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i've gone back and forth through email and over the phone 3x with adobe...here's the rub:
ultimately, i wish to delete my adobe account and everything associated with it, but since i'm a part of a company i have to leave said company. i get to the "you've left the company and the administrator as been notified" message, but i do not receive a message or notification, since i am the only admin of the co.
so i am stuck in a prompt loop of leave the company > you've left the company > delete adobe account > you must leave the company to delete your account.
anyone have any REAL actual advice??? thank you in advance. screenshots for context
1 Correct answer
I'm not 100% certain you can delete your account as the sole admin for the company. You would need to assign another user as the admin first, then demote yourself from an admin position allowing you to remove the account.
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I'm not 100% certain you can delete your account as the sole admin for the company. You would need to assign another user as the admin first, then demote yourself from an admin position allowing you to remove the account.

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how does one do that if there are no other ppl to assign? as global admin why wouldn't that allow you the "right" to leave/delete org, and then delete account?
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@Deleted User Enterprise accounts are normally assigned when there are over 50 users in a company. How do you have one with only one person?

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honestly, it was news to me.
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did you ever figure out the answer to this?? trying to do it myself and am in the same situation
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Hi @jasmyn_7232
Thanks for reaching out. I have sent you a personal message, please check.
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Almost same thing happening to me. I have an old, personal account that was highjacked by "Mary Maloney" who assigned herself administrator. I cannot delete without removing her, and I can't remove her because she's the SOLE ADMINISTRATOR! Customer Service is brain-dead less than useful. I stopped using Adobe years ago but I hate being connected to this company in any way. "WhoTheHell" is the name I changed the account to, just to mess with Mary, whoever she is. Grr.
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Since 4 weeks I try to delete my account. Even with the help of 4 support staff (up to now) this is a mission which obviously cannot be accomplished.
I had a Adobe Team account by mistake. I was the only person in my company using that account, there was only on subscription for this account.
Because the Adobe Team account is mor expensiv then a individual account my company told me to get rid of it.
I successfully canceled my subsription. The idea was to delete the Adobe Team account and my account within that Adobe Team account to get a fresh start with Adobe.
Now, this plan failed so far. At the moment I'm a member of a "deleted org". I cannot leave this "deleted org" and as long as I cannot leave the "deleted org" I cannot delete my account.
With this setup it is also not possible to start a new subscription. The only chance I had is using a new e-mail address which I didn't get from my company. I had the support of 4 Adobe staff in the last 4 weeks and none of them was able to delete the accounts. I answered 3 e-mails with "I agree" , which seems to have no effect so far.
I don't understand why it's so difficult to delete a team account, especially if you're the only person on that team.
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Hi @blck77 ,
Apologies for the delay in response, and thank you for reaching out. Upon checking on our end, you have been removed from your previous Teams contract. You should now be able to delete your Adobe ID.
Please follow the steps outlined in this document:
Kindly try the steps and let us know if you encounter any issues. We're happy to assist further if needed.
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I contacted Adobe support this morning again, I confirmed the deletion again (the fourth time, I think) and was advised to wait at least 30 days in which I should not log in to my account. After this period of time everything should be deleted.
However, I'm a bit in a hurry. I have no software to work with since 4 weeks now and now I should wait another 30 days. For me that is not possible. My work piles up. I installed GIMP and INKSPACE and hope to get around with these two apps. I just do not have the time to wait any longer.
By the way: after I received your message, of course I tried it again to leave the deleted organization. It is just not possible. Not at the moment at least. Maybe in 30 days, nobody knows.
Just to recall: All I wanted to do 4 weeks ago, after I canceled my subsription for the Adobe Team Account, was to delete the accounts and make a fresh start with Adobe. Easy peasy, I thought. I was the only user, I was the only admin. How hard could that be, I thought.
After 4 weeks I have to say: what a mess.
I have have an individual private Adobe CC account which I use for private work and which has nothing to do with the Adobe Teams account I had at work. For this I'm really thankful.
Anyway, thank you for your support. At least you tried your best but the Adobe account system beated us both.
Kind regards