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When I attempt to edit my web pages in Dreamweaver, and upload them to my site, they WILL NOT load at all. The old page remains, and even AFTER I delete the old page off the server entirely. When I reload the edited page, the OLD page is STILL THERE. NOTHING WORKS. My web host company cannot find the problem! This glitch is costing me money and making me angry. It needs to be fixed. I have no idea what to do. I've tested it in several browsers, and it's the same thing.
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Hope that helps. Post back if you need more help.
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Did you clear your browser's cached data (F5 or Ctrl+R)?
Did you test with a different browser?
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To confirm it's not a probelm on the server, can you upload files with a dedicated S/FTP client like FileZilla?
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Which operating system?
Is your local site folder on the primary hard drive?
Do you have full read/write/edit permissions for files on the primary hard drive?
Dreamweaver should be installed in your Program Files or Apps folder. I access mine from Windows Start menu. I rarely ever open Creative Cloud desktop app.
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Have you tried @Nancy OShea 's workaround?
To confirm it's not a probelm on the server, can you upload files with a dedicated S/FTP client like FileZilla?
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This is a user-to-user community, not an Adobe complaint desk. So far, you've given us nothing to go on.
In the absence of any details, fellow products users who are trying to help you are powerless.
Use whichever code editor you like. It's no concern to me personally. I use many web tools alongside Dreamweaver. 🙂
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Please stop spamming the boards with duplicate posts and complaints in old topics about this same issue. It's unnecessary. 😉
Spamming is a violation of Adobe Support Community Guidelines. Continued spamming could result in termination of your forum access.
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Please stop spamming the boards with duplicate posts and complaints in old topics about this same issue. It's unnecessary. 😉
Spamming is a violation of Adobe Support Community Guidelines. Continued spamming could result in termination of your forum access.
By @Nancy OShea
+1 ✔
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[Moderator merged from old topic to this one.]
No! This IS a frikkin DREAMWEAVER issue! I've cleaned my cache and have checked this problem in multiple browsers and have the exact same problem!!! Adobe needs to FIX THIS PROBLEM or they're going to lose a LOT of business, and soon! I'm mad as Hell right now. I have everything set up the way it should be with my FTP server, password, etc.. and it WILL NOT LOAD THE UPDATED PAGES!!!! I've read about 50 comments from other users about this same thing. Don't blame it on the browser. It's DREAMWEAVER itself!
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Maybe you're uploading to the wrong server. It sometimes happens.
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Again, I must agree with @Nancy OShea . In my past life with Dreamweaver, I have had much the same problem only to find out that I was uploading to the Test Server rather than to the Remote. Please make sure that you are uploading to the correct server.
This may help:
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I am having same issues .. I understand your fraustration, like you nothing changed my end and its only when I use DW to upload, if I upload same file using Cpanel, no issues!
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I am having same issues .. I understand your fraustration, like you nothing changed my end and its only when I use DW to upload, if I upload same file using Cpanel, no issues!
By @sabbietaged
If you are using CPanel to upload then you have not ruled out DW as the issue. Cpanel is a file upload tool that is loaded onto your server and may not be using the same credentials as you are using to try DW. If you are using another FTP tool like Filezilla and are able to upload with the same settings and credentials then the issue could be DW. However, I will note that you are replying to a 2 year old thread and in that time DW has been moved to minimal maintenance mode only receiving critical updates so it may be long overdue to consider alternatives if the technologies in DW are not supported in your environment anymore.
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There few things that you should know.
1.clear cache.
2.Check server where you are uploading is correct.
3.try via different software like ftp
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Does your server's root directory name, the highlighted information in Nancy's screenshot, (usually it will be a folder called www, htdocs or public_html) appear anywhere within your local site, within DW's Files window?
For example...