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10/10/2017 - Release - AIR 27 Windows SDK

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 10, 2017 Oct 10, 2017

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Today we're pleased to announce that the next version of the Windows AIR SDK is available for immediate download.  This release of AIR provides bug fixes for Windows-based developers.

Below are some of the key features and benefits of AIR 27.  Please see our release notes for full details.


App Transport Security

With macOS 10.11, Apple has introduced App Transport Security (ATS) which mandates that applications use secure network connections over HTTPS only.  Because this is a significant change, Apple has provided applications an override via NSAllowsArbitraryLoads which will allow insecure connections.

With AIR SDK 27, all AIR applications built for macOS will automatically have the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key set as true in their info.plist file.  This is a temporary solution.  Apple may reject your application during the review process or disable the usage of NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in future OS updates. We recommend using secure network connections over HTTPS in your applications.

Disabling Packaging of Shared Android Applications

Starting with AIR 26, packaging of shared applications for Android is disabled. With this change, published applications will always have a captive copy of the runtime included in their installation package irrespective of the target selected (that is, apk or apk-captive-runtime).  This change allows us to focus our testing and engineering on captive installation, by far, the most popular option.

New Features

macOS AIR SDK Upgrade

From AIR 27, AIR Runtime is built with Mac 10.12 SDK. App Transport Security (ATS) introduced by Apple does not allow insecure connections between App and Web services. Because of this change, we recommend that developers update web connection calls to https to comply with Apple's App Transport Security.  Please see the announcement section for more details.

Asynchronous texture upload for AIR Desktop

In AIR 26, the texture upload was synchronous on AIR desktop. Therefore, developers had to wait till the new texture was uploaded successfully.

With AIR 27, you can now upload textures asynchronously while the current texture is being rendered. This ensures a better UI performance for AIR applications and a smoother user experience.

On successfully completing an asynchronous texture upload, a TEXTURE_READY event will be generated. Asynchronous upload of texture data for all the texture formats is done using the following two new APIs:

  1. uploadFromBitmapDataAsync( source:BitmapData, miplevel:uint = 0)
  2. uploadFromByteArrayAsync( data:ByteArray, byteArrayOffset:uint, miplevel:uint = 0 )

This feature supports Normal and Rectangular texture for miplevel 0 only.

Enable DirectX 11 for AIR Win

AIR 26 and below used DirectX 9 for hardware accelerated rendering on Windows. Beginning with AIR 27.0, AIR will use DirectX 11 for the hardware accelerated rendering for Windows 8.0 and above.For Windows 7 and below, hardware accelerated content will continue to use DirectX 9. The AIR application will load the respective DirectX 11 DLL i.e. d3d11.dll to render any hardware accelerated content. If hardware acceleration is disabled, or the hardware is unavailable the rendering falls back to the Software mode. If the specific DLL for DirectX 11 is missing on the system, the rendering again falls back to Software mode.This feature is supported with SWF version 38 and above.

Adding support for new languages in AIR Mobile

Starting with AIR 27, we have added support for the following languages:

  • Finnish (fi),
  • Greek (el),
  • Indonesian (in),
  • Malay (ms),
  • Thai (th)
  • Vietnamese (vi)

Note: To use these languages, the Namespace value in application descriptor must be 27.0 or greater.

Sample Snippet:

<supportedLanguages>fi el in ms th vi</supportedLanguages>


<text xml:lang="fi">NameInFinnish</text>


Fixed Issues

  • [IOS] IOS device list is not getting listed after iTunes update to on Windows (AIR-4198467)
  • [iOS] Installation Error: API Internal Error while installing ipa on iOS11 devices using Flash Builder, Animate CC and Command line on Windows

Known Issues

  • [iOS] Applications not getting installed on iOS 11 devices on Mac 10.13.  If encountered, please unplug and plug in the device a second time, then repeat the installation process

Download Locations:

AIR runtime for Windows: Runtime Download

AIR runtime for Macintosh: Runtime Download

AIR SDK & Compiler for Windows: SDK & Compiler Download

AIR SDK & Compiler for Macintosh: SDK & Compiler Download

Note: To provide all the all the necessary tools for our developers in one place and avoid having to download multiple components, we are packaging Adobe AIR 27 SDK and ActionScript Compiler 2.0 in a single SDK called “Adobe AIR 27 SDK & Compiler”.

AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Windows: SDK Windows Download

AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Macintosh: SDK Macintosh Download

Previous versions of the AIR runtime and SDK can be found on the Archived AIR SDK and Runtimes page






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