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Creative Cloud wont sync "exceeded storage quota" but its untrue

New Here ,
Sep 12, 2021 Sep 12, 2021

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Hi there, 

I have recently started recieving an error message when trying to sync, stating my files wont sync becasue the owner of the files has exceeded their storage quota. As this is a shared folder, all the members of my team have checked their storage and we have all barely scrached the surface, yet I am still receiving this message. 

I have tried all the useual fixes (turn it of and on again, sign out then sign in again, restart, re-install app, etc) but this continues to happen and it is very frustrating and becoming a huge timewaster. 

There is about 50 files that it is refusing to sync but I don't know how to fix it. 

My boss also spent a decent amount of time with someone on support but they didn;t have any solutions either. 

Please help! 😕 

Business ID , Troubleshooting






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Sep 13, 2021 Sep 13, 2021

While signing in, did you choose (or get an option to)  between a Personal or Business profile?

We'll probably require a little bit more information to help you troubleshoot. But here is what I think may be going on.


With a recent Upgrade to teams and enterprises, businesses have greater control and access to theier assets. As part of the upgrade, Users accounts are organized into different profiles: Personal and Business. The app and storage entitlements are also split within these Profiles.




Adobe Employee ,
Sep 13, 2021 Sep 13, 2021

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While signing in, did you choose (or get an option to)  between a Personal or Business profile?

We'll probably require a little bit more information to help you troubleshoot. But here is what I think may be going on.


With a recent Upgrade to teams and enterprises, businesses have greater control and access to theier assets. As part of the upgrade, Users accounts are organized into different profiles: Personal and Business. The app and storage entitlements are also split within these Profiles. In most cases the change is in the background and all data and licences are transferred automatically. However, if a user has multiple plans (for example a personal plan AND enterprise/teams plans) , they're may be asked to choose in which profile they'd like to move their assets.


In this case it seems that the user(s) may have decided to keep assets in the personal profile(s). So while the Business Profiles, which have the Teams plans have unutilized storage, the Personal Profile which reverted to the free plan has 2GB of storage. Can you check with the user who owns these files, if they've done the following:


1. At sign-in, when asked to choose where to migrate assets, did they choose Business. See, Introduction to profiles for more information. If they haven't signed in yet, ask them to sign out and then sign back in to initiate the migration process.

2. However, if they decided to keep assets in the personal profile, they'll need to moves assets manually. See Move assets across profiles. However, as this is manual, they'll need to reshare the assets with the team again.





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