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Dreamweaver hangs while loading. Sometimes says Loading Site Cache but not always. Using very little CPU, some netword. Files are on remote server through VPN. It has always been slow but this is catastrophic.
Should I uninstall and reinstall?
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What do you mean by files are on remote server VPN? You should be working with a local site folder that resides on your primary hard drive, not a networked our cloud drive. DW is incapable of caching and editing remotely hosted files.
If I'm misunderstanding the problem, please feel free to update this post with more information about your computer system, OS, workflow, etc...
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Which files are on a remote server? Your local site? Your testing server? Reinstalling software won't help connecting to a remote connection as it sounds this is a remote server issue. Can you try loading up a local site and see if you experience the same issue?
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I updated DW 21.1 and on launch it hangs with the message "updating site cache" and spinning busy symbol. Mac Pro (late 20130, Mac OS 10.15.7. My site files are local.
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What happens when you hit the stop button?
File Caching isn't all that important. You can disable caching from your site definition settings.
DW typically works best when your local site folder resides on the primary hard drive, not networked or cloud drives.
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Dear Nancy, thank you for your reply.
Hitting the stop button does nothing, the spinning pizza continues.
I think I found the cache folder--in Dreamweaver 2021>Configuration. What if I just delete it? Will DW forget all the site login data?
I have three sites; the folders reside on a Drobo array connected by Thunderbolt. I could move them to the system drive, but initially DW wouldn't know where they were, right?
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Please DO NOT use Dropbox for your local site folders. This set-up will cause a huge strain on performance. You may copy sites to DropBox as backups but DW can't interact fast enough with cloud drives.
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Dear Nancy,
Thanks for the advice about Dropbox. I use Dropbox a lot, but not for my web sites. My three web sites are stored on a Drobo hard drive array--Drobo is a brand, nothing to do with Dropbox! A Drobo array is like a RAID array but it's a proprietary system. It looks like a single drive to the system. Drobos are fast--I use them for audio and video in my studio. My web sites have been on Drobo arrays for years without any problem with Dreamweaver.
Back to the questions of my Feb. 11 post above...will I lose site login information if I delete the cache folders?
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No. Caching has nothing to do with Site definitions which are stored in Preferences or STE files if you export them.
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Dear Nancy,
Deleting the SiteCache folder solved the launching problem. Dreamweaver had lost the FTP login name and password, but that was easily re-entered.
Thanks for your help.
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Dear Nancy,
I can confirm that the performance is going down massively if the local site is stored on a network drive accessed over internet. Changing site takes minutes...
But in days of remote office this is a valueable feature. To switch of the cache makes it far better than with cache enabled.
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I cannot find the place to disable caching in Dreamweaver 2020 or 2021. Could you include the menu sequence to find it please?
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I actually found that, but it is unchecked for all of my sites. So, why does DW still create or update the cache on startup or switching sites?
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...why does DW still create or update the cache...
That implies that Cache Preferences are not being saved & remembered.
Which version of DW do you have?
Which operating system?
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DW 20.2.1 and Windows 8
I did find one site that had been problematic where the cache was checked and I unchecked it.
For others that I support who can't even get Dreamweaver to open, should we delete the cache? If so, where is it located?
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Windows 8 may be your issue here as it is not supported by Dreamweaver. The last version to support Windows 8 was v19. Support for Windows 8 also ended in 2016 by Microsoft ( ). Are you able to update your system to a newer operating system? Otherwise it might be time for an new upgraded machine to resolve your issue.
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Apologies, we are at Windows 10 (not 8), so that is not the problem. How can one delete the cache, if it appears that this is causing the problem?
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Comparing your problem to the original poster, are you working on a network server through a VPN or where are your sites saved? Also as you have been working up to this point with the site cache disabled, have you tried enabling it to see if the reverse scenario solves your issue? For the original poster they went to the following location and removed the folder to have the preferences of Dreamweaver reset:
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Be sure to turn on Hidden Items in Windows File Explorer. If you don't, you may not see the WinFileCache.dat file. See screenshot.
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Go to Site > Manage Sites > Advanced Settings > Local Info. See screenshot.
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I work on local files that are automatically uploaded to OneCloud. This is a system that is faultless.
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well, here at the studio, our local files are necessarily deposited on a shared space, simply because we work as a team, and having each of us to have our own local files is a concept that on the one hand becomes unmanageable (too many synchronization steps), unthinkable (too many projects), ... and above all ... above all ... it works well that way.
The only one to cause problems in an erratic way, is DW... which sometimes starts to enter infinite loops, undertakes incomprehensible latencies, in short, it stalls... and then suddenly returns to normal...
but in summary... the fact that DW can only work on C... (if it's in his prerogatives), puts him in a unipersonal, individual work flow... out of a real team work.