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Hey, guys.
Health and Peace for all.
By clicking on the DW and then on the file I want to open, it opens a screen next to "Start your 7-day free trial of the Dreamweaver product." How do I pay for the full package monthly? And the worst is that leaves me no option to leave only the screen that shows this information. At the bottom of the screen there are the "Exit Dreamweaver", "Buy in" and "Start free trial" buttons. I could never get that last option. Couldn't an adobe fix this? If you already have all adobe programs ask me "Start free trial" or Purchase on"? It's extremely disavour. Is there anything I should do to correct this "mistake"?
Thank you
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Do you have a PAID All Apps plan to Creative Cloud? Are your payment details current?
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Resolvido, estava entrando com outra senha.
Saúde e Paz pata todos.