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Dreamweaver corruption, using Dreamweaver 20 version 2 build 15263.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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I have a new MAC Catalina version 15.20.7 I got it in April 2020, I havce been told by Apple support that teh o/s in this Catalina issue is ahead of some of the software applications and fixes will be coming in due course ???

I ahve a Dreamweaver problem where i have what i thinks are saved filkes within folders completed. I find when i go back to them a few days/ weeks/ months later they are corrupted with errors and missing files within folders and  extra tags all across my html files. But the corruption is all the same. I keep thinking it's me with finger issues, but after weeks /months of this i am giving up and asking for help. I have a desription ready to pass up what I have found, I have screen shots i will upload showing the extra tags in the HTML file, plus a screen shot showing the missing  index files within my folders , listed in my web site tree listing.


I have been asked and completed reverted to version 19 and it was suggested i try version 18 , but i have not done version 18 as i have no faith in the dreamweaver and Catalina working together 100% sorry !!!!


I live in hope someone out there in the land of www , can help me  as I am SLOWLY going nuts dealing with this issue.


Code , Error






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Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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If files are becoming corrupted, I am doubting this is a Dreamweaver issue.  It sounds to me like an OS issue.  Have you tried opening up the Disk Utility and running First Aid on your primary hard drive?


Also from what I see in your screenshots I just see some issues with extra tags, not necessarily file corruption.  Is that the issue you are experiencing?  Is it only with a particular site, or all sites?  Particular files/all files?  What steps are you taking that reproduce the issue?  I have a Mac myself and can try to replicate to help out and see if this is a bigger issue.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Ben, thank you for a very quick response.

All I am doing is using basic typing error fixing, using the error tool dreamweaver gives you when you check each individual file your working on.

A red X cross or a Green tick, tells you if you have errors.
I edit each file get 2 green ticks move on.

I loose hyper links.

Images get moved or deleted, causing repeat hyper link changes , all taking time.

My actual web site is called :-


I would send you a duplicated file of the site if that is possible as it’s a large site 650 plus pages .

My history is:-

I am a retired BT NTFSU officer ( a National Support office for BT (Voice) PABX systems hardware and software,

I also covered network and PSTN error for the whole of the UK , (A team off 6 of us)

BTNR 188 was the network protocol called DPNSS.

BTNR 190 was the PSTN network protocol called ISDN 30, ISDN 2, QSIG, plus others.

Voice mail systems , Video Conference facilities and call loggers to name a few.

Ahh the good ole days.

I am 69 ears old wanted to do something when. I retired to keep my head active, as daft as I am.

I did an Open University course 3 years at Milton Keynes (On Line only), a lot of money, but did ok.

That was in 2010, I bought my first Mac and Dreamweaver version 10, a great bit of kit in it’s day.

Well I have done 6 sites so far, some have stopped their existence , hence they are now finished ,

I only have two sites up and running at present, I do not charge people other than the hosting costs and the FTP tool I bought.

Well Responsive has come along , not forgetting Flex Box and Grid which I am learning with the help of books I bought and you tube video’s all good,


I have not done this as I am not technical enough to start investigating the o/s of a Mac, as in my working days ,

you do not touch something , you do mot know how it works,

I have a support package I use with Mac hardware issues called 24/7. They have never let me down yet.

As I have a 1 year warranty I have been talking to a lady in Apple support, very helpful,

every time the Mac or Dreamweaver restarts or resets, I always send the reports off.

The Apple people told me that the Catalina o/s is somewhat advanced against some of the Adobe application s/w’s ,

Plus they told me that the s/w’s application engineers are upgrading their issues as we speak, to catch up.

I have started a new project as I call it, to change my webs site way of creating a web site since day 1.

As I found out in my self taught web building ways of learning Grid, Flex Box and staring to learn responsive web pages,

I found that fixed widths will not work with responsive, plus I was not using Rems and em;s I was using pixels.

All against the flow of Responsive working.

Hence my project is / was to change my layout html files from ID’s to CLASS divs.

When I used the find and replace tool, I quickly realised that the tool was putting tags ecvery where, deleting , part of a wording sentence to instruct you to click on a hyper link.

The hyper links would not work, images missing and mis named.

Adobe has passed me onto the community pages , hence your good self sir has responded.

The biggest step I have taken to resolve my issues is NOT USE the find and repalce tool.

If you do the site wide option, that’s when you find your errors , not always but most times errors with extra tags and missing images,

plus mis named files causing css file not to be attached anymore.

Apple hardware lady I spoke to gave me a link, weeks ago to load version 7,

I do not know if this is released yet as I have not had an e mail telling me about issue 7 yet, ?

I will have a read up on disk utilities and see if I can get a sweep done of my primary drive.

Thank you so much Ben for your interest, time and thoughts.

Speak soon I hope


Sorry for typo’s etc, and war and peace, notes I have listed, but I thought it might help you in understanding my limitations in the data market.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Thank you again Ben.


I have run teh first aid on all disc's all successful.









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Community Expert ,
Oct 16, 2020 Oct 16, 2020

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Based on what you are saying that this is happening most often when you use find and replace, can you post what you were using in Find and Replace?  That is likely causing your issue.


However, I am concerned that you are getting crash reports on your Mac as there could be underlying issues on your machine that need to be repaired and I think your support company is confusing an issue that arose early in Catalina development.  To make a long-story short, Catalina was the first Mac OS to not have backwards compatibility with older 32-bit applications and only newer 64-bit applications will work.  Many software companies have had to update their software as a result but Adobe's software has been 64-bit for quite awhile as this is usually anticipated and coordinated with larger developers in cooperation with the OS development.  Companies like Adobe in this instance would likely include Microsoft for Office, etc.  Here is Adobe's documentation on Catalina compatibility that was last updated in January of this year ( https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/fix-macos-64-bit-compatibility-errors.html ).


We can try to work through the find and replace, but if that does not solve your issue and you have been getting crash reports, you may need to look to your Apple support to backup your user files and re-install the OS because your computer should not be restarting enough that you are sending off multiple crash reports.  I've been a Mac user myself and have seen ups and downs of Apple's hardware/software and sometimes this is necessary, but as a whole, it's not normal to have that behavior.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 19, 2020 Oct 19, 2020

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Thank you for your top explanation of the back ground of the Mac (Me being a Mac hardware novice),

I have had the issue so long I have forgotten it’s happening.

My Mac will not turn off , normally, I.e press the power button on the back of the Mac. I get up 8-9 hours after sleep.

go to Mac move the mouse it gives me the opening screen ready for my password.

When I sign in I sometime , more times than less times, a box pops up saying :- Crome, Saafarir, Mail, sometimes Word all fails to clear down.

When I go to bed at the end of my day , I always check the Force Quit tool and force quit whatever is running,

Sometime with the browsers I use to test my pages I find they are in the Quit state i.e turned off, looking at the dock app facility,

but when you check the force quit box before you leave your seat to finish your day , I wait till screen goes black and non responsive to the mouse,
I come back 3 hours later , due to not sleeping well, I find I move the mouse and screen shows me my password opening screen.

When I sign in I get intermittently a box pops up saying re try your power down as and it gives a list sometimes or at least one item every day saying:-

Chrome, Safari, Word, Preview any of the tools I have used would not have quit, stopping the power down sequence.

When I check the doc, they are all closed nothing has QUIT IN THE LISTINGS IN THE DOCK.

But I will see the listed all in the Force Quit box,

I just ignore re try after closing who ever was listed in the Force Quit box and start again.

I checked the sleep mode in my settings and once found it over to the right saying NEVER I thought that fixed it as every time I checked it after ,

it is always approx two thirds over showing a few hours in the time scales..

Am I mis understanding this tool and it should be on the never option??



Sorry to keep bothering you.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 19, 2020 Oct 19, 2020

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If your Mac will not turn off I would say things have gone too far and unfortunately, if your support hasn't suggested this before I would stop paying for them moving forward.


At this point, not knowing where the issue began, I would say the time machine backups are probably not reliable.  So anything important (files, docs, pictures, dw sites, etc.) should be backed up to a USB drive at this point.  Then I would recommend re-installing Catalina and starting over.  







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Oct 19, 2020 Oct 19, 2020

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When you say 'your Mac wont turn off'....are you holding the power button of the back on the Mac down for long enough, it takes some time to react?  It's not really the way I would advise turning a Mac off though as that should be done through the Apple icon on the tool bar > 'Shut Down' however your Mac may have become 'stuck' and needs force quiting by holdng down the power button on the back of it.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 20, 2020 Oct 20, 2020

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Good afternoon Ben,

I do use the shut down command under the Apple icon, after I check what’s running I,e not quit.

I go through the dock and use the quit from the list or in some cases,

Safari is shown closed on the doc but it is in the force quit listings still active, hence I use the Force quit facility.

I have done this since 2-3 months into my new Mac I purchased in April 2020.

As I said Apple sent me a link for version 7 weeks ago. I think just before they sent it out as an update.

I will do as you said and when its clear of all programs other than Finder I will press the button for a long period of time,

to try and reset the power down mechanism, in case it is stuck.

Another expert like your self sent me a e mail today , sayings a Mac problem not the Dreamweaver software.

I think my thoughts of files not being saved correctly is the issue causing problems.. I.e A Mac problem.

Thank you Ben For your time and thoughts,

Thank you for being there.

Keep safe and well in these strange Covid-19 days of worry,

to you and all your gang at home.

I will keep you posted







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Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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I'm not a Dreamweaver user any longer but it sounds very suspicious that Dreamweaver would be causing all the issues you describe BUT its always a possibility of course. Catalina should be pretty stable by now, its a year old but software companies could still be making their products fully compatible. Dreamweaver is notoriously slow in terms of bringing out updates, so could be lagging a little behind in this department. I know the Dreamweaver technical team is currently working to upgrade parts of it and has put other important features on hold.


Have you tried editing your files in another web-editor for a short period of time, perhaps Brackets, another Adobe product, but free. Using another editor may go some way to establishing if its a Dreaweaver/Catalina issue or just a Mac OS issue.







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Community Beginner ,
Oct 23, 2020 Oct 23, 2020

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Thank you for your time Osgood.


Ref my not powering down issue, I had a chat with my MAC shop I bought it from, spoke to thir tech man, who was bvery helpful and patient.

He heard my tale of woe!!, he suggested we look in the energy saver  section in System Preferences. I explained I was a stand alone home user , using Wi Fy only and use the local doc folder to save all mt web folders in.

Hence ni eithernet cables etc.

He suggested that I UN-TICK THE BOX = Wake fir Network access.

Problem is now under obbsevation, I hope to prove issue am tomorrow, 

Will keep you posted


Keep safe and thank you for your time and thoughts







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Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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It's easy to blame the software.  But I honestly don't think DW is corrupting files.  I have used DW for 2 decades on various operating systems and NEVER had corrupted HTML files after saving to my primary hard drive.  If files are corrupting after save, that implies there's another issue like a bad hard drive.


Ensure you are working in a defined local site folder that resides on your primary HD.  DO NOT use networked or cloud drives as your local site folder. 


Site > New Site -- Local Site FolderSite > New Site -- Local Site Folder


Use the validation services below to check your code often, fix all reported errors.


Sudden unusual behavior in DW?  Try Restore Preferences.



If problems continue, reach out to Adobe Support via online chat. 

1. With a browser that accepts cookies and does not have script blockers, please log-in to your account portal below.

2. Scroll down to Contact Adobe on the same page.
3. Click the chat icon. Online chat is available in English 24/7.
4. In the chat box, type AGENT followed by enter key and wait for a human.
5. Alternately, phone customer service M-F during normal business hours.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 23, 2020 Oct 23, 2020

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Nancy, good Afternoon, Evening, Morning, not sure where you are on my planet.

I spoke to my Mac supplier and he took me throught a main diagnostic program :-


Power down .

All off.

Power Up and press D /  d (case did not matter) until you see the language menu then release.

Choose your language my was ENGLISH.

2-3 miunutes later all done No Faults Found.


He then sent me a link to do the memory test, 20 minutes later all good and I saved the log.

He thinks the problem is as he has had Adobe application issues with other customers, is the Catalina version OS,  I am on version 7, has backword compatible issues with 32 / 64 bit adobe applications. It's an Adobe issue??, so it seems.

I am gong back to Adobe now but I will THANK YOU, and  USE your checking links as from now on.

I normaly use the new to me (I am ex version 10 only Dremweaver) facility in Dreamweaver,

  the Green Tick and Red cross at the bottom of the view screen

Thank you agin for your time and yhoughts on my matter. I will keep you posted.







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Community Expert ,
Oct 23, 2020 Oct 23, 2020

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No this is not an Adobe 32-bit problem unless you're using older software. 

Creative Cloud software since 2019 is  compatible with Catalina. 



Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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