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I have seen a few posts on here pertaining to DW Version 21.3 and it's sheer inability to execute correctly.
So far, I have seen CSS style sheets fail to load whenever I create a HTML document from my template. I have seen HTML documents created from templates with non-editable regions being ignored, I have also seen HTML documents created from templates not even updating any code outside of any editible regions within the original template.
Having spoken to Adobe technical team, even they don't know what is going on. Even after a remote session last night. They have had to take a copy of my code and try and replicate it their end.
Its sporadic, it decides to work one minute, then the next minute it decided to go off on a tangent.
I have seen a few posts on here about 21.3 playing up, so I;m not the only one experiencing issues. Adobe have really dropped the ball on this one.
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If implemented properly, there is nothing wrong with the templating system and all that is claimed above is not true.
Adobe technical team can help with Dreamweaver specific issues. The issue that you had was not related to Dreamweaver.
Decisions? I wish! Dreamweaver is a silent servant and does exactly what it is told to do. It is a tool much like a hammer. We do not blame the hammer for sporadically deciding to create a crooked nail.
The posts that you have seen are based on .... never mind, I think you get the gist.
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Ben if you're going to spend your time trying to undermine or discredit me, then you're wasting your time. Seriously? I posted this to help other people, and what have you gone and done? Decide to gaslight and manipulate me into questioning my own sanity.
There was something wrong with the templating system and the issue I had was related to Dreamweaver, otherwise I would not have said "DW 21.3 is not fit for purpose". I'm not going to aurgue with you about this, but this is an advanced piece of software so bugs and glitches can happen and occur. Why do you think Adobe, or every other sofeware licencing vendor in the entire planet, bring out new versions of their product? Did that ever cross your mind before you saw my comments and thought "Ha, lets rip the piss out of this guy because I'm having a bad day."?
But oh no, according to you, it's all my fault. Heaven forbid should the developers at Adobe overlook a glitch in their programming. Nope, all my fault, isn't it? Because I have nothing better to do with my time than to go around spewing comepete utter nonsence on the web, according to you, do I?
By all means trail along behind me, on every single comment I make on here, and say how everyting I state is not true.
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@Deleted User,
For what it's worth, I agree with @BenPleysier. Pilot error is not the fault of the tools we use. We are human and frequently make mistakes. Tools do exactly what we instruct them to do based on basic garbage in, garbage out logic. If your method/approach is flawed, it will eventually rear its ugly head somewhere along the chain.
Think like a webmaster. Analyze the problem. What's not working and why isn't it working?
Examine your site definition settings to ensure your local site folder is properly defined and residing on your primary hard drive.
Look at your link paths. Are they site root relative or document relative? Do you know what that means?
Ensure that your Template.dwt files all reside inside the Templates folder within your local site.
Examine each Template.dwt file to ensure it's correctly structured.
Validate Template codes (CSS & HTML). Fix all reported errors.
Save Template and populate changes to child pages.
Upload child pages and dependant files (UP Arrows in Files Panel) to your remote server.
If you're still having problems, post the URL to your problem page(s). We will examine and offer appropriate solutions.
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Oh all hail bloody Ben. I guess if Great Legendary Nancy agrees with Ben then Ben must be correct, right?
Who are you exactly? Do you honestly think I care about your opinion? Do you honestly think I'd give a toss if you agree with me, or agree with Bungle from Rainbow, or if you agreed with Mr. Bean?
You don't have a clue what you are talking about. I have gone through my entire life being dismissed by arrogant idiots like you, and you wonder why I'm like I am?
I do not care what you think, but thank you for sharing this with hs. Where would we be with people like you? Where would we be without people who take the side of some arrogant idiot over some who raised a genuine and valid concern?
If you want to take the side of someone who posts arrogant, silly, passive aggressive pictures then you go for it Nancy, & if you let me know where the shrine or the temple dedicated to Ben is, let me know, and I'll be sure to not go to it.
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@Deleted User,
As a highly valued & well-respected Adobe Community Expert,@BenPleysier is also a frequent contributor to this and other technical web forums. You would do well to learn a thing a two from him.
That said, you have been offered free assistance. Instead of graciously accepting the offer, you're spewing bat guano -- not the best way to win friends and persuade people to help you. 😉
On that note, I urge you to read the Adobe Support Community Guidelines Rule #1: Be Respectful. You're about a stone's throw away from being permanently banned right now. I'll then add your screen name to my Do Not Respond List as I have other Adobe customers to assist.
Goodbye, good luck & I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.
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Well good for Ben, he must be oh so proud of himself.
Oh no, me being banned from a forum of people who do nothing but breate other people? Oh dear, how will I sleep at night? Ban me, don't ban me. I have bigger problems to focus my energy on than worrying about being banned from some forum, so you go ahead and ban me.
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DW has always been a glitchfest when using Templates, Library Items, and basically anything else proprietarty to the program for me. It's a bit of a downer that Adobe never truly spent the resources to make DW a top-of-the-line product, but it is what it is.
Frankly, the writing is on the wall, Adobe no longer cares about DW.
It's in a minimum development mode, receiving only security, OS compatibility and third-party library updates. They've admitted it's essentially being kept on life support for the current userbase.
I've found the program to be little more than disappointing since CC2018, and still use CC2015 for production.
To that end, if you're interested you can still get the older/better version of DW (from Adobe) by following the "very important instructions" (basically, following a link to Adobe's site to set a cookie) and then downloading the program (the links are on Adobe's servers) from ProDesignTools website here...
The older and "latest and greatest" can both live on your system without issue, if you're interested in troubleshooting further, they just won't run concurrently.
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Thank you for your sensible response. I did find it strange how the latest version was 2021, but this explains it.
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Just remeber to allow @BenPleysier to tell you what you've just said is not true. He likes doing that, apparently.
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Just so that you know, I have a great dislike for people that blame others for their own mistakes.
In the other post (, I have shown that it was not Dreamweaver, but that DW that was to blame.
Instead of copping the criticism, you continue to criticise others, including Dreamweaver -- for your own mistakes.
5 years of Dreamweaver? How about 25 years?
Yes @Jon Fritz does have problems with Dreamweaver, but at least he does not criticise Dreamweaver for his own mistakes. This demands respect.
It goes you well.
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To second what @BenPleysier and @Jon Fritz said, I have to admit that my sin is to still use very large sites based on templates, some nested templates, templates with conditions and based on variables... and I agree that since multiple builds (post 2015), we have sometimes to help templates to carry on... but hey, they still works as expected here... so, if you have trouble with one, or more project(s) the questions are...