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is this program is for someone who is new to html and css?

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Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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i just started learning css grid and html, i happened to see this program, is it for someone who already knows how to make websites or also for new learners?.






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Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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If you want a tool that creates basic standards compliant code while you're learning, DW is a good place to start.  The finer points of using CSS Flexbox and CSS Grids will come with repeated use and practice, practice, practice.  To create interactive sites and advanced web apps requires good coding skills.  Tools don't make good websites, people do. 


You can try DW free for 7 days to see how you like it.  If you don't cancel before the trial ends on day 8, your free trial will automatically convert to a paid annual subscription USD $21/mo.



Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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What kind of advantages does it have over other editors If i get the clould membershib?. I started like 8 days ago im not putting a lot of effort to be honest. One thing im having problem with is the images and media queries. 





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Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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Build for mobile first.  Add a media query for Tablets if you need one.  Add a media query for Desktops if you need one.


CSS Grid Example:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>CSS Grid Evenly Distributed Layout</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
body {
width: 95%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 2%;
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr));
grid-auto-rows: minmax(150px, auto);
grid-gap: 1em;
border: 1px dotted silver;
.module {
background: #eaeaea;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
min-height: 200px;
img {
vertical-align: baseline;
display: block;
max-width: 100%;

<h3>Welcome to CSS Grids</h3>
<div class="grid">
<div class="module">1</div>
<div class="module">2</div>
<div class="module">3</div>
<div class="module">4</div>
<div class="module">5</div>
<div class="module">6</div>
<div class="module">7</div>
<div class="module">8</div>
<div class="module">9</div>
<div class="module">10</div>
<div class="module">11</div>
<div class="module">12</div>
<div class="module">13</div>
<div class="module">14</div>
<div class="module">15</div>



Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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I think throwing them into CSS Grid is probably not a good idea.

Its still evolving and not 100% ready for prime time, its too cutting edge. Even last year the changes made to it were significant.

Flex is there but I think if they are starting out a framework like Bootstrap is really a good option to ease them into it if learning on their own.
I think you said this in another post here and I think its an easier starting point in terms of HTML and CSS.





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Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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i just started learning css grid and html, i happened to see this program, is it for someone who already knows how to make websites or also for new learners?.

By @Zaid231951099ddc


I don't think Dreamweaver provides you with any advantage over any other website editor UNLESS you have access to it through having a full creative cloud membership. If not then you are better off using a free web editor such as VS Code.


Css Grid is complex as it can be written in a number of different ways and I dont think any current editor has the ability to provide all of those options, so to get the best out of css grid you will need to learn to hand-code it, which means any web editor or text editor is all you really need and some good resources on css grid of course.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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Do you have any advice for me? I just just started learning html and css grid like 8 days ago. I was mostly into games. 





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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Do you have any advice for me? I just just started learning html and css grid like 8 days ago. I was mostly into games. 

By @Zaid231951099ddc


Below is a resource that may help you with css grid:




However before learning css grid I would advise you to learn Flexbox:




Flexbox is a much simpler workflow to grasp initially - you will need to use it in combination with css grid eventually, to leverage all of the benefits.


Css grid is more powerful as its more flexible in terms of producing layouts. The methodology it uses does not restrict it to linear columns/rows which makes the placement of items really easy when you are considering how you would like the flow of items to apppear on mobile devices.


Its going to take a while to grasp learning html/flexbox/grid, etc. I don't know what your long term goals are if any but if those plans consist of perhaps a career in development then learning to code IS THE ONLY WAY to progress, despite what you may hear from others about low-code/no code solutions, frameworks etc. Anyone choosing that route is on a dead end road.


Good luck and post back if you run into problems or have any questions.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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by Learning to Code you mean i should learn to do everything without using snippets? my goals are a career in web development.





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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To be a web developer these days, you need a college degree.  In the meantime, enroll in structured online courses at LinkedIn Learning or Udemy.  And read everything that's current (last 3 years) that you can get your hands on.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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by Learning to Code you mean i should learn to do everything without using snippets? my goals are a career in web development.

By @Zaid231951099ddc


Snippets of code are absolutely fine, eventually try, as you get more familar with coding, to use snippets that you have created yourself so you become familiar with what the code does and how you can alter it to suit specific requirements.


The reason I say learning to code, in your case, with your goals in mind, will be your best option is because your skills will be more marketable if you need to look for a job. I'm not implying that you dont investigate frameworks like Bootstrap, a front end css solution,  as you will most likely need to know that as well, just dont let it or any framework define you as a developer. The landscape is continuously shifting and these frameworks come and go but vanilla html/css/javascript is the core of building websites and apps. If you have good knowledge of those your future will be assured as opposed to following some niche workflow/product which will eventually run its course and you will be left skill-less.


Good luck, I cant say I envy you........I wouldnt want to be starting out now myself, its a lot, lot tougher than when I first started out due to the excessive amount of options you have, which ALL really do much the same.





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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I disagree on the snippets thing and when we take on Juniors I train them NOT to do this. You can develop in a way where you do not actually understand the code enough. You have enough knowledge to copy and paste things and get an output and MAYBE tweak. People who do that I find often get lazy and continue with that for far too long and thus are time along in their development life and do not have the skill sets they should and throw them the modification requests to take something further and they fall into a googling web hell and even if those developers again solve something with an output - its messy and its not good.
So it would be going into it with cauation and if someone is using snippets to learn what is going on there.





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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I disagree on the snippets thing and when we take on Juniors I train them NOT to do this. You can develop in a way where you do not actually understand the code enough. You have enough knowledge to copy and paste things and get an output and MAYBE tweak. People who do that I find often get lazy and continue with that for far too long and thus are time along in their development life and do not have the skill sets they should and throw them the modification requests to take something further and they fall into a googling web hell and even if those developers again solve something with an output - its messy and its not good.
So it would be going into it with cauation and if someone is using snippets to learn what is going on there.

By @Liam Dilley


I absolutely agree, which is why I stated you should use snippets which you have created yourself once you have acquired enough skills where you are comfortable enough to write them. That way you actually get to learn over time what the code is actually doing and how to extend the snippets for different uses. I think its ok to initially start by using other developers code IF you are prepared to allocate time to try and understand it and replicate it using your own knowledge. It's not ok just to keep copy and pasting, you're supposed to be a developer so be a developer. 





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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thanks guys, it was really informative talking with you. as for the degree, i live in iraq so must companies that want web designers are hiring by experience not degree, they will see your skills and hire you, maybe that's not how it works outside of iraq. currently im studying optometry i will graduate this year, i wanted to learn web developement, one of my friends told me that web development has no future because of the ready to use websites that you can buy. but i thought it won't be a loss to learn it, if it has no future i can work in the optometry field.





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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In the US, employers want training and work experience. 🙂 


The web changes rapidly.  To keep pace with emerging technologies, you must keep learning or fall behind.  I'm certain it's the same in the optometry profession.  Learn, work, learn...


LinkedIn Learning - https://www.linkedin.com/

Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/


Good luck!


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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one of my friends told me that web development has no future because of the ready to use websites that you can buy. but i thought it won't be a loss to learn it, if it has no future i can work in the optometry field.

By @Zaid231951099ddc


Seriously if I had a choice between optometry or web development I'd choose optometry 10 out of 10 times. Obviously if it is not something you particularly like then I can appreciate that and you must follow something you consider is going to fulfill your own satisfaction.


The way I look at it, an optometry professional is giving something useful back to society, those in need, particularly if you have ambitions to further your career in that area. It's a highly transportable and highly respected profession, every country in the World needs optomtrists, whereas there are an abundance of web-developers, plus amatuer web developers 'stealing' work from those who are professionals. You need zero qualifications to practice web-development leaving the way open for 'crooks' to infiltrate the profession and in doing so they down grade it and pollute it. 


At the highest level, yes, web-developers can command good salaries BUT its risky and your friend is 100% correct, over the last decade, particularly the last 5 years, there has been an explosion of no-code tools or low code tools which opens the way for anyone to develop websites, very very badly. They have ruined any credibility web-devlopment once had. The industry itself is in turmoil on account of there are so many smaller and smaller groups of developers specialising in different workflows, each thinking their way is the correct way. It's not a great profession to be in any longer in my opinion.


Choose wisely.





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Feb 17, 2022 Feb 17, 2022

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The average human will have 2 - 4 professions in their lifetime.  And seniors unable to retire for financial reasons are starting  over in new careers just to pay their bills.  That's the new normal where I live.  Having a wide range of skills, experience and a lucrative side-hustle are the best ways to survive in uncertain times.  


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Feb 18, 2022 Feb 18, 2022

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thanks guys, it was really informative talking with you. as for the degree, i live in iraq so must companies that want web designers are hiring by experience not degree, they will see your skills and hire you, maybe that's not how it works outside of iraq. currently im studying optometry i will graduate this year, i wanted to learn web developement, one of my friends told me that web development has no future because of the ready to use websites that you can buy. but i thought it won't be a loss to learn it, if it has no future i can work in the optometry field.

By @Zaid231951099ddc


I'm sorry, maybe this comment doesn't answer your questions, and got lost in a market analysis. I did not think while writing it that it was going to take this turn


As @osgood_ said... if it's for a living run for optometry... I share this idea

I haven't went in the middle east since a while, but I figureout that what happenned in Europe will happen there too... soon or later, if not already... 


the problem as your friend said, is not only that online services, now produce for free what used to be the core business of small agencies.
The problem today is similar to what the general grocery stores experienced when the big distribution conglomerated in a crusher of small businesses and an unfair redistribution of market share.


so today, at least here in France, the service companies (SSII) which were the big and indestructible structures, and in full rise, ten years ago, became today the small businesses which struggle to exist and to survive... then from there, imagine what can feel a small one-man business !!!


so being small, to live of its creation without having a niche market open and receptive, is a utopia... this is very much in line with what your friend was telling you about free online tools


thus remains the wage-earning,


and to become employee of a big structure, there are two cases of figure...

- either as @Nancy OShea says it... it is the diploma which opens the door to a salary, finally a miserable salary... don't forget that this is the end of the glorious years...


- either as you ,@osgood_ and some how @Liam Dilley say, experience... but hey... don't forget that the required level of experience today is very high...


the web is not only based on HTML and CSS, but all the environment as well as technological , strategic and architectural, without forgetting the side of content strategy and communication transversality linked to social networks that gravitates around... and need to be taking into account during the development phases


and for that... this experience is a guarantee of time and practice, and not of a learning in corner of table.


I don't want to discourage you... if, and to come back to the beginning of this comment... it's to make a living out of it, and to feed your family, go for optometry, especially if it's already a given... here in France we are cruelly lacking in ophthalmologists...


on the other hand, if it's for a passion... don't hesitate, roll up your sleeves, and know that even if the road is long and complicated, it's neither barred, nor forbidden... but not only HTML and CSS oriented





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Feb 18, 2022 Feb 18, 2022

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i will consider what you all said. my condition is that i will graduate in 6 months, after that i can work in goverment hospitals for a salary like 515$ a month. it can get to like 700 dollars if you have years of service. i thought this isn't enough only if i live alone and i don't plan to marry and have a family. i can't say going into web development with passion to be honest but i'm forcing myself to learn and it's going slow because there are so many distractions and when i try to implement something and it goes wrong i think man the road is so long for me and i get discouraged. i would'nt have thought about web development if optometry was a well paid profession in iraq. 





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Feb 18, 2022 Feb 18, 2022

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well, if you want to start a nice learning curve... as @Nancy OShea said, you can run on linked in or different other moock out there...


then depending on your budget and your seriousness at work, don't forget free source as :


well.. well... so much stuff and that is just the starting point... so it is often nice to have some roadmap to at least understand what is the vocabulary, and where stuffs belongs... https://roadmap.sh/

or having like a curriculum https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/can-start-learn-web-development/?ref=lbp

links are not often really cool... but at least that give you a background to follow...


by the way... having nice links, or books... concerning Javascript is not often quite understood by authors... ao something that shouldn't disppoint you, and will help you to go beyond the line is... https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS





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Feb 18, 2022 Feb 18, 2022

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thank you so much, i needed the roadmap, so i can know where i am. 





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Feb 18, 2022 Feb 18, 2022

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in the road map, as I said all the links are not exceptionnal, but at least they explain well all the items, language, technos and relation ship...

cool that it helped you





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