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Missing images - not the usual problem

Community Beginner ,
Jun 03, 2020 Jun 03, 2020

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1st time this has happened in many DW sites. Here's the deal:

  • There are 15 images on the page.
  • All images are saved in the same folder.
  • In DW code/design view, all images are present and visible.
  • When page is previewed in Chrome, all images are present.
  • When page is FTP'ed to site, all images are listed in same folder.
  • When site is viewed online, 7 of the images don't show up.
  • Review of code for images that show and those that don't show indicates that it's identical save for name of image.

Has anyone else had this happen? Were you able to fix? If so, how? Thanks for any input.

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Jun 03, 2020 Jun 03, 2020

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Some servers are case sensitive, so 'myCatImage.jpg' is not the same as if it were linked as 'mycatImage.jpg' or 'my catImage.jpg' etc, Generally a good approach is to use no spaces in the file name, use underscores 'my_cat_image.jpg' or camel camelcase 'myCatImage.jpg' Pick a formula and adhere to that, too many inexperienced developer dont give enough consideration to the naming convention, its important to avoid potential issues.


Also check the images are not huge files which will be troublesome for the browser to render.


Failing that post a url to the affected page, someone will investigate further and provide some better advice based on actually being able to replicate the issue or not.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 03, 2020 Jun 03, 2020

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Thanks for the quick response. I'm not a developer, just a designer and so know all too well how easy it is to get a cap wrong. As to naming issues, this is an example of how I name the images on the affected page: 850_SignedHardBack_Plus.jpg - all of them follow the same naming convention, both those that show up and those that don't.


You know, actually, it just hit me that what is wrong may be something odd to do with the site and not the content. I'm a BlueHost customer who a month or so ago signed up for mysavannah.site as a subdomain and assigned it to my primary domain. I chose that name because, although I'd never heard of the extension before, I thought it was interesting and .com wasn't available. I FTP'ed content to mysavannah.site on  5/31, and it showed up exactly where it's supposed to be in the public_html section of the BlueHost list of content I'd FTP'ed. It didn't, however, show up online. Instead, I got a screwy message that the domain is being held due to validation/verification issues and I'd have to contact the outfit with which I'd registered it to get the hold removed.


When I contacted BlueHost Chat, after more than half an hour of checking and re-checking, the support person said that she couldn't see anything wrong, that all the information was correct, which meant that there had to be something wrong with the site name itself. She said she was filing a support ticket "with the domains people". A couple of days later I heard from a domains support person who said that they were going to re-send me a form to be completed (which didn't make a lot of sense in re what the Chat person had said). I responded with the message that they did not appear to be solving my problem but that I looked forward to getting the form ASAP as I have a time issue.


Getting an idea that this was not going to end well since the second message didn't seem to have anything to do with the Chat conclusion, I at once went back to available extensions on the mysavannah domain and bought a second - mysavannah.net and assigned it to my BlueHost primary domain as a subdomain, confirming all the information they said they needed. I immediately (as in within the minute) went to mysavannah.net to see what kind of message it was providing until I FTP'ed content. Much to my surprise, the content I'd first FTP'ed to the public_html of mysavannah.site - most of which had been revised since that initial FTP session due to image sizing issue - was now appearing on the mysavannah.net site even though I'd not done anything to accomplish this, nor had I asked BlueHost to do it.


At that point, thoroughly puzzled but assuming that there would now appear two mysavannah listings in the public-html to cover both .net and .site, I went into my FTP program (Transmit) to FTP currently correct content to the .net site. At that point I discovered that there was only one listing, the original .site extension. So I thought, hey if this sucker is automatically working for .net as well (which it appeared to be), I'd FTP the currently correct content in spite of the lack of the second listing. So I did. The new content showed up in the one mysavannah list, but it did not change anything on  www.mysavannah.net. As for www.mysavannah.site, it's still giving only the wonky "held domain" message. As for BlueHost, it appears to have gone AWOL, as I have neither received the form that the domains support person promised, nor have I heard anything else from anyone at BlueHost (which surprises me, as I've had decent luck with their support people over the 11 years I've done business with them).


So, while I appreciate the offer to examine the URL, there's no point just yet, as the issue appears to be that the first file I FTP'ed is only one that is actually online, and I knew what was wrong with it and have corrected it.


I go into all this at this length because I'm wondering if you've heard of anyone either (1) having unusual difficulty with the .site extension or (2) experiencing this kind of "automatic" transfer between extensions?





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Jun 03, 2020 Jun 03, 2020

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Have a look at https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

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Community Beginner ,
Jun 03, 2020 Jun 03, 2020

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Thanks for the suggestion, which I have followed as it is a good idea and I use Chrome so rarely that I don't think to do it, unlike Safari which I clear all the time. On reflection, I think my issue is site- rather than content-related (see above). When both .site and .net for mysavannah are resolved with BlueHost, I'll post. Thanks again.





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