Today on my M1 the CreativeCloud was updated to Version
When running in the command line:
"/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/RemoteComponents/UPI/UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent/UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent" --list all
I got the following output
Enabled [PluginName] 1.4.2
On my x86-Mac with CC-Version, I get the following output:
Enabled [PluginName]
This means, that in the newer Version of CC the last Numbers of the Versions have disappeared.
But this number is important, because it used to check whether a newer Version of the Plugin is available (I'm having a C++-Plugin and use UXP for the UI)
Please bring the full version-number back.
And, it would be nice if the version-Number of a Plugin can be shown also in the UI of Creative Cloud