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I have an image map with a hot spot that when clicked goes to a link. I want text to appear when the mouse is rolled over the hotspot. Surely this can be done simply in DW?
INSERT > HTML > ROLLOVER IMAGE doesn't do me any good as it wants me to specify an original image which can't be done with a hotspot. I looked at mouseover events but where would I put the code. I guess what I really want to do is insert a tooltip. HELP!
The simplest way would be to add title attributes to your <area> tags. For example...
<area shape="rect" coords="306,239,367,303" href="page.html" title="Well, hello there" alt="something descriptive">
Keep in mind, standard image maps are not responsive and the hotspots will drift if the image resizes on smaller/larger devices than what was used to design them. Also, mobile devices lack a mouse, so rollovers rarely ever do anything.
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The simplest way would be to add title attributes to your <area> tags. For example...
<area shape="rect" coords="306,239,367,303" href="page.html" title="Well, hello there" alt="something descriptive">
Keep in mind, standard image maps are not responsive and the hotspots will drift if the image resizes on smaller/larger devices than what was used to design them. Also, mobile devices lack a mouse, so rollovers rarely ever do anything.
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Thank you John, your post got me the answer to exactly what I spent hours searching for!