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Aqui estamos nos em 2023, neste momento tenho 40 sites rodando com ASP puro. Rodando bem, com escabilidade. A facilidade de manutencao no codigo, que iniciei a escrever 15 anos atras nao me deixar convecer'me a trocar de linguagem.
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Aqui estamos nos em 2023, neste momento tenho 40 sites rodando com ASP puro.
By @ficopola1
Two decades since the last update, I feel your pain. Not too late to switch though. NodeJS seems to me to be the most logical choice.
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Sim, gostaria muito de mudar e evoluir, estou tentando entender NodeJS ,mas nao entendo como ele interage back e front (no ASP você pode programartudo junto o que facilita a manutenção)Vou seguir você para tentar aprender mais.
By @ficopola1
As you're finding out node js is a pain to set up and maintain assuming you are not using some automated workflow which Wappler does.
I guess if Node.js is what you cut your teeth on as a back end run time environment as most of the newer generation of developers are doing you wouldn't know any difference. The pain might be eroded to some extent if you are a competent javascript developer and don't or can't be bothered to learn different languages for both front and back end development.
If you know php then you will know its quite possibly the easiest of the server languages to learn and has the option of keeping everything under one roof if desired rather than spreading it over a number of folders and files which is how node.js works. I mean who wants to really have to program routes/links and specifically inform where your css is kept, not to mention keep requiring packages to make it all function. It's a scatter gun approach designed as far as l can see to make developement more complex than it really is
It does the job but undoubtedly is not designed for ease of use.
If you think php is dead, it's far from dead, and wish not to invest time learning it, then l would investigate python, apparently its far easier than php to learn.
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Classic ASP was replaced in 2002 by ASP.NET framework. See below.