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Beste allen,
Ik heb een aantal extensies geïnstalleerd voor Dreamweaver CC die ik op Exchange heb gevonden, zoals DMXzone Bootstrap. In de 'creative cloud' staat deze als 'Geïnstalleerd' genoteerd, maar ik kan het niet terugvinden in mijn Dreamweaver. Het zou te vinden moeten zijn via 'insert' (invoegen) en 'add Bootstrap' (Bootstrap invoegen), maar ik zie dat niet in het menu. Als ik naar Venster/Extensies ga in het menu, staat er 'geen extensies beschikbaar'. Hoe los ik dit op zodat ik de extensies wel zie?
A blessing in disguise. You don't need a 3rd party extension to use Bootstrap. It's already built-in to Dreamweaver CC and has been for many years. Go to File > New > Starter Templates > Bootstrap Templates. Select a layout and hit Create button. Save your new page as index.html.
Back in 2012, before Bootstrap was added to Dreamweaver, you needed a 3rd party extension and extension manager but those days are gone. In fact, it's probably best if you DO NOT use the DMX Zo
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Hi @edinav24550678 ,
Thanks for writing to us. We see that DMXZone Bootstrap extension is available in Insert panel category drop-down. PFB the screenshot of the same. Can you please invoke Insert panel from Window menu and see if the extension is available in Insert panel.
Bootstrap Scaffolding - DMXZone Bootstrap
Have a pleasant day!
Dreamweaver Team
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A blessing in disguise. You don't need a 3rd party extension to use Bootstrap. It's already built-in to Dreamweaver CC and has been for many years. Go to File > New > Starter Templates > Bootstrap Templates. Select a layout and hit Create button. Save your new page as index.html.
Back in 2012, before Bootstrap was added to Dreamweaver, you needed a 3rd party extension and extension manager but those days are gone. In fact, it's probably best if you DO NOT use the DMX Zone Bootstrap extension because it has reportedly caused conflicts with the Bootstrap build inside Dreamweaver.
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Hello Nancy,
Thanks for the reply. I already use Bootstrap, but I presumed this would be an extra addition.
I've also installed 'CSS Form Designer' but I cannot find that either. Where should I look?
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Hi Edina,
We see that DMXZone CSS Form Designer extension is available in Insert panel category drop-down. PFB the screenshot of the same. Can you please invoke Insert panel from Window menu and see if the extension is available in Insert panel.
CSS Form Designer Extension
Have a pleasant day!
Dreamweaver Team
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Dear Nayan,
The DMXZone CSS Form Designer extension is available in my insert panel, but now I keep getting messages that I should install a DMXzone Updater Extension. I don't want to do this and actually I want to get rid of the whole DMXzone-extension. How do I do this?
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Hi @edinav24550678,
Not Nayan here. Use your Extension Manager to remove 3rd party extensions.
DMZ zone has a free one you can download.
Project Seven has one too although it didn't work as well for me as DMX Zone's.
Anastasiy makes one as well. But I've never used it.
Hope that helps.
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Hi Nancy,
Cannot find my Extension manager, where is it? Under menu-item 'Window' I only found 'Extensions' with '(No extensions available)'.
Thanks in advance for your answer,
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Extension Managers if you have any should be on your hard drive, not inside Dreamweaver.
I use DMX Zone's ExMan and it's in my Program Files folder and accessible from the Win10 Start Menu.