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Insert > Named Anchor
This command has been removed. Does it exist elsewhere, or does one have to hand code the HTML in DW?
A previous thread on this states that "Named anchors are deprecated since HTML4" but I can find no mention of this anywhere in the HTML 4 specs, indeed the w3c pages themselves use named anchors for navigation.
[deprecation of this tag was stated in a now edited page on the less than reliable w3schools website, so that may be where this idea came from].
Are there any good reasons why we should switch away from using <a id="e"></a>Example
(performance perhaps?)
and are there any easy ways of entering Named anchors with DW now that the menu option has been removed?
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I should add that <a name="e"> is definitely deprecated, but I'm talking about using an ID.
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Search Google for 'How to create css rules in Dreamweaver".
No reason you can't add an id to an anchor tag. Its generally useful for jumping to a specific place within a page from a link.
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I asked your question using Bing Chat with this result
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With so many things in past tense, it is great to have something to look forward to. I think that you know the feeling.
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Have you tried Perplexity for Google Chrome yet? Based on what I've seen, it's awesome.
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Yes, very similar to Chat in Bing. Mind boggling and to think that this is just the start. I think that many professions are getting nervous.
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@BenPleysier wrote:I think that many professions are getting nervous.
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Point proved l think, only those with basic skills, which can easily be copied, are the most likely to be my advice would be learn something which is going to be useful rather than relying on others skills and knowledge to get the work done, which is rife among the new generation of developers.
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Insert > Named Anchor
This command has been removed. Does it exist elsewhere, or does one have to hand code the HTML in DW?
...Are there any good reasons why we should switch away from using <a id="e"></a>Example
(performance perhaps?)...
By @Lanark
When the name attribute was deemed obsolete in the html spec, Adobe felt the need to remove the Named Anchor function from DW, just like they did with absolute positioned element options when they fell out of vogue (there was also a short time period where they removed table functions too).
<a name="yournamehere"> is obsolete. It does work in all browsers and will continue to do so until it doesn't.
<a id="youridhere"> is acceptable...
...however, you can target any element by its id. Because of that, it tends to get a little redundant/unnecessary to add the extra <a> tags into your html to jump around when you can just target the id of a <div> or <h1> or any other element in your html.
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Thats a good point, but I think there is value in separating ID's used for code and markup and anchor IDs used for hyperlinks. You may have a naming convention for IDs but for an anchor which will be visible in the url, it is better to have an SEO friendly name.
Also Dreamweaver displays anchors with an handy anchor symbol in the WYSIWYG editor.
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It's up to the web developer (you) to create the ID name. If it's not "SEO friendly," that's on you; not the web specs or the software.
IDS are unique & prefaced by a hashtag:
#unique_id, #happydance, #foo, #whatever_you_wish