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Hello dear community,
I have the following problem: the website is suddenly displayed incorrectly on Google Chrome, both mobile and desktop. On Safari and Edge it is displayed correctly. I know that there is probably a lot of programming wrong here, but as a graphic designer I am a complete layman when it comes to web programming, I had to fiddle a bit with Dreamweaver since Muse no longer works. Until a few days ago there were no problems, even after the last changes it was displayed correctly. Can anyone help me out here?
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Also tried an older backup version from last month where everything was fine - still the same problem.
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You already know the site needs to be rebuilt. The only question is by whom?
The current site doesn't perform well in ALL devices. It has probably been like this for quite awhile. I don't know which widget is causing the problem but it's safe to say that all widgets and Typekit references should be removed from your code. 65 error warnings described below are not critical but they're nothing to be proud of either.
If you decide to rebuild the site yourself, start here:
Files Panel (F8)
Dreamweaver will create a responsive page layout and asset folders in your Files Panel (F8).
Replace document <title> with the business name. For some unknown reason, your current site's <title> is Startseite.
Replace sample page text & images with your own content copied from the original site.
Save often with Ctrl/Cmd + S.
See Google's SEO Starter Guide for tips on optimizing content for better Search Engine results.
Also refer to these code tutorials. Basic coding can be learned in a weekend.
Feel free to post back with any questions.
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The biggest thing I am noticing is that your site_global.css file is empty now ( ). That is causing all of your display issues at the moment. If you get a backup of that file restored it should fix most of your issues, although I do agree that the site is in need of an update.
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Unfortunately, the site has too many problems. There's nothing to salvage except content.
All Muse generated sites should have been re-built 5 years ago.