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Hello, can someone help me with Extract in Dreamweaver? It's for my job, and me and my boss aren't sure how to use it, and could use a human's help. Please comment your email or something, becasue I will probably require sending you images back and fourth of my computer screen - I'd appreciate it. Thanks so much.
[Moderator Note: Personal information removed. this is an open forum, not Adobe Technical Support.]
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There are few good videos online showing how to work with Extract. Most of the time, when people run into trouble with it, they're not using a layered PSD file (or haven't uploaded it), don't have a site definition created in DW or don't have an html page open in the program.
Is there something in particular you're having trouble with?
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I think Extract is much ado about nothing. It won't help you write HTML code.
You could have a working prototype built in half the time using a DW starter Template. First define your site then go to File > New > Starter Templates. Pick one and hit the Create button. Immediately save your newly created web page as index.html.
File > New > Starter Templates
Replace content with your own text and images, etc..
Best of all, you're not at the mercy of Adobe's Extract servers which take forever to respond or don't respond at all.