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Hi folks,
Your DW isntallation is, at least slightly, corrupt.
Those broken link images in DW's interface are just that, broken links within DW's interface. The window should look like below (it's not part of your site).
You may want to try restoring DWCC's Preferences or reinstalling.
Who knows what else might be broken in the current installation.
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We need more information to help you:
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We need more information to help you:
- Which operating system?
- Which version of Dreamweaver?
- Which version of Bootstrap?
- Are you working with a Dreamweaver Template.dwt?
By @Nancy OShea
In other words, what is the URL for the site???
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Until we know more details about your system, try this:
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Hi there,
Apologies for not supplying necessary information in my earlier message.
macOS Ventura
Dreamweaver CC
bootstrap 4.4.1
Not using templates.
Firstly, many thanks for your reply Nancy which has rectified the earlier problems listed above !
Toggling from LIVE view to DESIGN view seems to have reset something ? . . . anyhowz that aspect is now functioning as it should which is great.
Next question :o(
My original very old and outdated website was created WITHOUT Bootstrap and I had been trying to incorporate my old files into a revamped website now USING Bootstrap.
To say this was/is proving problematic is an understatement.
Having faffed about for a few days now I'm fast reaching the conclusion that I would be better off starting afresh with all new Dreamweaver/Bootstrap files.
To this end I'm starting afresh, or more accurately trying to, as I have immediately hit a possible snag which causes concern.
I've created my New Site and when I go to create a new document I come to the window below.
Everything seems to function as it should and I can proceed to choose Bootstrap etc., etc., however I'm concerned that the three options on the left show what looks like broken link graphics ?
Is it okay to simply ignore those seemingly broken link graphics or is perhaps something else amiss from the start here ?
Any assistance greatly appreciated as always.
Kind regards, Garry.
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Bootstrap 4 reached end of life in early 2023. I'm not using it anymore.
If you want to work with current Bootstrap 5.3, you'll need to code manually. The components in DW were never updated beyond version 4. Or you can use other tools alongside DW.
Some people really like the drag & drop ease of Once your page layout is how you want it, you can drop the code into your favorite editor and add your content.
This is a basic example of Bootstrap 5.3.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Bootstrap 5.3.2 Example</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!--Minified Bootstrap 5 CSS from CDN-->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!--Bootstrap Icons-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!--Bootstrap JS bundle-->
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<!--3 columns-->
<div class="col">
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laudantium deserunt eaque ratione laborum, qui libero vero ab deleniti saepe numquam. Nostrum eveniet dolore recusandae excepturi aspernatur, eius voluptatibus quo incidunt!</p>
<div class="col">
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laudantium deserunt eaque ratione laborum, qui libero vero ab deleniti saepe numquam. Nostrum eveniet dolore recusandae excepturi aspernatur, eius voluptatibus quo incidunt!</p>
<div class="col">
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laudantium deserunt eaque ratione laborum, qui libero vero ab deleniti saepe numquam. Nostrum eveniet dolore recusandae excepturi aspernatur, eius voluptatibus quo incidunt!</p>
<!--Begin Footer-->
<div class="container-fluid mt-auto">
<footer class="row bg-dark text-light">
<div class="mt-4 p-4">
XYZ Company | 1400 5th Ave, New York, NY | Tel: 123-456-7890<br>
©2025 all rights reserved.</small>
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Thanks once again Nancy for your extensive replies and advice, always greatly appreciated.
I fully understand that given Dreamweaver, and indeed Bootstrap 4, are now unsupported that it is inadvisable to continue using them going forward.
I also appreciate that your advice to seek more modern alternatives is the best advice available.
That said unfortunately I am way too long in the tooth - and if it isn't already clear from my line of enquiries - non too savvy when it comes to what I am currently using and accustomed to far less something new.
Hopefully you will appreciate for me to abandon the little I do know for alternatives is really not an option I'm afraid.
My site is after all only a hobby that I derive some pleasure from . . . along with the grief, puzzlement and stress . . . I guess at least it keeps the grey matter working.
Thank you once again for taking the time to get back to me.
Just one last query regarding Dreamweaver itself as mentioned earlier in last message, when starting out completely afresh with a new site and document, I am confronted with the attached window screenshot showing me the three options on the left “New Document”, “Starter Template” and “Site Template” all appearing to have broken link graphics. I cannot recall if this is normal and do not want to ignore this and proceed only to find later that something is seriously amiss.
Despite these graphic links appearing broken the document creation aspect still works as it should showing me the various document options.
Kind regards, Garry.
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P.S. I guess what is confusing me most - given that it is an entirely new site start up and also a new document being created - is that this appears to be a Dreamweaver CC issue rather than something I may have done incorrectly ?
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Your DW isntallation is, at least slightly, corrupt.
Those broken link images in DW's interface are just that, broken links within DW's interface. The window should look like below (it's not part of your site).
You may want to try restoring DWCC's Preferences or reinstalling.
Who knows what else might be broken in the current installation.
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Hi Jon,
I've just finished, literally minutes ago, having x4 virtual chats with "real agents" on Adobe Help and came back on the forum to update and found your reply awaiting me . . . you are spot on Jon !
Their advice - same as yours - was to uninstall Dreamweaver and then re-install it . . . Hurrah ! . . . the broken graphics issue is now resolved . . . onwards !
Many thanks to yourself and Nancy for your valued help without which I would be in meltdown.
Once again, kindest regards, Garry.
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"macOS Ventura
Dreamweaver CC
bootstrap 4.4.1
Not using templates."
Most Creative Cloud apps work on these systems, no more than 2 versions back:
The current Dreamweaver is version 21.4.