/ added each the inks do not point tothe proper place. What's up??
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I'm not sure I understand the issue.
DW's "Library Items" have always shown /Library/ in front of the path of the actual .lbi file within the html comment. DW uses that path to keep track of changes that happen within the .lbi file. Here's a quick example...
<!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/Chaz.lbi" -->
<div id="chaz">Something cool about Chaz</div>
<!-- #EndLibraryItem -->
...are you saying it's adding the /Library/ path segment to something other than the opening Library Item Comment?
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I'm not sure I understand the problem either. Can you show us a code example?