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I am really new to all of this and my logo and the majority of my images will not show up on my website. On my computer and on Dreamweaver the site is fine but when I upload the site to the WebHost, the logo and images on the other pages do not appear. I am not sure if this makes any sense as I said I am new to this. My professor has been unable to help me and not getting any answers with Google. Please help!!
Thank you
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Your logo is 404 not found on server. Did you upload the Images folder to your server?
Images/Pasta Amore logo.png
BTW, spaces in folder/file names are not allowed on the web. Rename your files without spaces from your DW Files panel. You may safely use underscores_ or hyphens- but not spaces or other special characters.
EDIT: See your code errors below.
Linux servers are cAsE sEnSiTiVe. To keep things simple, I try to stick with all lower case file names. It's easy to remember and repeat.
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Hi Nancy
The images I believe are uploaded because two of them show up but the rest don't. When I remove the space in Pasta Amore the image is not found. But I added the underscore and it still will not show up. Like I said I am new to this. When you say upload the images to the server, what does that mean?
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Make certain the HTML code contains the correct path & file name. File names must match exactly or it won't work.
From your Files panel (F8), select your index.html file and the Images folder. Click the UP arrow to upload to your remote server.
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I think I see where the confusion is coming from. You have 2 different image folders referenced in your code. One with lower case i and the other with upper case I.
The correct folder is lower case i
Use the correct path to your logo (lower case i) with %20 entities for spaces like this.