Adobe Fireworks also in the Creative Cloud Subscription model?
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Its possible to use the Adobe Fireworks also in the cheapest Creative Cloud Subscription model?
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Hi - it is only available on full or student/teacher subscriptions. It is not available on the photography plan.
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Why do you want to use discontinued graphics software that's not supported or updated when there are many other, better graphics apps available?
- Illustrator CC:
- Photoshop Elements:
- Photoshop CC:
OTHER TOOLS (raster & vector):
- Affinity Photo & Affinity Designer:
- CorelDRAW Graphics Suite:
- Gravit Designer:
- Inkscape:
- Krita:
- Paint.NET:
- PaintShop Pro:
- PhotoPea:
- Photo Pos Pro:
- Pixlr:
- Vctr:
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Better is subjective
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Can Fireworks possibly compete with this??
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No, no it can't and it's a feature I've never wanted. Hopefully when it's fully implemented we can just ask the AI to make us a transparent square instead of trying to remember the 12 step process it takes in Photoshop.
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can an old Citroën 2CV compete with a state-of-the-art hybrid SUV?
In fact, that's not the main question... it's so subjective. 😉
but the best answer could be...
"... do you own an old Citroën 2cv ? is it in working order, and does it still meet your expectations?...
if so... you will understand why some of us can continue to drive a Citroën 2cv, and not a new hybrid SUV..."... 🙂
even if one have to use a virtual machine to run Fw... composing and working our application interfaces has never been so flexible, simple, efficient, at least for those of us who discovered the back end of this magnificent tool...
personally I use Fw since its version 2 where used in conjunction with Macromind Director I had the chance to dissect this tool, and especially its creative interface convoluted the vector and the pixel. ... and then the complementary magic that Javascript can bring us... without counting the wonderful enthusiasts (John, Aaron, Senocular, Matt, Ale, and many others...) who have been able to complete with their respective talents the lacks by so many efficient, useful extensions, and ... then... nothing more to say... Fw is here... thank you.... no need for more...
But, I fear that this eternal debate between Fw users and those who don't use it (or never used it) will remain the same...
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I've never owned or wanted an SUV, hybrid or not.
My understanding of vintage French vehicles is limited. But I hear Citroen parts are nearly impossible to find unless you get them from a custom supplier which is fine if you have the money and all the time in the world to wait for them.
The rest of us have things to do and places to go. Just saying...
Sentiment aside, Fireworks just can't cope with modern file formats which is a huge drawback for web site owners and their visitors.
Why use images in WebP or AVIF format?
WebP and AVIF image formats have superior compression and quality characteristics compared to their older JPEG and PNG counterparts. Encoding your images in these formats rather than JPEG or PNG means that they load faster and consume less cellular data.
WebP can be used for both static and animated images with transparency. The format is supported in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera and provides better lossy and lossless compression for images on the web. See A New Image Format For The Web for more on WebP.
Newer AVIF is supported in Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, and Opera and it offers significantly smaller file sizes compared to other formats with the same quality settings. See Serving AVIF Images Codelab for more on AVIF.
There are many other reasons not to use Fireworks but file format and compression are as good a place as any to start.
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Hi Nancy
thank you for your help. I have try all this tools from your list and also the Apple tools like Sketch etc. but in the end of the day Fireworks was all the time the most efficient tool for me. If i create designe mockups, logos and edit pictures I can do everything very fast in only one program. All other tools are full and overload with functions but 99% of all this functions i dont need it. So currently i use the Creative Cloud with all Apps subscription but i work only with Fireworks and looking for a new Solution on the market. Maybe Affinity or Corel DRAW would be my future solution.
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You can also do a lot of the things you would have done in Illustrator and Photoshop. Is there a specific thing you need from Fireworks?
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Hi Daniel
Yes but the usability is the problem.
As Example: i have a task to create a square which is transparent
In Fireworks i need 3s for 1 click and change the transparency.
In Adobe i click on the square but its not a squre. the corners are round.
The picture is blocked so i have to unblock and i cannot find the transparency option.
Its maybe possible to create in Adobe Photoshop the same overview from the options and functions like in Fireworks so that the swicth is more easier?
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Its maybe possible to create in Adobe Photoshop
By CyberCommander
It's EZ PZ in Photoshop. See screenshots.
1. Go to File > New to create a new image.
2. Enter desired image width, height and resolution.
3. Color Mode: RGB Color, 8 bit.
4. Background contents: Transparent.
5. Hit OK.
6. With the Shape Tool selected, choose Rectangle, Rounded rectangle, Ellipse or whatever Custom Shape you want from the Shape Presets library. For this example, I used a Custom Shape.
7. Set FILL & STROKE as desired. I used a pink Fill and purple Stroke (line).
8. Optionally, adjust Layer Opacity to make your Shape less opaque.
9. Go to File > Export > Export As > PNG with Transparency.
10. Hit the Export All button to save your transparent image.
You have a lot more options over what you create in Photoshop. To delve deeper, check out the Getting Started Tutorials below.
Hope that helps. Post back if you have any questions.
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EZ PZ in Photoshop yet requires 3 screen shots and about 10x the explanation. You see the issue here right?
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Affinty Designer is your best bet & the closest thing to Fireworks. V2 of Affinity apps was released recently with new features. If you buy all 3 Affinity apps: Designer, Photo & Designer you can use the features of all three apps in an integrated environent, using what Affinity call Studio Link.
Affinity offers an alternative to the subscription model...
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Adobe Illustrator has all of that and a lot more
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yes it does have more features, for someone who is looking for a drop in replacement for Fireworks it isn't necessarily a great fit. Fireworks combines bitmap/vector editing with fast workflows. Also OP was asking about the cheapest CC subscription which I presume is the Photography package and as far as I know it does not include Firerworks.
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Well Nancy, I'll tell you way I still use it. I personally don't have the time nor the patience for the convulated software that is Photoshop, or Illustrator. I've been using graphic design programs since the Commodore Amiga and find both Photoshop and Illustrator absolutly dreadful. I've invested entirely too much effort into learning both yet I constantly return to Fireworks because it's actually enjoyable to use, runs perfectly fine on Windows 10 and most importantly I can actually get work done quickly.
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It's discontinued, if your version of would have inculded it, you can try to use it and install under Previous. It's not compatible with a lot of current setups, if you were to use it, you will do better on an older computer.