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it would be convenient to collect in a single thread all the issues developers run into with CEP 8 – please read the latest documentation CEP-Resources/CEP 8.0 HTML Extension at master · Adobe-CEP/CEP-Resources · GitHub and contribute here with your findings. Please prefix with the CC app code you're testing against, eg. [PS], [ID], [IL], etc.
inspector.js:601 Uncaught Error: No setting registered: showAdvancedHeapSnapshotProperties
at Common.Settings.moduleSetting (inspector.js:601)
at Object.Common.moduleSetting (inspector.js:698)
at Common.VersionController._updateVersionFrom3To4 (inspector.js:646)
at Common.VersionController.updateVersion (inspector.js:640)
at Main.Main._createSettings (inspector.js:8500)
at Main.Main._gotPreferences (inspector.js:8496)
at Host.InspectorFrontendHostStub.getPreferences (inspector.js:892)
at Main.Main._loaded (inspector.js:8494)
at windowLoaded (inspector.js:287)
Workaround: use Google Chromium instead (see Download Chromium - The Chromium Projects )
I'll keep adding items to this list – I'm currently updating my Photoshop HTML Panels Development course to CC 2018 and I'm still finding stuff. Please look at the official documentation for Node.js changes in CEP 8 – if your panel uses node, you'd better off reading that.
Message was edited by: Davide Barranca, October 21st
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i just noticed that in CC2018 I cannot input letters anymore into text input fields, if I registered KeyEventInterest in the respective keyboad keys. Works fine on Ae & Pr CC2017 but not on Ae & Pr CC2018.
Anybody having the same issue? Workarounds?
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If you post a little bit of your code then I might have time to try something out later
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I found the difference now. Seems like in CC2018 the jquery event $('html').keydown()
fires when keyevent interest is registered even if a text input has focus and in earlier versions it does not fire.
Inside the callback for this event I had a event.preventDefault(); and removing this statement makes the text input work again as expected.
Thanks a lot for offering your help, Trevor!
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We have encountered the following two issues in [Pr]emiere Pro 2018. That said, I suspect that the root issue is in CEP, rather than something PPro-specific. See:
The first of these two issues is surprisingly painful and requires drastic workaround (stop using oninput altogether and use onchange with form validation as a poor-man's substitute).
Both of these issues were introduced in Premiere Pro CC2018 (v12.0.0).
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Adding one more to the list:
Tested solely in Premiere Pro CC 2018 (v12.0.0).
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Removing from list it's not a but see [BUG] <select> element contents not rendered near bottom of panel window
I'm not gong to debate why it's not a bug, but either way the 'fix' is there.
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Putting "fix" in quotes as you did was the right call The fix proposed for this bug is indeed a workaround to the actual bug. A description of why this is "not a bug" would go a long way in helping.
For now, I propose that this remain on the list of bugs because it is a standard element that breaks on the simplest of implementations (as seen on the GitHub bug report).
IF this is an otherwise known issue that has the root cause somewhere deep in the CEP implementation details and cannot be fixed in a future release, then it should be documented in the Cookbook (at least).
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lesavage wrote some years back, (couldn't find were). That Adobe will not deal with the issue which is a Webkit issue and not an Adobe one.
So according to her you need to be in touch with Google.
Good luck!
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Thanks for the links to the posts. That is helpful.
I did a little digging into the Open Source CEF and Blink issues and could not find a bug report about this problem. From what I could tell based on the reading, this might be a problem that Adobe does need to fix. I will put the details at the link I reported on the GitHub Issue.