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adobe flashplayer update installs mcafee crapware

Explorer ,
Apr 04, 2012 Apr 04, 2012

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Updated flash player and these adobe installed macafee crapware without even asking!!!! How can they do that? Why would they do that? Why do they want to piss off someone especially a customer! They have made me a totally RELUCTANT customer now.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Deleted User
Apr 16, 2012 Apr 16, 2012

No the download and install starts immediately. see http://www.adobe.com/go/getflash/ when embedded:

Where can I send the invoice for the half an hour lost deinstalling the crap!



replies 121 Replies 121
Adobe Employee ,
Sep 24, 2012 Sep 24, 2012

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@AnotherAGladys - You can turn off notifications by going to the Flash Player control panel and selecting the advanced tab, then clicking "Never check for updates (not recommended)".  However, I'd recommend leaving the "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" selected, and then just ignore/close any Flash Player update notification you receive in the future.  At least this way you'll silently get the update after 30 days and you'll also be covered for other zero day security issues.





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Explorer ,
Sep 25, 2012 Sep 25, 2012

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Chris, thanks.

I'll do just that

Although it would be have been much, much nicer if Adobe didn't act like a malware pusher in the first flaming place >8-(

I'm coming to London this weekend so, in the absence of any reply contrary to my assumption in Post 48, I'll blithely assume that Adobe are happy for me to park my car at their London offices for free.






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New Here ,
Sep 25, 2012 Sep 25, 2012

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Wow! And just recently you guys did the same for google's stuff... Are you even serious? Either turn off the bundled crapware installation untill you fix the problems or just fix them and make sure they don't repeat. Especially not two updates in a row.

I'm really getting sick of this crap.





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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2012 Nov 22, 2012

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Thanks for the reply. We will no longer be upgrading our Flash Player so long as it is Piggy Backed by Mcafee.





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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2012 Nov 22, 2012

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Lets be clear, it is not free because of charity. It is free to better market the software that publishes the material decoded by Flash player. You cant sell it if nobody can read it.





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Explorer ,
Apr 23, 2013 Apr 23, 2013

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Chris Campbell wrote:

I understand how you feel.  I've passed this along to our team and will continue to do so.  The fact is that these offers help offset the development costs for Flash Player (which is provided for free). 

I've seen you write this a couple of times now, and while on the one hand I do appreciate the presence of an official Adobe voice in the forums and don't want to slam you since your presence here is great, I would have to say that I was singularly unimpressed by that argument itself. It almost sounds like Adobe is doing people a favour by releasing Flash Player for free.

Fact: If you didn't release Flash Player for free, hardly anybody would want it and even fewer would buy it. The installed base of Flash Player would be as close to zero as makes no odds. The number of websites that would deploy Flash would therefore be close to zero, and consequently... your sales of the Adobe Flash development tool would also be zero.

Or they would be, were it not that your CS package licencing is so utterly inflexible that we keep getting junk that we don't want just to try to reduce the total cost of purchase on the items that we do want. When I say "junk" I include both "software that is probably OK but which I have neither the interest nor time to invest in its learning curve" such as Adobe Flash, and unmittigated wastes of disk space like the late and very unlamented Adobe Contributor, the purpose of which I was never able to successfully fathom unless it was to clutter our Office toolbars with buttons and menus which had no discernable usefulness.

"You want PhotoShop and RoboHelp? Well let's see, you can buy them seperately for $xtortionate plus $xtortionate+, or you can buy them in a CS package with Fireworks and Flash and a whole bunch of cr@p that you don't need or want for somewhat less than $xtortionate plus $xtortionate+."

"Hang on, why can't I make a package consisting of only the tools that I want?"

"Noooo, we don't do it that way. By the way, we no longer let you switch your upgrade path between single apps and packaged apps either."

"That's nice of you."

"At Adobe, we like to feel that we have a true partnership with our users. Our hand, in your pocket. Forever. By the way, want to buy a subscription service instead of outright?"

So yes, on that basis I concede that you would still sell some copies of Adobe Flash even if Flash Player was not free, but not that many, and not by design. (And I do fully understand your strategy there which is the hope that today's disk clutter might be something that users try and like tomorrow, but it still gives me the screaming irrits that outside of the Master collection (which I am not paying the obscene Australian price for) I can't get a single package which covers only the applications that I actually want.)

The second thing is that we the user base are painfully aware that it's free on the basis of "you get what you pay for". I look at the number of critical security updates that I get for Photoshop, which is a very fine tool, or Dreamweaver (the same, in my opinion). They are occasional and rarely vital. Flash and Java, on the other hand... well, given that we seem to have A! New! Update! for both on any day that happens to end in a "Y' one can only say that an article on the Sophos site (http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/01/23/oracle-please-stop-sneakily-foisting-third-party-toolbars...) nailed it:

If you're installing a critical security update on your computer, caused by the software vendor's sloppy code quality, you probably wouldn't dream that your software vendor is trying to make some money out of the inconvenience.

The fact that Adobe sees Flash Player as a cost centre rather than what it really is (which is a necessary driver for a profit centre, specifically sales of Adobe Flash as described above) is well and truly reflected in the number of updates that we get lumbered with because Adobe can't be bothered putting the resources into the thing to prevent it needing updates so frequently in the first place.

So believe me, we know it's free. The price shines through in the code quality, every single day. ("Flash Player has crashed! Again! Send crash report!" "It's Tuesday afternoon, time for yet another a Flash Player update to fix more bugs/vulnerabilities that weren't coded correctly in the first place!", etcetera.) It's just an obscenity that Adobe is trying to turn a buck from this sloppiness by trying to sneak unwanted third party software onto our desktop when we do an upgrade. I actually wouldn't care if it was "opt in" but having an "opt out" system means that there will be people who are just so sick of constant updates from code sloppiness that they keep clicking [Next], or who don't understand what is actually on offer, or who are distracted for a moment and bang, it's on their computer and there's another few pieces of silver for Adobe. It's ethically and morally wrong. We know it, Adobe knows it (but will never admit it) and even McAlware probably knows it.





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New Here ,
Sep 03, 2012 Sep 03, 2012

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What's with automatically installing the McAfee crapware??!!  I wasn't given an opportunity to opt-out, something I usually find annoying enough, but this time Adobe just went ahead and installed McAfee, no questions asked.  What sort of BS thinking is that??!  This is the kind of crap that makes me want to install FlashBlock and ask the sites I frequent to move to HTML5.  Look, we all know times are tough, especially for a slow-moving behemoth like Adobe, but maybe you should try to *not* alienate your users.  Heavy-handed moves like this do not endear you to anyone.





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New Here ,
Nov 12, 2012 Nov 12, 2012

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I've been a long time user of Photoshop, Lightroom, and Acrobat. If you EVER install another unwanted program on my compouter (Mcaffee) I will NO LONGER USE YOUR PRODUCTS.





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New Here ,
Nov 13, 2012 Nov 13, 2012

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Yeah, it's actually pretty amazing that a company of Adobe's stature pushes this type of unnecessary and unwanted nonsense on its users.  I know their reply: "Just un-check the box."  Adobe, this is (as you full well know) complete rubbish, and totally counter to the public brand and persona I think you desire.  If you think the default doesn't matter, then choose the "First, do no harm" default, and have the box un-checked by default.  But you KNOW the default DOES matter, and it matters a lot (and it certainly matters to the people paying you to foist this nonsense on your user community).  Either stop this immediately, or risk losing customers by the thousands.





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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2012 Nov 22, 2012

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I think it is just horrible that you sneak Mcafee, and yes, there is no opt out as I stopped the instalation and attempted to change the instalation three times. If there is an opt out, Adobe does a good job of hiding it. In the future, I will now strongly consider your competitiors for my software needs and give negative feedback to those who use your products. In short, have some class Adobe.





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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2012 Dec 02, 2012

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Today, I was notified to download the latest version of Flash.  As usual, I was redirected to Adobe's website and I clicked on the download button.  During the instalation process, I noticed that a version of Macaffe Scan was also installed on my computer.  That's unacceptable. Period.

Adobe played the card of the "already checked box" in fine print, that's fine.

For the next flash update, I would that this forced installation of a software I don't want is disabled or at least, I would like to have the choice to not install Macaffe after downloading the .exe file.  This kind of "sneak installation" feels like adobe is playing us.






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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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Same thing here, has flash player become a trojan? SORT IT OUT ADOBE!!!





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 14, 2013 Nov 14, 2013

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That's disgusting. When I tried to update this morning I didn't see any option to enable or disable mcafee installation this time. I didn't noticed until I saw how the download was progressing including mcafee, with no button to cancel it, and get installed without even asking for permission.






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Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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Okay, so I made this Adobe account only to write how [edited] off I am with this update installing McAfee !!

This is just [edited] and I am uninstalling flash forever ! I can live without it on my iPad so why should i not on my desktop....

On the "Update Now" there is an "optional offer", NO one sees that, you just see the Update now and click that button...

Goodbye Adobe !





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Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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I'm asking that this thread be locked because it has degraded into a profanity laced sounding board and it no longer serves any constructive purpose.





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New Here ,
Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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So 1 angry person using (censored) swear words invalidates 81 other posts? Riiight.

I do believe I mentioned what people are running into in post 81 btw.





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Explorer ,
Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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Thumbs up to 3rdFloor who may have discovered why some people are missing this obscene invasion of system integrity.

So I'm asking that MikeM's sanctimonious post be ignored as long as Adobe carries on in the anti-customer fashion that it's started to over the last few years.

I'd have asked it a lot more quickly had I not just had to go through an incredibly time-sapping and slow (gods was it slow) process of resetting my password because Adobe allowed its servers to be hacked. A process which, incidentally, includes the privacy-invading step of asking for your date of birth. Oh yeah, you're demanding that I reset my password because your servers were hacked Adobe, of course I'll trust you with my DOB. The servers must run on Flash. Or possibly Adobe Air, which also seems to require a daily update but at least doesn't try to sneak defaults-to-yes virus-masquerading-as-antivirus garbage-ware onto your system.

The best way of this thread not being "a profanity laced sounding board"? If Adobe does a 180 degree attitude adjustment in many aspects of its customer relations. It can start with the McAfee thing.





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New Here ,
Nov 25, 2013 Nov 25, 2013

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I will also verify that the reason people are missing it, is becaue of adblock, noscript, or any other such ad blocking browser add-ons...

I use noscript and am not in the habit of allowing anything! Ever! The Download button showed for me, nothing else. And a download button is all I needed...or so I thought.

I ran the installer and saw that Mcafee is installing itself. Luckily it cannot install on an enterprise pc...which just saved my butt.

Besides, isn't John Mcafee a 'person of interest' in a murder? Why on earth would a reputable company want to associate with that?





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Explorer ,
Nov 26, 2013 Nov 26, 2013

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Yup, all the more reason that this should be an opt in, if it must be there at all. Make it opt in and the metaphorical 90% of hate over this issue evaporates because no-one will care if the opt in dialog isn't visible.

As for John McAfee... while I hate the current incarnation of the software that he spawned (I have no idea what it was like back when he first wrote it), I have to admit that the guy has a sense of humour. He made this video about how to remove the software, quoting a lot of letters written by users who express, in rather coarse terms (caution, for those of dainty sensibilities who are offended by naughty words), what they think of the software:


In it he does point out that he's had no connection with the software in over 15 years.

I read about the alleged murder thing... the whole business, including the investigation, smelt odd. I don't know whether he played any part in it or not but I wouldn't be rushing to conclusions either way based on the frankly bizarre reports relating to that.

Regardless of what JM has or hasn't done, I think the overwhelming majority of us can agree that we hate the software and hate the way Adobe is bundling it though.





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 02, 2013 Dec 02, 2013

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@3rdFloor and @kirarik - Could you help me reproduce this problem?  I've tried with Firefox 25.0.1 & AdBlock Plus 2.4 on both Win and Mac and can't get the checkbox to disappear.









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New Here ,
Jan 22, 2014 Jan 22, 2014

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Hi Chris, I just spotted your request in post 88 - sorry it took so song for me to see it.
Went back to that page with adblock turned off and the center pane was blank underneath "optional offer." This time I had to pause Ghostery (script blocker) to get the Lightroom checkbox and photo to appear.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 29, 2014 Jan 29, 2014

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Hi 3rd Floor,

Regarding "This time I had to pause Ghostery (script blocker) to get the Lightroom checkbox and photo to appear." Ghostery will block the ad from displaying.  Ad-blockers, script-blockers, etc will block the ad (middle-panel) from displaying.







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Jan 23, 2014 Jan 23, 2014

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Sorry for this Chris I dont know how else to contact you. I have one special email address that I ONLY use for adobe and only on this forum - [nowhere else] (you will be able to find that out). When I logged in the last time I had to go through Adobe security and change my password. With a few hours of my forum post No 93 I received a direct email from Ruhstorfer Picketpin [ruhstorfer.picketpin(at)getdealstoday.pw] to my special forum email address (I replaced the @ sign with (at) so your system does not get upset. I do not consider this to be a coincidence. This is for your information - I have no objection for you to delete this post. Regards





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New Here ,
Jan 25, 2014 Jan 25, 2014

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I also just created an account with Adobe to complain about this issue.  I was surprised to see the original complaint in this thread started over year ago, and the issue is still happening.  With a corporation as large as Adobe, for this problem to still be happening tells me fixing the problem is not a large priority (yes, my frustration is also showing).  For the record, I did not get an opt-out button.  The link was provided by Blizzard, which took me to an install link for Adobe Flash Player (which also showed step 2 of 3 in the upper right corner).  I clicked the install link.  This was followed by the install process showing Adope on the top line and McAfee on the bottom, with progress bars proceeding from left to right demonstrating simultaneous install of both Adobe and McAfee.  I immediately halted the install, which allowed me an option to continue with only the Adobe product and not any third party add-ons.  I completed the install in this manner, then proceeded to search the internet for why this bundling process was happening.  Of course, I discovered plenty of comments about it, mostly negative.  Perhaps the McAfee product should not be bundled with the Adobe product.  A distinct and separate link to McAfee would be preferable me, allowing me to choose if I want McAfee's software.





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New Here ,
Jan 25, 2014 Jan 25, 2014

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I contributed to this thread well over a year ago and I'm sad but less surprised Adobe has not addressed this issue.

Installing crapware without my permission is a BIG deal.    My customers and my employer would not tolerate it on their systems as well.

I no longer use Adobe products for this main reason - but also for other reasons as well.

The quality of their products has declined and their own internal IT security has declined - so why should they worry about a few hundred developers complaining of crapware.

I needed support over a year ago - and gave the tech my cell phone number to call me back when he had the answer.    He never did provide the answer - yet I've had various idiots call MY cellphone wanting tech support on Adobe products - and they informed me the number was given to them by tech support.    Incredible - preposterous and true.

I've personally purchased Creative Suite Premium twice - and due to the above named reasons and others - I have completely discontinued using this product and all others from Adobe.

Only when enough people voice their position with their money will the higher  ups in Adobe pay attention.    But even then it probably will not occur.    Like a snake - one must cut the head off.

The higher ups who have run Adobe into the ground are the ones who need to go.

I've already left -   for the last person to leave - please turn out the lights.

Thank you.





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