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AUSST - Multiple ProcessUtils errors in DLM log file

Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2023 Jan 17, 2023

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Hi there,


As I am regulary watching my AUSST internal server synchro results, I have noticed, in th DLM log file, a huge amout of the same error:


[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | XXXX | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
I do not pass through a proxy server to contact the Adobe's servers to download updates from. I use a scheduled task to launch an incremental sync automatically on  regular basis. Those errors are not leading or causing FATAL events in the logs.
I took some samples (see below) from an extract of the DLM log file so the error can be seen in context. Please note that I removed some text to make it easier t to read (date and time for example have been removed).
Thank you for your ideas.
[INFO] | 8160 | *******************start of Download****************
[INFO] | 8160 | GDE Version is
[INFO] | 8160 | INFO: serverfullpathForHeadCall is empty in input structure of DLE
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 8160 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[ERROR] | 8160 | The windows error code is - 12180
[ERROR] | 8160 | Failed to get the user proxy settings (WPAD). Error is 12180. Ignoring the proxy setting in this case.
[ERROR] | 8160 | failed to resolve the proxy setting on the machine
[INFO] | 8160 | Going to download the file at F:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates\ACC\services\ffc\packages\CDEC\1.0.0\osx10-64/Application.json
[INFO] | 8160 | Preference: Preference is set for adding compression header
[INFO] | 8160 | Preference: Client has set the preference for single stream download
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 6416 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[INFO] | 9208 | gzip encoding received in respose header. Going to unzip...
[INFO] | 9208 | successfully unzipped the gzip response
[INFO] | 9208 | File download complete: https://cdn-ffc.oobesaas.adobe.com/core/v3/applications?name=CDEC&version=1.0.0&platform=osx10-64&bu... size: 668 Bytes, Time Taken:437.000000 milliseconds
[INFO] | 572 | Using New Adaptive Algorithm
[INFO] | 572 | INFO: serverfullpathForHeadCall is empty in input structure of DLE
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 572 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[ERROR] | 572 | The windows error code is - 12180
[ERROR] | 572 | Failed to get the user proxy settings (WPAD). Error is 12180. Ignoring the proxy setting in this case.
[ERROR] | 572 | failed to resolve the proxy setting on the machine
[INFO] | 572 | The file to be downloaded is https://cdn-ffc.oobesaas.adobe.com/core/v2/validation/2703
[INFO] | 572 | Going to download the file at F:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates\ACC\products\AdobeProducts\CDEC\\osx10-64\71aff5fe-f13b-44bf-8764-58e9175e92bd/validation.xml
[INFO] | 572 | Preference: Preference is set for adding compression header
[INFO] | 572 | Preference: Client has set the preference for single stream download
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 13224 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[INFO] | 11092 | No encoding received in respose header. Going to rename...
[INFO] | 11092 | File download complete: https://cdn-ffc.oobesaas.adobe.com/core/v2/validation/2703 size: 378 Bytes, Time Taken:437.000000 milliseconds
[INFO] | 11600 | *******************End****************
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 9132 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[INFO] | 15008 | No encoding received in respose header. Going to rename...
[INFO] | 15008 | File download complete: https://ccmdls.adobe.com/AdobeProducts/IDSN/ size: 266755 Bytes, Time Taken:890.000000 milliseconds
[INFO] | 15504 | Using New Adaptive Algorithm
[INFO] | 15504 | INFO: serverfullpathForHeadCall is empty in input structure of DLE
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 15504 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[ERROR] | 15504 | The windows error code is - 12180
[ERROR] | 15504 | Failed to get the user proxy settings (WPAD). Error is 12180. Ignoring the proxy setting in this case.
[ERROR] | 15504 | failed to resolve the proxy setting on the machine
[INFO] | 15504 | Going to download the file at F:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates\ACC\products\AdobeProducts\IDSN\\macuniversal\c171bcba-9479-4b0c-8ba7-69670c29abd1/validation.xml
[INFO] | 15504 | Preference: Preference is set for adding compression header
[INFO] | 15504 | Preference: Client has set the preference for single stream download
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 8612 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[INFO] | 12768 | No encoding received in respose header. Going to rename...
[INFO] | 12768 | File download complete: https://cdn-ffc.oobesaas.adobe.com/core/v2/validation/55146?algorithm=TYPE2 size: 413 Bytes, Time Taken:328.000000 milliseconds
[INFO] | 15504 | Using New Adaptive Algorithm
[INFO] | 15504 | INFO: serverfullpathForHeadCall is empty in input structure of DLE
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 15504 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[ERROR] | 15504 | The windows error code is - 12180
[ERROR] | 15504 | Failed to get the user proxy settings (WPAD). Error is 12180. Ignoring the proxy setting in this case.
[ERROR] | 15504 | failed to resolve the proxy setting on the machine
[INFO] | 15504 | Going to download the file at F:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates\ACC\products\AdobeProducts\IDSN\\macuniversal\c171bcba-9479-4b0c-8ba7-69670c29abd1/AdobeInDesignAppLang-zh_TW.zip
[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 15504 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[INFO] | 15504 | Header Field for the HEAD request is :

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 11:24:47 GMT
Content-Length: 257319
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-MD5: vbz9B83/E8wL928CQbHVPQ==
Last-Modified: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 12:44:32 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "bdbcfd07cdff13cc0bf76f0241b1d53d:1673268329.558795"
Server: AkamaiNetStorage

[ERROR] | ProcessUtils | 15504 | In changeThreadContextToExplorerContext. Unable to find explorer processID
[INFO] | 15504 | Logging the HTTP Header for Byte-Range query :
[INFO] | 15504 | Header contents:
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 11:24:47 GMT
Content-Length: 2
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-MD5: vbz9B83/E8wL928CQbHVPQ==
Content-Range: bytes 257317-257318/257319
Last-Modified: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 12:44:32 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "bdbcfd07cdff13cc0bf76f0241b1d53d:1673268329.558795"
Server: AkamaiNetStorage






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

@SIRRenens  The server always connects to the Adobe server in order to get any type of updates (incremental or fresh). These errors look like general errors that could be ignored as the connection is still active and files are processing.

You can also check the AUSST logs (AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.log) to check for any Fatal errors, the log files are located in the %temp%  folder in Windows and in the ~/Library/Logs  in macOS



Community Expert ,
Feb 26, 2023 Feb 26, 2023

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Hi @SIRRenens,

Did you contact Adobe support to see if they have any ideas/clues for this. It seems to be a very specific issue with less chances of someone else seeing this and knowing anything about it. I will in the meanwhile try to escalate this to the Adobe team(if I can get hold of them). I will update you if I get some response, or they might also contact you directly.






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Community Beginner ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Hello @Manan Joshi ,


Thanks for your reply.


Not yet as it doesn't seems to be a critical blocking issue for downloading updates or updating clients. I will see to contact support about this issue when i got the time to follow this case.





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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@SIRRenens  The server always connects to the Adobe server in order to get any type of updates (incremental or fresh). These errors look like general errors that could be ignored as the connection is still active and files are processing.

You can also check the AUSST logs (AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.log) to check for any Fatal errors, the log files are located in the %temp%  folder in Windows and in the ~/Library/Logs  in macOS





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Community Expert ,
Feb 26, 2023 Feb 26, 2023

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open the support tab on your admin console > start chat or start case or request expert session.







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