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I'm working on a site which will eventually have a large number of pages with scroll down menus for links. Is there a way to have Dreamweaver convert the links automatically for new pages so I don't have to write out an extensive amount of script every time I finish a page?
So you have a better understanding of what I am trying to say, here is a link to my homepage.
The Society of Beato Giacomo of Bitetto, Italy
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Unless your site is dynamically-driven and tracked (i.e. using a server-side language or a base like WordPress, etc.), there is no way to have Dreamweaver (or any other IDE) automatically populate your menues/navigation with new page content...
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In addition to what has been said about implementing a CMS to help with this, having super long or large menus may not provide the best UX to the end-user. As your site grows, you may want to consider alternative ways to link to those pages or maybe interactive elements to make searching for a particular event or year of an event as opposed to larger menus.
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How are you with PHP?
There's nothing built into DW that can do this for you, but you could use a relatively simple PHP script to list all of the pages in a given directory and add links to them, so any time you upload a page to a specific folder, the menu automatically sees and adds the file for your viewers.
Something along these lines could probably be modified to fit what you need:
If the menus get too long, it may be better to link to a page that has a list of files, more like the link above, than to have a difficult to scroll (especially on mobile) huge pop-up list.
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you can dynamically create your menus from a client mechanic by using Javascript.
you could set up a JSON file of type
"menu1" : [
"submenu1" : { "label":"Label for menu 1", "link":"pagelink.html" },
"submenu2" : { "label":"Label for menu 2", "link":"pagetwolink.html" }
"menu2" : [
"submenu1" : { "label":"Label for menu 1", "link":"pagelink.html" }
and then you can set up the various menus in each page using DOM scripting... that way you will just have to add lines on the JSON object when adding pages
you point to the site . would this be the menu in the form of a black banner? if you tell us more (or confirm) about the type of menu, sub-menus you want to set up, we can generate a piece of code for you