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Olá, tenho um Macbook Pro e recentemente instalei o Parallels para poder rodar o Windows. Baixei o Creative Cloud e tenho o plano completo de todos os apps. Porém, só consegui instalar Photoshop e Lightroom, alegando que não é possível instalar o Illustrator, por exemplo, dizendo que não está disponível para o dispositivo. Quando acesso o programa da Creative Cloud não aparece o Illustrator como uma opção para baixar (só Lightroom e Photoshop). Só apareceu o botão Instalar quando acessei pelo navegador, mas ainda assim disse que não está disponível para meu dispositivo.
O que faço para solucionar esse problema?
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Ana, are you trying to install Illustrator CC on a MacBook Pro running Windows using Parallels? Are you able to install Illustrator CC on macOS successfully?
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Yes, Jeff. I was able to install Illustrator on Mac. The problem is when running Windows using Parallels.
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Ok, thanks for the update, Ana. In addition to the normal troubleshooting for trying to run Creative Cloud applications on Windows, you will also want to verify that the Internet connection is not being blocked or restricted by the host operating system, or when Parallel's is passing that information on to Windows.
I did review the account you used to post to this public discussion forum, and the e-mail address is managed by an organization. Please make sure that you are signing in under the individual account, as the error message in your original post could be due to access being blocked through the organization's Creative Cloud membership. They may not have granted access to the applications you are attempting to install.
If you are trying to utilize your individual account, then see for steps you can take to allow the membership to be seen and Photoshop, Lightroom, or Illustrator CC to be installed.
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Jeff, I was able to install all the applications on my 2 other computer (1 is Windows and the other is Mac). It's not a problem with the organization that I'm a member of. I also pay for the complete plan (which runs all the applications). I was able to install Photoshop and Lightroom, but that is it. All the others say that it's not available for my computer.
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Ana, the most likely cause of the error is the organization has not granted you access to Illustrator CC. Since an organization manages your e-mail address and a Creative Cloud membership, I would recommend you contact their Creative Cloud administrator for assistance. They can use the process listed in if they need to contact us on your behalf.
If you wish to use a Creative Cloud Individual membership, then I would recommend you do so on an e-mail address that is not managed by an organization Ana. This will help verify that you can access the applications included with the individual plan.
Please see for additional information on logging in between an individual membership or the one managed by the organization that manages your e-mail address.
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I contacted the Creative Cloud administrator for assistance and it was told that my plan includes all the apps - and it is working perfectly. As I said before, the apps are working fine on my other computer which runs Windows. The problem happens when I use my Macbook running Parallels (Windows 11). Here I attached some print screens to show you what appears to me when I start Adobe Creative Cloud on my computer. Whenever I start Adobe Creative Cloud it tells me to "send a link" in order to install Illustrator - I did it but it still didn't work.
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I just found an article on Adobe that says Illustrator cannot be run on ARM processors. Is this the problem that may be happening with me because of Parallels on M1?