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Quite often, I use the "select recently modified" file to update the website. When it runs, it expands every directory on the website, so the list gets to be very long.
I need to figure out how to COLLAPSE the list after the files are uploaded. Now, I have to go manually though each directory containing a highlighted file and click on the directory name to collapse the listing back to something small.
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I've never found an automated method to do what you're looking for.
I don't think one exists within DW.
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Try this:
Ctrl + Click on ⌄ chevron next to SiteName.
Click on > to open.
Hope that helps.
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That collapses it into ONE item but when I OPEN it, the subdirectors are still expanded. I was looking for a command that would COLLAPSE all directories in the site at once I would see the site and the top directories. Thank you for the try; sure would be a helpful feature!
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Use Ctrl + Click twice. It really does work. See screencast.
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Hmmm, interesting...
For me, in Windows 10, DW 21.1 15413, it just closes the site folder and on Ctrl+Clicking again, reopens the site folder with all sub folders set the way they were before collapsing, as @pliles noted.
In W10, DW 2015, it collapses the site folder and on ctrl+clicking again, expands ALL sub folders when the site folder expands. Continued ctrl+clicking just expands/collapses the site folder with no change in sub folders (all remain expanded).
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Ctrl + Click down chevron.
Normal Click to open.
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No wonder I never found it before, that's extremely counter-intuitive. That's got to be a hold over from the Macromedia days. I never could get the hang of their interfaces.
This works for me in both CC2015 and CC 21.1
Ctrl + Click the site folder's chevron to collapse it (with, presumably, some sub folders expanded) then a standard click of the chevron to expand the site folder with all sub folders collapsed.
Ctrl + click the site folder chevron twice to expand all folders.
Ctrl + click a third time to collapse it followed by a standard click to expand with all sub folders collapsed
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Photoshop uses Alt + Click to show / hide all Layers and another one with Alt + Ctrl + Click to collapse all Fx. I think it's been there for a decade, maybe longer. Perhaps that's why I could find it in DW.
On Mac it's probably Cmd + Click or possibly some other key + click. If it works on Windows it should work on a Mac, too.
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Dang, I thought we had it this time but alas, when I use the CONTROL-Click on the chevron, I get a "tooltip" or drop-down box containing the same thing as when I right-click the entire folder line? I am using release 20.1 Build 15211.