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Anyone notice dreamweaver is very sluggish running, I am using latest macbook pro with tons of cpu and memory.
Anyone find a way to make this a better experience, i use other programs like visual studio code and performance is way better.
maybe disable some plugins or something?
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Are you guys saying im the only one with this issue? comeon guys lets get this moving...
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This is not a direct pipeline to Adobe tech support. This is a user-to-user community. We are unpaid forum volunteers and product users like you.
I don't have latency problems with DW CC on my aging Win 10 workstation. Maybe because I keep my local site folders on my primary hard drive, no networked or cloud drives. I don't use energy saving sleep mode and I disable or defer all background processes until after work hours.
Unfortunately, without knowing more about your set-up and workflow, it's impossible to guess what's going on. It could be something as simple as too many code errors in your document.
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Hi Nancy,
I have a very simple setup also the web project i am working is quiet large. All the files are stored locally and then pushed to the server. However i am running on Mac OS and not Windows 10. I always notice that dreamweaver when it first starts it is nice and very smooth, very responsive. After 5 or 6 hours of opening and closing documents its when the problem starts. switching between documents start getting laggy.
i am running on an i9 8core and 16gb ram. all the code i develop is developed with native language, i dont use bootstrap or frameworks for php or anything like that.
I do understand this is not tech support but tech support wasnt able to help and i just wanted to get community feedback as to if anyone is having similar issues.
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To refresh RAM, shut down DW. Reboot computer.
You might also try disabling Cache in your site definition settings under Advanced Settings > Local Info. See screenshot.
Site > Manage Sites