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what theme do:
some theme samples
.. how to.
first, close Dreamweaver
download and unpack this .zip file - Dreamweaver cc 2018 (2017) OldSchool Light Theme
contains two folders (BracketsDWColorTheTagName and OldSchool Light). copy these folders to C:\Users\~user~\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2018\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user\
start Dreamweaver and go to EDIT > PREFERENCES (or CTRL + U) > INTERFACE and select OldSchool Light from list (wait a moment because sometime needs time to load custom themes). then click Apply.
if you like matchingtags, edit main.less theme file and comment line 245. follow first video.
if you want see active line in editor, you must make some changes..
first you must edit C:\Users\~user~\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2018\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\brackets.json file and add "styleActiveLine": true parameter. then edit line 251 in main.less file. follow second video..
how to enable/disable matchingtags | how to enable/disable editor activeline |
use it on your own risk!
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Hey Adobe, hire this guy!
It works perfectly, awesome job!
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Wow @Netoper !
This is GREAT!!
It makes dreamweaver CC almost usable again!
It must have taken ages to make all the custom changes to the brackets file!
Great work!
I even asked about something similar last week (Dreamweaver CS6 coding colors in CC 2018... )
This will be the "theme" that i use from now on.
Thank you!
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I don't use DW at the moment but if I did, awesome, well done. Adobe pay this person mego bucks as compensation for doing the work your engineers, managers and CEO should have done before release, brings shame on all of the Adobe team, everyone involved has turned a blind eye, unforgivable in my view. If they can do it why can't your highly paid engineers is the question of the day? The even more probing question is what else can't they do that they should be doing!
I think the person at the top, hiding behind their mothers skirt, the DW product manager, he or she should be sacked as a concequence for incompetance.
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YOU MAKE DW 2017/2018 USEABLE!!!!!
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i'm glad i helped
but i recommend a newer version Dreamweaver CC 2018 / light and dark themes
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Thanks, i like the OldSchool Theme more
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Wow, now I subscribe again, I have been suffering with all types of editors, Nothing can match the dreamweaver cs6 code color styles, this is nearly indentical. Thanks
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I found this to be of great help! I wondered though, how we can get back something else that was done away with. When using inline css within a document the colons & semicolons are no longer red as they were in Dreamweaver CS6. When viewing a cascade style sheet, they are. Is there an answer?
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Hi. Thanks so much for this. Any chance/way to make the CSS in-line code [within style="CSS_HERE"] a different/custom color? Thanks, really appreciate your work!
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Amazing thank you.
This should be an option on the new interface preference.
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Thank you for it!
But, why the zoom Ctrl +/- doesnt work in Dreamweaver CC 2020?
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In main.less remove the font-size in class .CodeMirror-scroll