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Flash Not Detected when playing Royal Games on Chrome

New Here ,
Sep 15, 2018 Sep 15, 2018

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I'm running Royal Games (King) on Windows 10 in both Chrome and Firefox. Well, until the last Chrome update I was. Now Chrome can't find Flash. Firefox has no problem.

Both of them freeze/froze, lag/lagged up to 15 seconds before acting on mouse clicks, and flash weird requests after ever click: menus pop up asking if I want to zoom in or out, save the page, see the code, etc.

I clear the cache at least daily, sometimes more often.

What's up?

Thanks for your advice.






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 17, 2018 Sep 17, 2018

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I branched this to it's own thread because it wasn't really related to the other topic.

Chrome now requires that you authorize Flash Player to run, each and every time a page is loaded.  This is part of Chrome's agenda to deprecate Flash Player, and is intentional.

Content providers like King used to be able to depend on Flash Player being available to execute immediately when a page loads, and would check for the existence of Flash Player.  If Flash Player wasn't there, then the assumption was that you didn't have it installed.  They would then show you an error message or provide a link to download Flash Player.

Those assumptions no longer hold true, and the explicit goal on the part of the Chrome team is to create friction for end-users using Flash Player, such that they'll complain to content providers about the poor user experience.

King could update their content to improve this experience to some degree, but at the end of the day, Flash Player is going away, and the major browser vendors will continue to intentionally degrade the experience until Flash support is removed entirely from the browsers.

So, your options at this point are "experiment with browsers that are less aggressive in restricting Flash content" or "complain to King about the user experience".

It sounds like you have two other issues.  You're getting the right-click context menu when left-clicking (in both Flash and HTML content), and you encounter a performance problem on this specific content.

For the right-click context menu issue, it sounds like you have a button stuck on your keyboard.  You're getting the right-click context menu when you're left clicking.  If you left-click and hold down one of the modifier keys (Ctrl/Alt/etc.), you'll also get the context menu.  There's a really good chance that one of them is stuck.

Cleaning your keyboard should fix that up, plus they just get pretty gross in general:

How to clean your keyboard without breaking it | Popular Science

For the performance issue, sending a constant stream of key events might be enough to slow things down.  If the issue persists after cleaning the keyboard, reboot the machine.  "When in doubt, reboot" is still excellent advice.  If that doesn't help, King is in the best position to figure that out.  Flash Player itself is a language runtime.  We process (compiled) code written by other people and do the low-level work of managing memory and drawing pixels on the screen.  We provide free performance profiling tools to ActionScript developers which allow them to identify and fix slow code in their application.  In the unlikely event that engineers at King identify a language-level performance problem that negatively impacts their game, they can give us a detailed technical analysis, which would allow us to make recommendations and/or bugfixes.

Short of that, there's not much you can do from your end beyond keep fewer tabs open and reboot occasionally.





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