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How can I uninstall Flash Player in Yosemite 10.10.3?
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You can try Uninstall Flash Player | Mac OS link for uninstall information.
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yosemite is not supported there. what can I do?
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Yes it is.
Choose the link that says:
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I am having the same issue. I followed the directions above, but when it gets to this step,
I go to library/preferences but then there is no macromedia. the same is true for the next step
I go to library/caches and there is no adobe flash player.
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I think the instructions might be stale. The uninstaller should clean those up automatically, and it looks like it did in this case.
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OK ,I've tried, but the uninstaller will not accept either my Adobe username and password or my Apple username and password. It just keeps shaking and not letting me proceed. I tried contacting Adobe help and the guy was not helpful at all because it is not the paid version of Flash. I am so frustrated, all I want to do is uninstall! Help
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This password prompt is presented by your operating system, and is intended to keep you from accidentally installing software.
If this is your personal machine and you don't need a password to log into the computer when it first starts up, you can probably leave the password blank and click OK to get past this prompt. If this is your personal machine and your normal password isn't working, check to make sure that CAPS LOCK is off, and type the password carefully.
If this is your work machine and it's asking for an Administrator password, well, you'll need to have a conversation with your friendly IT person.
If you're still stumped, you may need to reset the password on your Mac: