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No more Muse, what about DW?

Engaged ,
Mar 27, 2018 Mar 27, 2018

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I really don't know what do to after using Muse.

I started using the Dreamweaver with StudioMx  but few months ago started using Muse.

Muse......March 26, 2018 we will release the final feature improvement release ...

Adobe doesn't even recommend Dreamweaver.

Should I come back to Dw?

Really need you advice.

thank you for reading,







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Mar 28, 2018 Mar 28, 2018

Coming back to the original question about Dreamweaver. It's a copy-paste from another discussion, but I do hope you understand why.

Like I promised, I checked with the senior management about the future of Dreamweaver, and their answer was that they see no reason to stop developing the product. Dreamweaver will continue to exist, period.

I understand that no amount of reassurance will suffice, but I do want to put other Dreamweaver users visiting this post at ease.

I am marking my answer as corre




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New Here ,
Mar 27, 2018 Mar 27, 2018

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I'm not sure why people keep glossing over this, but while the active development for Muse will not continue, you can still use Muse. You don't have to stop using the application just because there won't be updates to the software. The Muse application will not uninstall automatically from your computer just because they won't be releasing a new version.

My advice would be to continue to use the software, and give yourself a timeline to research alternative options if/when the software no longer serves your needs.





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New Here ,
Mar 27, 2018 Mar 27, 2018

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Anybody here remember Golive? Golive was an incredible software to make website at the time it was released. Is competitor, Dreamweaver from Macromedia was powerfull but not friendly user as Golive then. And, for no reason, Adobe decided to drop Golive and acquire Macromedia and, dreamweaver.

They developped a great software with Muse. It was on the early ages. But they do the same thing again. Abandoning a great software and the community that have been around it for all the time.





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Mentor ,
Mar 27, 2018 Mar 27, 2018

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Wow, that's one real sh**storm hitting the Muse forums. But you, know: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Adobe pulled the same jerky move with Edge Animate, Fireworks, and a long list of other software - most related to the web. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the plug on Dreamweaver in a year or two as well. Probably sooner.





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Community Expert ,
Mar 28, 2018 Mar 28, 2018

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it may be time to take into account the facts that are:

  • a lot of users have gone to alternative solutions
  • many users who work intensively regress to the 2015 version see CS6 (but don't use the last two 2017/2018)
  • many users are complaining about new features that do not correspond to the real expectations
  • there are too many third party software inclusions, which actually limit more than they open up
  • and many users, if not most, use DW because their company, (education, and institution included) have a CC account





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Explorer ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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just got off the phone with a designer friend I know, he was brought in into a company as a designer but also mainly as a designer to develop and update

the companies website, he has no idea about coding

nor has intension of doing so. What about these people adobe, he is in fear of loosing his job since he will no longer be able to update the site nor make

new ones for this company with the freedom for creativity he had with muse, sure the company will

understand that he might need to learn a new program with out code that could produce the same site with the widgets. He has a wife, a mortgage and 2 kids in high school , what about them adobe?

you heartless corporate monger.





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Mentor ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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juchis2009  wrote

just got off the phone with a designer friend I know, he was brought in into a company as a designer but also mainly as a designer to develop and update

the companies website, he has no idea about coding

nor has intension of doing so. What about these people adobe, he is in fear of loosing his job since he will no longer be able to update the site nor make

new ones for this company with the freedom for creativity he had with muse, sure the company will

understand that he might need to learn a new program with out code that could produce the same site with the widgets. He has a wife, a mortgage and 2 kids in high school , what about them adobe?

you heartless corporate monger.

Your friend still has a year of Muse use, and he can teach himself basic html and css plus pinegrow or another editor within that year.

There is no need to fear Armageddon: HE is in control of his own learning. Muse isn't going away in the upcoming year, and he can still use it. The only thing he needs to do is teach himself html and css, and perhaps a bit of basic jQuery.

Don't allow a company like Adobe to take away your own personal power and control in your life. This is something he can solve by himself by merely spending a couple of hours a week either teaching himself, follow a free html/css course online, and have fun.

Don't be afraid of new knowledge that would empower you. Embrace it.





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Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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juchis2009  wrote

just got off the phone with a designer friend I know, he was brought in into a company as a designer but also mainly as a designer to develop and update

the companies website, he has no idea about coding

nor has intension of doing so. What about these people adobe, he is in fear of loosing his job since he will no longer be able to update the site nor make

new ones for this company with the freedom for creativity he had with muse, sure the company will

understand that he might need to learn a new program with out code that could produce the same site with the widgets. He has a wife, a mortgage and 2 kids in high school , what about them adobe?

you heartless corporate monger.

It may help your friend, to not look at other peoples code, but to simply accept what he reads and writes, as he learns how to code, and to find his own 'style' of writing it.

One of the biggest problems I have seen none coders encounter, is that they think they must write code the same as they see how others sometimes write it, (terribly with no sense of style). Html and css is very forgiving, and if he can work out why an artist paints a line with a specific style, then he can also work out why someone writes in a specific style, as that is all code is, writting, just like when one learned to read and write.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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juchis2009  wrote

he was brought  into a company as a designer but also mainly as a designer to develop and update the companies website, he has no idea about coding nor has intention of doing so.

That's a real shame.   Sounds like your friend needs to adapt to new ways of doing things or find another line of work.  Old habits die hard but Adobe didn't put him in this situation.

Q:  What do coal miners do when the mine stops producing and shuts down?

A:  They learn web development .

Turning Coal Miners Into Coders--And Preventing A Brain Drain

I'm sure his employer  will have no problem finding a replacement who can work with code.

Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Community Expert ,
Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

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I see passing the discussion on the subject .. and there comes a time when I can not let loose without meaning, and not react.

Everyone is free to create content as he or she consents ... being a Muse user, an encoder, a pure developer, relying on a CMS, choosing Bootstrap ... whatever, the What is essential is that everyone, customers and suppliers become content and satisfied.

of course that the code has its importance, of course that the design has its importance, as much as the content strategy, as the information architecture, accessibility, optimization for SEO, that the animation , that the user experience ... etc ... etc ...

to debate what would be absolute, or utopian, better than better is one thing, but to treat people with weasel, brainless, or lazy learning is another thing .

no one is here to judge anyone ... we are all here because we are all driven by the same passion, or function, which is to create content for the web ... the best we can ... and with all our own limits ... whatever it is ...





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Mentor ,
Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

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Well said, Birnou. I would have said something myself, but I'm so tired of getting hammered and insulted. You are a better man than me today.





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Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

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If you had taken the trouble to actually read the posts in the thread that was being referred to you would understand why l used the words brainless and lazy  in the case of a couple of posters who were comparing someone in a wheelchair being told virtually to stop being lazy and get up and walk to someone who is quite capable of learning to code but chooses not to. One has an option the other doesnt, l will leave it up to you to decide which one.

As for weasel, that was used not as a direct insult to you, which l clarified in an earlier post but as a response to your  post inferring being a rock was some how a stain on my character. I merely pointed out that if l had the choice a rock would be preferable to a weasel.





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Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/B+i+r+n+o+u  wrote

I see passing the discussion on the subject .. and there comes a time when I can not let loose without meaning, and not react.

no one is here to judge anyone ... we are all here because we are all driven by the same passion, or function, which is to create content for the web ... the best we can ... and with all our own limits ... whatever it is ...

Birnou, have you been over to the Muse forum and read the posts, or replied to any?

Most started out well meaning, or people voicing their disapointment, but have since degenerated into multiple spam posts, and posts that simply want Muse back at all costs, with no real interest in anything anyone says.

I could not care less if someone goes back to creating a document in Photoshop and just uses an image for the page, if someone creates a site using pdf's, uses Animate, or even flash.

There are even suggestions that Muse functionality should be incorporated into Dreamweaver, which is also o/k with me.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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I could not care less if someone goes back to creating a document in Photoshop and just uses an image for the page, if someone creates a site using pdf's, uses Animate, or even flash.

surttout, quil y a des créatiffs qui font de merveileuses chozes en utilsant que des imags... http://www.numero10.ch/fr/home

if someone write in english but do a lot of mistake... translator could not do and apply its job correctly... sor us... foreign people has to learn english just to exchange here in the forum... that it is not helpfull... learn HTML; CSS... then English... makes a lot...

so in french with no errors it was

surtout, qu'il y a des créatifs qui font de merveilleuses choses en utilsant que des images http://www.numero10.ch/fr/home

en in english

especially, that there are creatives who do wonderful things using only images http://www.numero10.ch/fr/home

so when answering in english to someone who is french.. trying to write correct english to be translated... is demonstrating to those people that every one makes effort....​

especially, that there are creatives who do wonderful things using only images





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Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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O/k Birnou, in simple English.

It is not for me or anyone else to say how someone creates a web site.

It is not for me or anyone else to say if Dw should become a visual web site creation tool, or not. I personally see no problems in Dw trying to at least make the simpler things easy, such as a visual layout tool or a css animation tool, (something no Adobe product has).

All any of us can say is why it is not a good idea to just use images, (no content) or just pdf's, CC Animates canvas element, or Flash, and offer advice on 'how to move forward' from the EOL of Muse.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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the web site use image... it is art... it is responsive... it is beautiful... the animation are cool... the draw are nice... that's it... just enjoy...





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Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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The question is Birnou, would you recommend such a site to someone using a screen reader, would you sell such a site to ALL your clients?

There is no doubt in my mind that such sites have a place on the web, just as flash sites and now sites created using the canvas element also have a place, but only as examples of what is possible.

The discussion is now about helping ex Muse users.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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it is quite impressive as the letting go is a rare commodity ... a simple .... it's beautiful ... or it's not very beautiful .... I like ... or I do not like ... would have been somewhere a reaction, say natural ... a bit like when we visit an art gallery ....





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Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/B+i+r+n+o+u  wrote

it is quite impressive as the letting go is a rare commodity ... a simple .... it's beautiful ... or it's not very beautiful .... I like ... or I do not like ... would have been somewhere a reaction, say natural ... a bit like when we visit an art gallery ....

I think my problem when looking at sites like the one you linked to is that I think -

"so what, seen it, done it, bought the t-shirt".

In most of the discussions regarding Muse users alternatives for moving forward, I often hear designers say that they are creative thinkers, and not coders. How is it then that in the 8 years that Muse has been available there is not a single example of anything new?

Every Muse, (and Dw/coders are no better) created site looks like sites that have gone before. There is no originality in layout, nothing in any content that is different, and certainly nothing that anyone can call creative thinking.

cookie cutter sites have become the norm, as far as I can see, with layouts similar to the one you showed us, being thought of as 'different', when they are not.

I cannot remember who said it, but the quote is -

"No matter how much anything changes, it always remains the same".





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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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I think that just say ... waow ... it's beautiful .... (or not) ... is a really difficult thing ...





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Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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I think just saying, "so what", says it all.

I also said the same about the Mona Lisa, and I looked at it before it was placed behind all the security screens, (about 1 meter away).





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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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and Mona Lisa has an SEO optimisation... it fits on every printing material, digital distribution, braille code explanation, image size ioptimisation, pure w3c painting recommendation... </heavy joke>





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Mentor ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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It's such a shame that the makers of that website have no concept of good image optimization. Man, the file sizes of those PNG files make me wanna cry. Most designers AND developers show little understanding how to reduce image file sizes properly.

Other than that, nice site. Original illustration goes a long way in providing a custom look. Not suitable for most types of clients, of course, but still nicely done.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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I think that they are video makers...





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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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the bigger ones are SVG





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Apr 08, 2018 Apr 08, 2018

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The following is a quote from a post in the Muse forum, (the posters name is irrelevant) -


In Muse it was so simple - I want this element to be here, and these buttons there, spaced just so. Text here, a video there, and a big photo as the background. Boom.

In Wordpress, even with a page builder plugin... the process of trying to get this look is a nightmare of columns and sections and padding and margins and alignments and widget spacings and on and on...


I'm probably missing something in what the poster is trying to do, but even in Muse or inDesign it is necessary to apply paddings and margins, and once a basic layout is created even using starter pages, any program that has a visual tool for the css, (don't like it but css designer is an example) would be able to do what is described, without diving into code.

If this is the case, is it not more a case of the Muse UI (and all its widgets) working similar to the inDesign UI, that is making the alternatives, (even with a visual css tool) look unattractive as an alternative to Muse, and not the program itself?

Or is it that some 'coders' are now also trying to think in 'grids' with the rise of frameworks and the attempt to make grids in web design an important feature for rwd.

Edit - I'm leaving conclusions on that last sentence open. I have my own thought but if anyone wishes to post their own?





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