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Hi. Recently came back to DW for coding and I'm so very pleasantly surprised. New functionality, Emmet functionality, super! But have one issue in Emmet... while "tab" expands HTML abbreviations correctly for me, what I'm used to from other code editors is then being able to tab in between tag wrappers so I can easily jump from <li> to <li> for example. But in my case tab is expanding my first content into a tag for that content, instead of going say from <li> to <li>. Is there a setting for this behavior or a temporary disable of tab expansion? Example:
ul>li*5 expands correctly into:
<li>[cursor defaults to here]</li>
and puts my cursor at the first <li>. But say I enter
<li>Element1[cursor is now here]</li>
And then tab... instead of the cursor moving to the next logical <li> insertion point, it expands my most recent content, Emmet-style:
<li><Element1>[cursor now here]</Element1></li>.
It's expanded my content into a tag.
Any help here? Thank you.
With Emmet turned on, any time you hit Tab after typing a word, it will turn that word into a set of <that_word></that_word> tags. it's just the way Emmet in DW works.
DW has never moved "to the next logical _x_ insertion point" with the Tab key in Code View either way. Prior to Emmet being added, hitting Tab would create a tabbed indent in the code.
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If I'm understanding correctly, you can switch from code to Design View and hit Enter to create another list element.
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This is not the correct answer; I don't know why it was marked that way. This doesn't even address the question.
I appreciate someone trying to help out so was going to let it go and apologize if my original question was unclear. But this has nothing to do with design view and someone marked this as the correct answer so am jumping in. The issue I described has to do with Emmet, the system used in code view for expanding abbreviations into HTML.
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I've posted different features request in alpha and CAB forums, because emmet is not well implemented in DW, and cause troubleSSS for user using emmet in different other code editor... and as it should
so to answer your question, I don't think that there are any settings (perhaps some hidden ones, but I'm noit aware of it)... and emmet is badly implemented in dw
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Yes, Emmet is not fully supported in DW as it might be in other text editors. Which is why I suggested switching to Design view and using the ENTER key.
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what is the main goal of being in code view using emmet, and the have to move in design view to still enter content ? I miss the point???
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I may have misunderstood the question. But the OP said I used Emmet to create a list. And when I hit tab key to add another list item it does not work as expected. My solution such as it is, is to move to design view and hit the ENTER key to add more list items.
Simple as that.
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that still fit in a strange advice don't you think... the OT is on code view, and look for a way in code view, at least I think?... (because emmet does'nt work as expected) and we recommand him to move on Design view...?????
why not instead, staying in code view, and propose to him as a workaround to the emmet failure, to use a {ctrl|cmd} D which will duplicate the line and thus create a new li item ?
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I genuinely appreciate y'all trying to help. We all need each other in this world!! - but we've lost sight of the original problem that I posted about and are not addressing the problem. So maybe let's leave this thread behind -- enjoy ourselves with a good book or a cup of coffee or even a tutorial - something useful .. maybe someday we'll be alerted to a workaround, or perhaps this is indeed a genuine bug in DW that will be fixed in a future release.
For the record -- my original post did not have to do with adding a new list item. It had to do with placement of the cursor. AFAIK, the expected behavior in Emmet when you hit TAB, after the intial expansion of a list via an Emmet abbreviation, is not to create a new list item, but to jump the cursor to the next logical spot where you would enter content. As explained here:
This may not be an Emmet thing, this may just be a cool feature of those other editors which DW does not have. In which case, there'd be no bug, just a lack of a feature. Emmet is correctly expanding the abbreviations for me, at least the ones I've tried and cited above.
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With Emmet turned on, any time you hit Tab after typing a word, it will turn that word into a set of <that_word></that_word> tags. it's just the way Emmet in DW works.
DW has never moved "to the next logical _x_ insertion point" with the Tab key in Code View either way. Prior to Emmet being added, hitting Tab would create a tabbed indent in the code.