Basic information on Flash Killer / "kill-bit"
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Microsoft has a method to easily disable certain ActiveX controls, using a "kill-bit". It is documented at
The "kill-bit" for Flash Player is documented in
What does that mean?
Flash Player may not be working on Internet Explorer, and the 'Shockwave Flash Object' add-on may not show up at all. Most likely because the FP ActiveX has been "kill-bited" by some anti-malware app.
How to check and remove the "kill-bit"?
WARNING! Fiddling with the Windows Registry may render Windows or installed components unusable. Always make a registry backup or a System Restore Point before attempting to manually change anything in the registry!
- open the registry editor: Start | Run | type
- navigate to this registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}
- if that key does not exist, then the "kill-bit" for Flash Player is not set
- if it contains a DWORD entry with the name
Compatibility Flags
that has any value other than 0x00000000, then the "kill-bit" for Flash Player may be set - to remove the "kill-bit" do any of the following
- change the value from 0x00000400 to 0x00000000 (right-click | Modify | change value data to 0)
- or delete the registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}) completely
- change the value from 0x00000400 to 0x00000000 (right-click | Modify | change value data to 0)
- close the registry editor when done

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Since we had another user that had this Kill-bit on 1/25/11 and used your info, I am bumping this up.
Thanks Pat, good info & idea!!
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I have copied the info from this topic into the sticky "Reader this before you post" article:, so we don't need to bump this any more.
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Resetting the "kill-
bit" to zero fixed my problem.
I entered a seperate post to Flag this fix. It may not solve everyone's problem, but it solved mine.
Thank you very much
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After a PM discussion with eidnolb I realize that it was not the best recommendation to ask users to modify their Windows registry. There are indeed safer ways to update registry information.
The easiest would be if I could upload a .REG file as an attachment, but forum attachments are still disabled. Therefore the next best thing is to have users create, then execute a .REG file. Or download the zipped .REG file at the bottom of this post from my own website.
Do the following:
- open Notepad
- select and copy the three (four, if counting the blank line) lines below, then paste them into the Notepad window
- save the Notepad data as
or similar (to the Desktop, or My Documents), then close Notepad - right-click on the saved file, then rename it to
- double-click on the renamed file to execute it
- when you get a pop-up "Are you sure you want to add the information ... to the registry?" click [Yes].
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}]
"Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000000
Alternatively you can download a zipped version ( from this attachment
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I have entered a Feature Request to add the removal of the "kill-bit" registry key to the Flash Player uninstaller.
The "kill-bit" removal has been added to the 10.3 installer.
Message was edited by: ʇɐb ɹəuəllıʍ