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how to integrate already generated pages with (ex Publisher or others) ?

New Here ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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I have to redesign a showcase website (simple without menu only links between pages, approx 80 pages) mainly text but
I have to recover pages (most of them) which were generated by tools like publisher or others ... ??
(Each page was the subject of a new page)
As the new site has a new design (has a header, menu, body and footer) and during navigation
only the "content" part would change.
How then to integrate these old pages (publisher or others) already generated (in + when I read the generated code ... help !!)
to my new presentation ... ??
How to place them in a specific place on the page (in this case in the body)?

Is there a tool that can convert the new positions? because I don't want to redo everything by hand. ??,
Or should I start from the source files ??? : -0
Thank you so much for your advice !!!






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Explorer ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Could you post an example of the HTML of one of the site's pages to give us an idea of what you are dealing with?





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Community Expert ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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If we're talking about the same Bonsai Club  that was posted previously,  it appears to be generated with a French online site builder called e-monsite.com.  It could be rebuilt easily in Dreamweaver with or without a Dreamweaver Template. 





Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Community Expert ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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I can't help but feel we are spinning our wheels with the same queries and getting nowhere.  


Based on your previous questions in other topics, it's clear you don't know enough about basic web concepts to redesign a site solo. 


Microsoft Publisher is junk for people who have zero knowledge about creating web sites.  More than likely, you'll need to toss out everything except words and pictures and rebuild the site from scratch.  Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts.  If you can code, Dreamweaver is a good tool to use.  If you can't code, then Dreamweaver is probably the wrong tool for you.  It's that simple.   


As I see it, you have 3 options:

  1. Learn code and use Dreamweaver.
    - https://www.w3schools.com/html/
    - https://www.w3schools.com/css/
    - https://www.w3schools.com/js/

  2. Don't learn code and hire a web developer to do the work for you.

  3. Or rebuild your site with an online site builder like Wix or Webflow, etc...


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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New Here ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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Indeed, as you say I have the impression of going in circles ...: - ((
because as I said in a previous post, I am VERY SURPRISED that a software like DW IS NOT CAPABLE
to make a minimum of WYSIWYG (like a very banal thing: insert and move and position an image ??? !!!)
(others apparently do)

I was advised to use DW for its ease and its many features
I was REALLY deceived !!! : - ((
Precisely knowing a little HTML and CSS (I have already done a few (simple) sites), I did not want to re-code everything (trivial things)
and therefore use DW as a code generator for simpler things ... (no need to reinvent the wheel.)
In short, you might as well use a good old editor ... that will do!
What then is the point of using DW ?????

And concerning my last question, apparently I have to readjust everything ... ??? !! : -0
In conclusion, AMAZING also with current technology (we are sending probes to Mars!) And

. on the one hand, we are not able to do a minimum of WYSIWYG and be able to generate a correct code at the same time ...
. and that a tool is not also able to readjust an existing one without having to start all over from 0 ??

So that leaves a lot of work ahead for future developers ... 😉


Rem: for Publisher, precisely it is a person who does not know neither html nor css who used it for its ease
and therefore generated HTML / css pages for him





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Explorer ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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Suppose in your "WYSIWYG" design situation you have three pictures, each 400px across and you place them on your desktop screen, in a row, with a gap of 20px between each and 20 px down each side. Great.

Now if I then open that page on my phone which has a screen width of 600 CSS pixels - initially, one picture will not be visible at all and the other you will just see part of it, cut off at the edge of the screen. To see the rest of the picture I will have to scroll horizontally - not a good user experience at all.
So you could then say that you don't want your design interpretted as pixels but as percentages - so you want each picture to be 30% of the screen width, with 2.5% for each gap and down each side. Now you've already made a decision that is beyond "WYSIWYG". If someone had a screen a little smaller than yours it would still look good. But on my phone the pictures would be tiny, squeezing three into a row.
This is where respsonsiveness comes in - for the small screen you need a different layout - you need the pictures to display in a column, not a row. This could, almost by definition, not be designed for in a WYSIWIG way.
If the bonsai tree site referred to above is the one in question then it does show responsive behaviour - on narrow screens the map moves to the bottom of the page. This could not happen with a "WYSIWIG" type design.





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Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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If you can work with code as you say, rebuild your site with Bootstrap's mobile-first framework.  You'll soon understand why what you want in WYSIWYG is impossible with responsive web design. You must work with code and trust the code to achieve the results you want.  See screenshot.




Bootstrap Tutorial:





Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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