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PHP Programmer and Dreamweaver

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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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I would like to hire a PHP programmer. I have old php code in dreamwever, that needs to be updated. Can I ask for a PHP programmer here, or can anyone give me recommendations where I can find a PHP programmer, who also knows Dreamweaver? I liked using Dreamweaver because the original programmer showed me how to use the validation option before I pushed the html edits in the page.
Thank you.






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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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Unless you buy the third party extensions from DMXZone or WebAssist, DW no longer has any kind of database functionality built into the interface. Adobe had said they would bring it back, for about the last year, but changed their minds and put that on hold while they fix other problems with the program. Everything would need to be hand coded, and really any website development company that works with PHP could do it with ease, there's no need to limit yourself to finding a DW-specific developer for this.

As for validation, DW just uses the online validator at http://validator.w3.org/nu (well, the /nu is new, but it's the same validation tool available freely online).





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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The Dreamweaver development team made a promise to me back in 2012 that they would resurrect server behaviours. They are now so far behind the eight ball that they have lost the game. 


I now use Wappler

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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Thank you for your help. I appreciate your time and sharing this information with me.





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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I now use Wappler


That's ok IF you want to use proprietary coding and your only concern is getting the job done because you lack the skill to create your own code, or not willing to invest the time learning...........that will suit many, but not everyone. Plus Wappler has become so complex since its conception 2+ years ago I doubt if it is now aimed at who it set out to attract initially...........those without any coding or web developement knowledge, or very little. It seems to have now become rather the opposite and is aimed at those who dont mind sifting though a lot of technical workflows, over and above what is required for building simple websites. Not that it cant build simple website, its just all the other options now included detract from the simplicity of use and is a negative aspect, especially for those with shall we say less than 100% commitment. I think its finding a niche market for itself, competing with applications like Bubble and appealing to those with a more entrepreneur outlook.


On the other hand Dreamweaver hasn't moved on at all and has frustratingly gone backwards.





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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@Osgood , I would not mind criticism about Wappler if the critic knew what they are talking about.


Have a Merry Christmas and a better New Year,

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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Dec 23, 2020 Dec 23, 2020

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I would not mind criticism about Wappler if the critic knew what they are talking about.


I wouldn't mind criticism from people who knew what they were talking about, either, but in general this forum is not the place to find  people with the knowledge to offer such criticism, certainly not you.


Have a very Merry Xmas yourself.







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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your help.





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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Nobody cares which brand of coffee I drink or which tools I use to create code.  It's irrelevant. Tools don't build web apps, people do.


You can post your job ad on Behance / Adobe Talent (free for a limited time only).

- https://www.behance.net/joblist

- https://www.behance.net/adobetalent


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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Tools don't build web apps, people do.


Some tools are better than others and Wappler for instance, will be a good tool for some because it has the options to get those with less knowledge further. I personally don't like it because it creates its own 'style' of code outside of that recognised by the industry. If it created genuine Vue code or React code, even Javascript or genuine php code, which is widely documented and used, then I'd definitley be using it. I can't use any tool which  I view as spewing out 'bastardized' workflows. It matters to me, others not so much. There's something for everyone.





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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"If it created genuine Vue code or React code, even Javascript or genuine php code, which is widely documented and used, then I'd definitley be using it."


I agree.  I've nothing against DMX Zone, mind you.  They have much to be proud of.  But I don't use Wappler.  I gravitated to WebAssist's MySQLi extension simply because the PHP code made more sense to me.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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WebAssist's MtSQLi is indeed a great addon for Dreamweaver. As far as Wappler spewing out rubbish code?  Please show me where it is different to the likes of Vue. As far as the backend is concerned, please show me where it is not JS, PHP, ASP.NET compliant.


Edit: Here is a site that you can base your replies on: 


Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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I never said Wappler spit out "rubbish code." 




Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Dec 22, 2020 Dec 22, 2020

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BTW, this is a report from Lighthouse:



Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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Dec 23, 2020 Dec 23, 2020

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Please show me where it is different to the likes of Vue. As far as the backend is concerned, please show me where it is not JS, PHP, ASP.NET compliant.


All those workflows you mention, JS, PHP, VUE are open source and are well documented, are used freely by millions of serious developers, who consider them to be universal in respect of web-development.


You point me to a resource where AppConnect (Wapplers front end framework) is well documented, other than the Wappler website itself, which acccording to some lacks documentation. Is it rubbish code, well that depends on your own standards, your long-term views and perspectives. Some have no standards or low standards, some have no long term views or perspective, so these programs are totally fine to use for them. Most are passing ships in the night and on to the next money making venture, when the current one fails.


As far as you or me, we dont have to think long term, our web-development careers are finished, over. Will Wappler even be around in 10 years time, will Webflow or Editor X come to that, not wanting to knock Wappler too much, because there are plenty of other solutions, which serve a purpose, but you need to look at them in depth, before considering what path is right to take. No one knows, but you're putting your eggs all in one basket for sure using a 'niche' workflow that you have zero control over in terms of whether it remains 'alive'. If it suddenly ceased to exist where would that leave those that may have invested a lot of time understanding its niche workflow. Muse just suddenly pulled the plug and those who used it were left up a creek without a paddle.


The web moves on quickly and a 'dead' program, one recieving no updates will soon be obsolete. Anyone starting off in web-development could have a career well be in excess of 30 years. If you know how to code its quite quick to move to whatever is current flavour of the month, be it now or in years to come, because you are always updating your coding skills as you work. With these low code or no code solutions your leaning doesn't go beyond pointing and click through a user interface, you're learning nothing which would give you the option to move on swifly, or even get a job within the industry should your current situation change. These solutions, are in my opinion, a 'quick fix' and yes for those in this for a fast financial return or have a low budget and need to put an app together for themsleves or a client definitley the way to go. Those in it for the long-term should avoid them like the plague.





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Dec 23, 2020 Dec 23, 2020

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The learning curve of Wappler is quite steep IMO  and would be difficult for beginners .....

Paul-M - Community Expert





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New Here ,
Dec 23, 2020 Dec 23, 2020

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In my humble opinion the main problem with wappler is when you have to program something that you cannot do with the interface.


This I asked a long time ago in the wappler forum and the response of the creators was that they could not think of anything that cannot be created in Wappler and that I put an example.


My example was an intranet that I had to program. Parts of it connected Oracle, with SQL Server, login to an Active Directory server ... I did not receive an answer.


This app could be created with Dreamweaver + Webassist, because its code is clean, it follows a standard and the parts that obviously I cannot do I programmed by hand with php code. Despite Dreamweaver's bad reputation, and the Webasssit tools being less advanced than wappler, they produce clean, standardized code that you can easily combine with hand-coding.


I have tried mixing Wappler code with hand code in the past, and it really was hell for me. I don't know if this has changed or not today. In the end I decided not to depend on this tool mainly for this reason, in addition to two other secondary ones:


- Here we can talk about everything without censorship, not in their forums. Any negative reviews magically disappear from the list. It is a behavior that I do not like.

- I don't want to use javascript and Ajax techniques for everything. They are great, very great, but they are not always necessary or convenient.


Sorry for my poor English ☹. A greeting





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Dec 23, 2020 Dec 23, 2020

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An excellent review, thanks. There's plenty of requirements which cannot be accomplished in low code, no code products, without diving into the code. At least Wappler does provide access to the code if something needs to be added but as you say because it uses proprietory coding for front/back end, which is not that well documented and not universally supported, it can be an issue because you can't asked anywhere else apart from the Wappler forum. If you use a recognised workflow you have options to ask for help in various forums.





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