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I use an older version of DW...simple, standalone-- quick html changes..
That said with Mac M1,
for a person on AN APPLE Mac, the current version of DReamweaver, 2022 --what option best looks like the current Dreamweaver in Visual mode for someone on Apple. Thanks!
1 Correct answer
VS Code is available for use on Win, Mac and Linux OS. Since this is an Adobe product forum, I'm not going to discuss other code editors. It's up to you to decide what you like/don't like.
As I said at the start, DW CC is sold by subscription only. It works on Win 10, Mac Catalina, Big Sur or Monterey. There's little more to say except TRY it free for 7 days. If you like it, great! If you don't, cancel it before it converts to monthly billing.
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Is there a standalone DW I can by?
By larry45
A subcription to Creative Cloud is all that's available.
Make sure your computer meets the minimum CPU & GPU requirements. Creative Cloud apps work on the latest OS, no more than 2 versions back:
- Windows 10 versions 21H2, 21H1, 20H2, 2004, and 1909 (LTSB branches are not supported;)
- macOS 12 (Monterey), macOS 11 (Big Sur), macOS 10.16 or 10.15 (Catalina).
Beware of fake Adobe reps who may contact you privately offering to sell you software or take control of your computer. It's a scam, run away! Real Adobe employees will never reach out via Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail or Skype.
3 Easy Ways to Identify Genuine Adobe Staff
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-- Codespaces (free, browser-based) -
-- Nova (Mac only, formerly called Coda) -
-- Pinegrow -
-- Sublime Text -
-- Visual Studio Code (free) -
-- Wappler ~ Visual Web App Builder -
-- Squarespace -
-- Webflow -
-- Wix -
-- WordPress (open source) -
Hope that helps.
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Thanks Nancy darn... the rip off of creative cloud.... I spent $10 for PS/ LR, ok! To me DW should be another $10 or really just a $5 add on.... not $55 month... So annoyed on that.. not whining, stating my opinon. Nothing to do with you. Love your great help thanks.
Ok been exploring your list, whch have had long time. SEems Wapple went from free to More expenseive than DW itself..
So looking at ATom.. these are all called, "text editors"... So I don't see anytying that looks like DW where see html image on left side pane.. Bummer.. But keep looking...
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Atom is discontinued. Don't waste your time with it.
Photography Plan is a deeply discounted bundle for $10/month. The regular price for Photoshop alone is $21/month. Dito for Dreamweaver.
Pinegrow is closest to Dreamweaver in terms of a visual editor. But it lacks site management & FTP features. I think they still have a free trial so you can try before you buy.
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Nancy what about Nova, owened by Panic, and I use happy with support get from TRansmit
Don't need FTP anything, just want window that looks like visual window of DW.... do they both / neither achieve that? Dont' see an example either site (Pinegrow or Nova) that look like that DW page..... ie see html visual webpage, with images and text on it with links, and edtior for those links, .. ie very wsiwg... intuitive..
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Nova is an awesome code editor and has some capabilities beyond DW. But it is foremost a code editor so if you don't feel comfortable editing in code view it's definitely not for you.
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Thanks Ben, I can' do code view, but love the DW look what called Visual View? Does any of the options Nancy listed come close to that?
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Maybe I'm just dense but the "Photography Plan" on the Adobe website doesn't say anything about DW. I was running CS6 on a previous computer but my hard drive fried, I can't downlaod it anywhere, and I lost my serial numbers doc int he crash. Am I SOL? I'm very fast at it and I'm wary about similar programs/websites being so convoluted (or too rudimentary) I'll never be able to do what I do without wasting a huge amount of time. I'm talking pretty basic stuff, on a split code/preview screen, changing code for the routine stuff and using the preview pane for one off stuff or serious design changes. It really yanks my chain that they dumped all their customers and won't even look up a serial #.
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If you registered your product, your serial number is still in your account ( ) . I can see mine back to the early 2000s. If you didn't register, and didn't buy from Adobe then they don't have your serial number. You can check with the company you bought it from to see if they have records of the serial numbers, but likely, yes you are SOL.
If you are just doing basic changes in code, you could use even a simple text editor or there are inexpensive alternatives. Or depending on how old the site is, it is probably in need of a refresh and you might be better just going to a CMS so you don't even have to worry about the code anymore.
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Creative Cloud Photography Plan DOES NOT include Dreamweaver.
for $10/month for 12 months, you get the following:
- Photoshop CC and Photoshop on iPad
- Camera Raw
- Lightroom on desktop, mobile and the web
- Lightroom Classic
- Portfolio website + hosting
- Adobe Express (free starter plan)
- Bridge
- 20 GB cloud storage (upgradable to 1 TB).
- Free upgrades for as long as you're a paid member.
Dreamweaver subscriptions can be purchased alone or as part of the All Apps Creative Cloud Plan.
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DW CS6 is obsolete web software. It's of no value to anyone anymore. Too much has changed in 11 years— web technologies, browsers and web devices are completely diffrent now.
Use a modern code editor or switch to an online web platform like Squarespace, Webflow, Wix or WordPress.
-- Adobe Dreamweaver CC -
-- Codespaces (free, browser-based) -
-- Nova (Mac only, formerly called Coda) -
-- Pinegrow -
-- Sublime Text -
-- Visual Studio Code (free) -
-- Wappler ~ Visual Web App Builder -
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Pinegrow plus Visual Studio Code allows for a workflow similar to Dreamweaver. A plugin for VS Code hooks into Pinegrow and each change in the code updates the visual view(s) in Pinegrow and vice versa a change in the Pinegrow's visual editor updates the code in VS Code.
Pinegrow's visual editing by far outpaces Dreamweaver, and VS Code is a free feature-rich code editor with many (again free) plugins to extend it almost any way you'd want.
If you do not need visual editing, a plugin for VS Code displays the html preview while you work on the code. In this case it is all free - at no extra cost.
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Thank Rayek, can please send link or scrreenshot of that that Visual looks like? Very similar workflow to DW? I'd be happy with simple DW 8 look, Visually, intuitive.... is the VS code thing free add on or? ...
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This is the Dreamweaver community. Go to Microsoft for Visual Studio Code. It's free. Try it and decide for yourself.
Given DW8's advanced age and obsolescence, you won't find a modern code editor that looks the same. Too much has changed in 17+ years.
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Thanks Nancy --Ryack post is very confusing, your reponse here as well... I'm on a Mac, so maybe the the Microsoft idea is not great idea?
Try again, For simplicity, for a person on AN APPLE Mac, the current version of DReamweaver, 2022 --sorry mentioned that. CURRENT version of DW (not 8) ? For a person who is on a Mac what of these options best looks like the current Dreamweaver in Visual mode for someone on Apple. Thanks!
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REdoing the post:
I use an older version of DW...simple, standalone-- quick html changes..
That said with Mac M1,
for a person on AN APPLE Mac, the current version of DReamweaver, 2022 --what option best looks like the current Dreamweaver in Visual mode for someone on Apple. Thanks!
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There is only one Dreamweaver CC version currently available. The workspace was completely rebuilt several years ago so it does not look like previous versions. However most of it should be familiar to you. Code | Design | Files | Properties panels are much the same but menus have changed. And you can customize your workspace if desired.
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In addition to Nancy's writings, please realize that Dreamweaver is no longer actively developed and only minimally maintained.
Take from that what you want.
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VS Code is available for use on Win, Mac and Linux OS. Since this is an Adobe product forum, I'm not going to discuss other code editors. It's up to you to decide what you like/don't like.
As I said at the start, DW CC is sold by subscription only. It works on Win 10, Mac Catalina, Big Sur or Monterey. There's little more to say except TRY it free for 7 days. If you like it, great! If you don't, cancel it before it converts to monthly billing.
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As Nancy stated, I won't discuss other apps too much here. The Live Preview extension is explained here:
The workflow is different, though. No live preview editing or selecting. But any change made in the html code immediately updates the live preview without the need for saving your work.