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I have the same issue in a school, a classroom suite of High Sierra Mac's that support Photoshop 21.2.12.
This is 2 generations older than the current version of 23.3.1
All I want to be able to do is use the Admin Console to download 2020 apps to keep the suite running until replacement. The latest version in education is not needed (and the hardware simply is not funded)
Replacement computers are ordered but > 6month delivery delays.
I can download 21.2.12 as a custom package in Adobe Console, but cannot download After Effects 17.6 (plus Premiere Pro + other apps)
I can still create packages for CS6, CC 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018, but the only versions I cannot fully download is 2019 and 2020 from adobe. There is a 'gap' downloading Adobe software which is disappointing for students learning Adobe software. We dont require any support, and pay yearly licencing.
Adobe poorly supports or understands education customers.
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adobe's trying to coerce users of its software to use the latest versions on up-to-date os's. to that end the cc desktop app only offers the latest version and one version previous to the current.
if you want to make a suggestion to adobe,
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Yes - unfortunately for us in Education we do have a suite of hardware - from the latest to older. I have contacted enterprise and I am obtaining manual install links for required software.
The root of the problem is: (Media Encoder/Premiere Pro for example)
Adobe have removed all prior updates of Media Encoder/Premiere Pro 14, except for 14.9.2 in the Admin Console
High Sierra requires 14.8
This is the same for After Effects:
Adobe have removed all prior updates of After Effects, except for 17.7.1
High Sierra requires 17.5
Its the blanket removal of updates to the base version that is causing an issue for me.
It just now means I have to install several individual packages as I cannot make a custom package in the Admin Console with the versions required by High Sierra.
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I ended up contacting support for the individual packages no longer available in the Admin Console.
I now install CC from a mix of packaged apps from the Admin Console, and individual packages for the applications no longer available.
Not ideal, takes longer but it works.