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Flash content (i.e. games) not saving

New Here ,
Oct 19, 2011 Oct 19, 2011

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I've been having this problem since at least Flash 10... was hoping that 11 would fix it, but no dice.  I am nearly 100% certain that it was an upgrade to FP that caused this, because there were no other changes made to the system before it started happening (other than Flash being upgraded).  Here's what's going on.

I use Chrome, my wife uses IE.  She has IE set to clear the cache, cookies, etc every time she exits.  The problem is, apparently there is something in the way Flash manages content across browsers that causes all my saved Flash content in Chrome to be deleted when she exits IE.

For example, if I play a game on, say, armorgames.com, I can save my game just fine; if I close and reopen Chrome and go back to the site, my game save data will still be there.  However, if I save my game and close Chrome, then my wife loads up IE and closes it, if I go back to the game in Chrome, my save data is gone.  This happens on every site where Flash stores content locally.  It happens even if she doesn't go to the same sites I go to.

As I see it, there are only 3 solutions to my problem.  One, my wife and I could use separate computers (not really an option, since we can't afford another machine right now).  Two, she could stop having IE clear all personal data on exit (also not an option, she prefers to maintain a certain level of privacy when she browses).  Three, Adobe could issue a fix for Flash Player that prevents this from happening.

One question: would the same thing happen if she used InPrivate browsing for every IE session?  Or does this still delete all locally saved Flash content upon exit?  If this is a viable option please let me know.  If there are any other workarounds for this, I would be happy to try them out.

Here are how I have the options set on the Settings Manager:

Global Storage Settings - 1 MB of space allowed; "Allow third party Flash content..." and "Store common Flash components..." are both checked

Website Storage Settings - I did have this set to 1 MB, but upon checking again just now, it was reset to None... I went to a different tab and then back to Website Storage and it was back to None... could this be the problem?  If so, how do I fix it?

Now, some system specs.  Both browsers (IE 8.0.7601.17514, Chrome 14.0.835.202 m) have the latest version of FP installed.  System is running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.  Any other stats available upon request.

Thanks in advance!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Oct 20, 2011 Oct 20, 2011

i confirmed that your option to have your wife use private browsing would be viable.  the LSOs are kept in memory and will be cleared when she ends her session.  so make sure to disable the clear cache on close in IE and have her use the private browsing feature.  you could probably pass a parameter in the shortcut.

  • right-click the IE short cut> Properties
  • add "-private" without quotes to the shortcut path
  • save changes
  • double click the shortcut
  • you should be in private browsing by default


Adobe Employee ,
Oct 20, 2011 Oct 20, 2011

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i confirmed that your option to have your wife use private browsing would be viable.  the LSOs are kept in memory and will be cleared when she ends her session.  so make sure to disable the clear cache on close in IE and have her use the private browsing feature.  you could probably pass a parameter in the shortcut.

  • right-click the IE short cut> Properties
  • add "-private" without quotes to the shortcut path
  • save changes
  • double click the shortcut
  • you should be in private browsing by default




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New Here ,
Oct 23, 2011 Oct 23, 2011

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Thanks!  I will give this a try, hopefully it'll work.  I appreciate the help.




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New Here ,
Oct 23, 2011 Oct 23, 2011

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Just confirmed myself... yes, it worked!  Thank you so much!  If anyone else out there has a similar problem, this is the answer.  Thanks again!




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