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I have a Wordpress website and want to import it into Dreamweaver so that my students can interact with the content. I have exported the content and have the xml file.
When I import the XML file into Dreamweaver 21 all I see is the XML code.
How do I convert the XML to HTML so my students can interact with the content & use the 'Live' view to see the changes?
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
I note that some have been rather scathing saying the idea was preposterous!
I'd like to state from the outset that I have only some experience in building websites.
The situation I was working with is this:
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The only way to get your students to interact with Wordpress content is to install Wordpress on their local system(s).
Have a look at this video for further explanations
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This whole question seems ludicrous, no doubt due to ignorance about what WordPress is and how it works.
WordPress is a database driven website. There is no content to interact with apart from what you see in browsers after the hosting server generates it from PHP programming and data stored inside the MySQL database.
Open your browser, and go to the WordPress site to see content. Use a feed reader to parse RSS feeds (the XML content to which you refer).
Dreamweaver is of no use to WordPress site owners. Dreamweaver is merely a code editor for experienced developers to use BEFORE they deploy WordPress.
After WordPress is deployed, all site editing is performed within WordPress's dashboard which you log into with your user ID and password. If you wish to give your students editing access, create new low-level user accounts for them. But under no circumstances should you entrust students with admin level dashboard access for security reasons. Mistakes could be catastrophic to your site.
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Open your browser, and go to the WordPress site to see content. Use a feed reader to parse RSS feeds (the XML content to which you refer)
By @Nancy OShea
in fact the XML file the OP talks about, is a way to export then import content from web site to web site
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Dreamweaver is of no use to WordPress site owners. Dreamweaver is merely a code editor for experienced developers to use BEFORE they deploy WordPress.
By @Nancy OShea
in fact it depends on each of us, personally, I daily use among others DW to maintain all the WP sites on which I must intervene
well I can't say it enough, but since @BenPleysier made me discover VSC, I admit that I open more and more this IDE... especially since DW announced its withdrawal... well its own stagnation
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Copied fact it depends on each of us, personally, I daily use among others DW to maintain all the WP sites on which I must intervene...
Yes because you are a programmer and have a good working knowledge of how WordPress works. But I doubt that the OP is a programmer based on the question that was asked.
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you're probably right, but we all started not necessarily by the right door, and nothing is impossible to whoever takes the trouble.
and then it often happens that the question is awkward, and I am a real example... you say white and I read green...
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
I note that some have been rather scathing saying the idea was preposterous!
I'd like to state from the outset that I have only some experience in building websites.
The situation I was working with is this:
Thanks to everyone, again, for your comments and links to supprt videos.
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FYI, Dreamweaver doesn't support .rte files. Supported file types in Dreamweaver include:
.dwt (Dreamweaver proprietary Templates)
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I hope this list i snot exhaustive ;)...
but I think that the OP thought of writing .ste
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I hope this list i snot exhaustive ;)...
but I think that the OP thought of writing .ste
By @B i r n o u
I defer to Dreamweaver's list of supported file types.
I don't think so. Exported .ste (site definition settings) are NOT recognized by DW's Code Editor. Besides, they contain nothing relevant to the student tasks of editing HTML and CSS.
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@Nancy OShea in fact I was sad not to see my two core file types that I open and use all the time (and that are part of the list proposed by DW) that are SCSS and Sass... 🙂
By @Nancy OSheaExported .ste (site definition settings) are NOT recognized by DW's Code Editor. Besides, they contain nothing relevant to the student tasks of editing HTML and CSS.
but I don't think that the OP gives these files to the students to open... but rather that they import them into DW to automatically configure their working environment... and thus be ready to work on the spaces, files, and other exercises prepared by the OP...
*but maybe it was not STE, this was just a guess on a previous comment.
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I would go in that direction I have been using Dreamweaver over the last 15 years. It hasn't improved much I have a feeling that soon it will be gone like Fireworks, Flash etc. WordPress or Webflow are much easier and quicker to create responsive and dynamic websites. Slowly futures are disappearing from the Dreamweaver app.. It is the app that is slowly dying ..not worth investing your time to learn it or use it.