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Dear DW Technical Support:
(1) I've been having recent problems with my long-ago purchased and installed DW CS6 app and would like to know if I were to reisntall it using my copy of "Dreamweaver_12_LS16" would it preserve all my links, codes and presets or simply erase them? (2) Also DW CS6 app has recently been generating error messages relating to Adobe's discontinued Flash support (see attachment). Are there any files that I shoud delete now that Flash is inopertive?
BTW because I am running DW CS6, my computer I have to run on macOS Mojave version 10.14.6 as the current DW version is too costly for my budget. So thank you for your help in keep my website alive (with DW CS6) -online at same URL since 1997.
Photos by BIRON
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Additional info. In DW CS6 File under: –> Export –> 'Template Data as XML' is NOT highlighted suggesting corrupted files which I hope can be replaced in tmy Application folder.
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This is a public forum NOT Adobe support
Adobe no longer supports CS6 programs
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"Come for help, be inspired."
That should mean you still will walk me through the steps necessary to save my presets before I reinstall the unsopportted DW CS6, rather than curtly dismissing my request. I've been a loyal customer of Adobe since the get-go and deserve better. Please reconsider!
Lionl Biron
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#1 Your site files are stored on your local hard drive and remote server, not inside the Dreamweaver program itself. Preferences, Workspaces and Site Definition settings are not the same as your site files.
#2 Flash Player was a browser add-on that was discontinued on Dec 31st and subsequently blocked from running by browsers and operating systems for your protection. Flash Player should be uninstalled if you haven't already. If still using Flash based apps, you should replace them with non-flash based apps. Flash is officially dead now.
#3 DW CS6 is outdated and hasn't received an update in 8+ years. The web has changed a lot since then. I don't remember DW using Flash although some features in Acrobat, Bridge and Photoshop did and will probably stop working.
Best advice, switch to modern software on a modern operating system. If Creative Cloud is beyond your reach, consider using an open source code editor like Brackets or VS Code. Pinegrow is a paid option for visual designers. There are also many online web services like Squarespace, Webflow, Wix and WordPress to consider.
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Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your detailed response.
"If still using Flash based apps, you should replace them with non-flash based apps. Flash is officially dead now."
Since DW CS6 is flash-based – and all my files that used Flash have already been updated – which Flash files/folders in the DW CS6 application folder should I remove? Perhaps all of them which are named 'Flash' or will that create more problems than it solves?
Thanks again,
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No. Dreamweaver itself is NOT flash-based. Never has been.
But your site may contain Flash elements which you must remove from your site.
What I said was some apps in Creative Suite 6 have Flash dependencies. Among them Bridge, Acrobat and Photoshop. There may be others. I don't know.
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As Nancy mentioned, your site files are not part of DW. The program can be reinstalled without affecting them, however, your site definitions should be exported first so you don't need to manually re-enter all of the settings for each site. To do that...
1. Go to Site > Manage Sites
2. Click the site you want to export to highlight it
3. Click the Export icon to create a .ste file
4. Save the .ste for later use in a location you can easily find
5. Reinstall DWCS6 from your media or install a modern version of the program from the CC Desktop App after purchasing a subscription
6. In the reinstalled/new version of DW, go to Site > Manage Sites
7. Click the Import icon
8. Browse to one of the .ste files you created in step 3
9. Rinse and repeat for every .ste file
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Thanks. Saved settings as .ste file as suggested, but when I attempted to reinstall DWCS6 was unable to lauch '' Must I upload something from theAdobe site to make this 'initializing installer' work?
Screenshot of error message attached.
Thanks again for your help.
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This page should help you get the installer running:
Apple decided to change how things worked, a little, back in those versions of the OS. In their latest, nothing but 64bit CC versions will run at all.
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In all truth, Dreamweaver CS6 will probably be more of a hinderence to modern web standards, You are much better off using a more contemporary editor (IDE)
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Pro Design Tools may still have a download link on their site. But Adobe may remove this at anytime without notice. And it DOES NOT work with educational or volume licensed editions.
Be sure to follow the VERY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS or it won't work.
Also Creative Suite installers won't work on macOS Sierra, High Sierra or Mojave without terminal workarounds. See the help article below for details.
Just between you and me, this is a heck of a lot of trouble for software you shouldn't be using anymore. 😉
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I had already not found any Creative Suite download on Pro Design Tools at the link you sent me. Thanks anyway; I 'll just have to continue limping with this damaged copy as long as I can. The $300/year fee for the current DW is excessive. I was there from the beginning when a stand-alone DW app sold for around $30. The problem with current Capitalism is not profit, but obscene profit. APPLE has lead the way in this trend snf rather than being revirf for it, is seen as a shining example of Corporate success. As the number of people purchasing your products increases, prices should drop rather than rise. That is even more true when one is delaing with digital products. In the eventuality that you consider that a leftist rank, I truly feel sorry for you.
Best wishes!
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In the eventuality that you consider that a leftist rank, I truly feel sorry for you.
Best wishes!
You can rant as much as you wish, the reality is that you have a product from the last century (in terms of IT) and you are trying to use it today. I do feel sorry for you.
When it's all boiled down, for the cost of one cappuccino a week you have use of a product that costs thousands of times more than that to maintain by people that depend on the income for their daily needs. If you consider this to be rightist rant than you are dead right (no pun inteded).
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I have no intetion of arguing with you.
You may look down on me for not keeping up to date with the latest software, but all I was asking for was a copy of Adobe's 'Creative Suite for DW CS6' so that I could reinstall my paid-for DW CS6 app which still works quite well. I have difficulty understanding why it can't be made available from a major company that proclaims: "Come for help, be inspired."
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1. You are not speaking to Adobe support here. This is a public user-to-user forum. We are unpaid forum volunteers and product experts with hundreds of hours of combined experience using the software. So you may take our advice or not. Your choice.
2. I gave you a valid download link for DW CS6. If you can't figure out how to install the software yourself, please ask a friend or family member who knows more about computers to help you.
3. Adobe owns the software you're using. You don't own anything except a limited license to use it for as long as your computer can run it and Adobe can make it available.
Goodbye & good luck to you!
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I don't understand this line...
"...I had already not found any Creative Suite download on Pro Design Tools at the link you sent me. ..."
The link Nancy gave above definitely still has the download for the Mac version of DW CS6....
Did you forget to follow the "Very important instructions" on the page and get the "access denied" message when you tried to download the file? Make sure to click the link they give, it sets a cookie on Adobe's servers so you can access the file....
Once you have the .dmg downloaded to your system, all you should need to do is follow the instructions at the link I gave to get the installer to function.